Committee Members present: A Cooper (Chairman)
B Collier Mrs M Cooper
B Dack S Dhaliwal
S Hayes T Naisbitt
Also present: Councillors Mrs Bundock and Mrs Clarey, 6 members of the public, Neil Osborne (DLP Planning) and the Clerk
There were no apologies for absence.
There were no disclosures of interests. Members were reminded that if at any time during the meeting they feel they have an interest in an item being discussed, they should declare it at that point.
The Chairman introduced Mr Neil Osborne of DLP Planning who would be giving a presentation on the proposals for the Steam & Mechanical Organ Collection and Country Park.
Mr Osborne explained that it would be 2 to 3 weeks before they would be submitting a planning application to Central Beds Council due to delays such as finalising work for the Environment Agency and resolution of drainage issues.
He outlined some of the proposals:
· The proposed country park extension would be 15 acres
· There would be a footpath and cycleway from the Baldock Road stub end to the museum site
· A separate pathway would link the site to the Mill
· The proposals comprise a 70,000sft building divided into 3 areas
- The Museum Hall, which would be glass clad and faces towards the town
- Central area, which would house the entrance hall, swing yachts, and restaurant/café
- Multi-function room with a stage, to be used for music evenings, tea dances, etc with a restaurant server and associated changing rooms for events. This part of the building would have a floor level below to house the Wurlitzer organ.
- On the front of the building (southern boundary), there would be a glass fronted projected area which would house the carousel.
The site plans show several large areas of water, this would be mainly from roof drainage, and could be used for flushing toilets, and running the steam engines.
Mr Osborne explained that they had looked at other areas in Stotfold and the surrounding area, but had come to the conclusion that the proposed site on the A507 close to the A1m junction would be most suitable, for the following key reasons:
· Good, safe, road access without drawing traffic into Stotfold
· High visibility and easy to find for visitors
· Footpath/cycle access
· Avoid noise and disturbance to residents
· Desirable relationship with Stotfold Mill
· Should be able to contribute to landscape/countryside objectives
The current Central Beds Council Core Strategy document supports this type of application as it takes a positive stance in promoting tourism and rural economy. It also delivers green infrastructure noted in CS17 within the Core Strategy document.
DLP Planning will be working with Central Beds Council’s countryside and wildlife officers on details for the country park.
The Highways Agency and the Highway authority have agreed with the proposed access into the site.
Opening hours would start mid morning, through to early evening. Entertainment would be held during the afternoon and early evening. This ensures that it does conflict with rush hour traffic.
Public participation – questions, comments & responses
As members of the public were in attendance for this particular item only, the Committee agreed to include the public participation agenda item in this section of the meeting to allow Mr Osborne to answer any questions the public may have.
Mr Clarke
· Wants written confirmation that this proposal won’t open up the area for future housing, commercial sites or gypsy and traveller sites.
· Advised that the pumping station on Baldock Road requires regular access for maintenance as it frequently backfills.
· Liked the proposed access, but felt that this area of the A507 required speed restrictions.
· Said that some residents in the vicinity had concerns about noise.
Mrs Clarke
· Asked how many people would visit the museum.
· Asked how many people would be employed by the museum.
· Asked if the museum would own the country park.
· Asked how far the central reservation area would extend, being proposed for the A507.
· Advised that the Kingfisher Way, a public right of way, crosses some of the proposed site.
Members asked questions, and Mr Osborne gave the following answers to the public and Members:
· The previous planning application for the museum was refused because it was seen as overdevelopment in the countryside, but it was not seen as a tourist site. Now they want to make sure that the planning application argument gives them solid grounds for approval.
· He was unable to say that there would be no over development in the area of the proposal, as Central Beds Council is beginning to think about its site allocation plans. At present there are no plans for development outside the settlement envelope, unless it complies with the tourism requirements referred to previously.
· The proposed access is at the far eastern end of the A507 as that is where traffic is slowing down for the A1m roundabout.
· The majority of visitors to the museum would come by coach, and they have allocated 28 coach parking spaces.
· They will also provide 125 car parking spaces, plus overspill on grassed areas.
· They envisage approximately 20 – 25 coach loads of visitors on event days, which could mean 650 people. They would also encourage educational visits during the week.
