Committee Meeting81- Minutes

Monday 1 October 2012 - 4.00 pm - G L Hearn, 20 Soho Square, London, W1D 3QW

  1. Attending

Keith Murray (); Colin Cottage (); Alison Barker (); Barry Denyer Green (); Charles Lazarevic () Charles Norman (); Paul Astbury (); Richard Honey (); Meyric Lewis ()

Philip Maude (); Paul Singleton ();

  1. Apologies for absence

Richard Guyatt (); Colin Smith (); Matthew Bodley ()

  1. Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

  1. Matters Arising


  1. CPA elections and succession planning
  • Nominations are now closed. There is no voting on Officers, but there 10 members standing for the 5 ordinary member places. Ballet papers have been circulated and the votes will be counted the day of the AGM
  1. Hon Member and Role of Honour
  • MCB had prepared and circulated a list of past officers and committee members. It was agreed a list of past officers should be posted on the CPA website.
  • MCB had also prepared a paper on the criteria for identifying and accepting possible honorary members; and this was used as a guide on the discussion that followed.
  • 4 candidates were identified as possible honorary members at the meeting. RH invited the committee to email him if they subsequently think of any additional names to be considered (at which point the committee will review by email).
  • KM/RH will informally approach the candidates and only after they have accepted, will their names be made public; at a time and place of the Chairman’s choosing. The Dinner was considered a suitable point.
  • For obvious reasons, the names will not appear in these published minutes
  1. Generic invite list for CPA events
  • Most of our events invite special guests. MCB proposed the creation and maintenance of a generic invite and this was accepted. MCB circulated a list of invites for the celebratory AGM as a start list.
  • The committee were invited to email RH/KM on names to be added to the generic list
  1. Draft Annual Accounts
  • CC reviewed the draft accounts.
  • The accounts show a small loss, primarily due to the conference making a loss.
  • Given they are a draft, and the proximity of the AGM where a Treasurer’s Report will be produced, these minutes will not review the accounts.
  1. CPA Reforms
  • Blight
  • Nothing to report.
  • PINS and PRG
  • Nothing to report
  • HS2
  • There is no publication of Blight provisions for HS2.
  • Electronic Communication Code - Telecom code
  • Nothing to report
  • Welsh Reforms
  • RH reported that s237 will be brought into line with England
  • The Welsh Governmentmay consolidate CPO provisions in new legislation
  • Scottish Reforms
  • Nothing to report
  • Light Touch Review
  • Nothing to report
  • Wayleaves
  • Nothing to report
  • Tribunals
  • It was reported there is a consultation on costs. RH will circulate amongst the committee and invite comment
  • National Infrastructure Planning Unit
  • RG is liaising with Robbie Owen of NIPA on this
  • CLG Consultation of planning assumptions in Heritage property
  • MCB reported there will be a consultation on this launched in the coming months
  1. Events
  • AGM 2012 celebrations - Monday 15 October 2012
  • Attendance is already at 80 and the room capacity is also 80.
  • MCB was in discussion with Middle Temple to have a larger room. Subsequent to the meeting, this has now been sorted for only a modest increase in cost.
  • Guests have now been invited
  • Scotland CPA National Conference – 24 October 2012
  • The conference has been marketed and bookings are coming in.
  • South Wales -17th September 2012
  • KM and RH attended what was a first class event. Thanks once more to Stan Edwards, the Welsh convenor
  • SW West - 18 September 2012
  • Sadly, this event has been cancelled once more.
  • Agreed that MCB will introduce a new means of marketing such events
  • A suggestion is whether Southampton might be a better location.
  • NW - 20 September 2012
  • This was an excellent event, organised by Tony Lawton. Thanks to Tony.
  • Annual Dinner – Thurs 7th Feb 2013
  • The date and venue (VSC) have been agreed.
  • RH will consider a speaker for the dinner
  • MCB will review costs with CC and consider whether a price increase is due
  • EGM/Drinks 2013
  • Assuming RH is elected as chairman, there will need to be an EGM to adopt the new Constitution. It would be sensible for this to be combined with a drinks reception.
  • May is the preferred time slot.
  • National Conference 2013
  • June is the preferred date for this.
  • It was earlier noted the conference made a loss. A discussion took place on why this was so.
  • Numbers were down, and fewer non members attended. Certain principles were agreed;
  • Its important that members feel the conference is for them
  • Local authority are an important constituent to the event and we should make available a corporate rate for their attendance next year
  • Promote a non member fee that when paid, gives that person a membership for the coming year
  1. Well connected person
  • Networking with the right people is critical to driving reform and making the people in power recognise the role of the CPA. Having a well connected person always helps in developing events too.
  • PM agreed to approach John Pearce from CLG to assist.
  1. Website
  • Agreed to take down the Bowman letter from the website
  • BDG was encouraged to produce another newsletter/case review
  • PA to liaise with Jade on updates to the website
  1. AOB
  • KM thanked the committee for their full support
  1. Dates for future meetings
  • AGM Monday 15 October – there would be no committee meeting at the event

Thanks are recorded to GL Hearn for hosting the meeting. Meeting closed at 18.00

Compulsory Purchase Association

4a WoodsideBusinessPark, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366