· They anticipate employing approximately 130 people for show days, with 4 full-time personnel for administration and management. They would like to provide casual work for young people in Stotfold.
· They would encourage employees to walk or cycle from the town.
· They are still to determine who would own the country park, but envisage Central Beds Council running it.
· They have employed a noise consultant to carry out noise tests and will take whatever steps are deemed necessary. The fact that the building and site is furthest away from the town will help keep noise levels down.
· Regarding drainage, they are aware of the problems and are looking to solve them.
· Entertainment events at the museum would be pre-organised and therefore any coaches would have been pre-booked.
· Concerns were expressed about large scale events and the number of people attending, although DLP Planning don’t envisage such large scale events, and in any case being sited where it is will help with regard to good access to the A1m.
· It was suggested that the applicant could approach the Mill to lease the country park, and it could then be maintained by Teasel.
Mr Osborne was thanked for his presentation, and both he and members of the public left the meeting.
There was none to report.
Members considered suggestions put forward by Pam Manfield of the Town Plan Implementation Group for wildlife friendly trees and shrubs for new developments in the town. The Recreation Grounds, Public Lands and Lighting Committee will also be asked to consider the list, as they are often asked to take on landscaped areas in new developments.
There were reservations about some of the plants suggested, however it was pointed out that on large developments most developers have their own landscape specialists.
Resolved that this Committee takes note of the suggestions put forward for wildlife friendly trees and shrubs, and will look to encouraging the planting of the majority of plants suggested in future development plans. It was also felt that fruit trees should be included on the list.
Resolved that the Planning Decision Notices as listed and forming part of these minutes be noted.
The Chairman advised that he had attended the Central Beds Development Management meeting earlier in the day and reported on the outcome of two applications which were called in for consideration:
CB/12/01007/FULL - 3 Oliver’s Lane – Erection of three bedroom dwelling - a decision was deferred to allow a site visit
CB/12/00726/FULL – Land South of Stotfold, Norton Road – Erection of new building on 0.04ha site to include 1 No. one bedroom flat, 2 No. two bedroom flats, 151m2 (gross internal) A1 shop and 4 No. car parking spaces together with parking bay on main street – application was refused on grounds of inadequate and inappropriate parking provision
Resolved that the comments made on the planning applications as listed and forming part of these minutes be forwarded to Central Bedfordshire Council Planning Department.
Members were asked to approve executive action taken on returning comments on planning applications received, due to very short timescales available:
CB/12/01088/LB - Stotfold Bury, Mill Lane, SG5 4NU - External works to include replacement fenestration
Object to the proposed bi-fold doors on the North side of the 1980's section being out of scale and character with the main listed building. Also object to the proposed painting over of the brickwork of the 1980's section - we are aware that this bare brick finish was insisted upon at the time of this extension to put the new part in keeping with the mainly brick finish of the listed building; the proposed light coloured paint finish would tend to make the extension visually overpower the older brick faced areas to the detriment of its overall appearance. We would also assume that if it should be required, as well as the local Listed Buildings officer, other interested parties such as English Heritage have been consulted?
CB/12/01288/FULL - 167 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, SG5 4JH - Single storey front extension with two storey side extension, as well as conservatory to the rear of the house.
No objections subject to neighbours being consulted.
Fairfield Park Lower School, SG5 4FD - Classroom extension and alterations
No objections subject affected neighbours and all relevant "stakeholders" being consulted.
Resolved that the executive action taken in returning the above comments is approved.
Resolved that it is not necessary for a representative of this committee to attend the Development Management Meeting at Central Bedfordshire Council on behalf of the Town Council.
Councillor Dack advised that Linden Homes own land adjacent to West Drive, but within Arlesey Parish, and hope to develop the land sooner than 2026 due to Central Beds Council looking at forming a new development strategy. As any development on the land concerned would be so close to Fairfield, the FPRA have concerns as to whether dwellings would be of Victorian appearance, and also concerns that the only access would appear to be via Fairfield. If they required access from Arlesey, they would have to open up West Drive. FPRA will be writing to Planning Officers, Stotfold Town Council, Arlesey Town Council and Central Beds Councillors to voice their concerns.
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.11pm