COMMITTEE DATE: 19/03/2012

Application Reference: / 11/1078
WARD: / Claremont
APPLICATION TYPE: / Full Planning Permission
APPLICANT: / Sainsbury's Supermarket Ltd
PROPOSAL: / Erection of petrol filling station comprising sales kiosk building, flat roof canopy, fuel pump islands and fuel pumps, fills, vents and associated works.


Summary of Recommendation: / Grant Permission


Miss. S. Parker


This application was deferred at the last meeting of the Planning Committee to enable resolution of outstanding highways and design issues. The design has been revised along lines suggested by officers but has not to date been formally submitted to officers. It is anticipated that this will be done before the meeting on 19 March 2012 and that members will be updated through the update note on Friday 16 March 2012. Discussions have been held regarding the highways issues and these should be resolved by the time of the meeting


The application site covers an area of 0.19ha and is currently in use as a public car park in Blackpool Council ownership. The site is bounded by the railway line leading to Blackpool North station to the north-west and Talbot Road to the south-east. The Apollo 2000 electrical store and car park lie to the south-west with the Mecca Bingo hall to the north-east. A public house, car wash and valeting centre, and residential flats face the site on the opposite side of Talbot Road. The site has a frontage of some 50m along Talbot Road.

The application site forms part of the Talbot Gateway redevelopment area which is now known as the Blackpool Central Business District. The Design and Access Statement submitted by Muse Developments in respect of the outline planning application ref. 09/1582 for the Talbot Gateway redevelopment identifies the application site as falling within block which was identified as an opportunity for the development of a new divisional police headquarters, with land for new County and Magistrates Courts directly to the south-east on the site of the current Apollo electrical store. The intention through this application was for this section of Talbot Road to be comprehensively redeveloped to create an impressive arrival point for visitors and a high quality gateway to the town centre.

The Committee will have visited the site on 19th March 2012.


Outline planning permission was granted under ref. 09/1582 for a comprehensive mixed use development over a 10 hectare site with buildings ranging from 2 to 14 storeys in height. A petrol filling station was among the list of approved uses along with a food superstore, however, as detailed above, the application identified the application site as an opportunity for the creation of a new police headquarters and courts complex.


The application seeks planning permission for the erection of a petrol filling station comprising a sales kiosk building, canopy, fuel pump islands and associated works. The application has been submitted on behalf of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd to complement the development of the Sainsbury's superstore approved on the site of Seed Street car park. The kiosk would be a simple, rectangular, flat-roofed, brick building situated at the south-western end of the site some 16m from the back of the pavement along Talbot Road. The canopy would, when viewed on the approach along Talbot Road, be comprised of two shallow adjoining arches with shallow upward angled wings on either side. The canopy would be some 27m wide with an overall depth of just under 1m. The canopy would have a flat profile when viewed across Talbot Road. Although not part of this application, individual, internally-illuminated letter signage would underhang the canopy. No landscaping is proposed and the majority of the grass verge which currently separates the car park from the back of pavement would be lost as a result of the scheme.

The planning application has been accompanied by a Design and Access Statement and an Environmental Desk Study.

A parallel application, ref. 11/1079, for Advertisement Consent has been submitted for the signage proposed on the kiosk and canopy. This application is still under consideration.


The main planning issues are considered to be:

  • the acceptability of the provision of a petrol filling station on the application site
  • the acceptability of the appearance of the development
  • the impact on residential amenity
  • the impact on highway safety

These issues will be discussed in the assessment section of this report.


Environment Agency - no objection in principle subject to the inclusion of conditions meeting the following requirements prior to development: (a) a desktop study has been undertaken to identify previous uses and potential contaminants and generate a conceptual model for the site; (b) an appropriate site investigation has been designed, agreed and carried out; (c) an appropriate risk assessment has been agreed and carried out; (d) a method statement and remediation strategy has been agreed. Development must then proceed in accordance with this strategy to a timetable to be agreed. If any contamination not previously identified is discovered on site, development must cease until the method statement and remediation strategy have been appropriately amended and implemented. Samples should be provided to demonstrate that remediation has been successful with future monitoring to be detailed and agreed.

United Utilities Plc - no response received

Electricity Northwest - no response received

Network Rail - A road separates the proposal from the railway boundary. Storm or surface water must not be discharged onto Network Rail's property or into Network Rail's culverts or drains except by prior agreement. Suitable drainage provision must be put in place. Proper provision must be made to accept and continue drainage discharging from Network Rail property. Suitable, separate foul drainage must be provided. Soakaways must not be constructed within 10m of Network Rail property or at any point which could adversely affect the stability of Network Rail property.

Head of Housing and Environmental Protection Services - no objection raised or comments to make.

Assistant Director of Commercial Services - no objection raised or comments to make.

Head of Transportation (Traffic Management) - the following comments were received in response to the original submission -

  • the modelling of the junction has been based on inaccurate information. The applicant should contact the Authority or relevant PFI contractor to obtain the correct information and re-run the model;
  • the applicant should contact the relevant PFI contractor to determine what changes are proposed to the junction;
  • the sales kiosk is likely to generate pedestrian trips, as such, the developer should fund the addition of pedestrian facilities to the junction;
  • a dedicated right-turn facilities should be considered and the costs met by the developer, the impact of this facility on junction capacity should be considered;
  • changes to the existing junction should not compromise the function of the nearby junction proposed as part of the Central Business District;
  • the petrol filling station may require a formal postal address.

Further discussions have been held with the applicant's Transport adviser and details will be presented in the update note

Fire Service - no response received.

Contaminated Land Officer - the report submitted with the application makes recommendations which are agreed with and which should be required by condition.


Site notices posted 10th January 2012

Neighbour notifications issued 9th January 2012

Two emails of objection have been received from no. 4 Elizabeth Street. The first raised the following issues:

  • no need for an additional petrol filling station in the area
  • impact on human health
  • impact on soil and air quality
  • lack of greenspace in the area
  • increased noise and disturbance
  • money should be spent on facilities for families and children
  • detrimental impact on promoting cycling
  • neighbours will not object because they are not interested in their local area
  • increased risk to personal safety and security at night

The application has been submitted by a private company, issues relating to the level of greenspace and a perceived lack of facilities for children and families in the nearby area is beyond the remit of this application. The application was publicised as required by the relevant regulations. The other issues raised will be discussed in the assessment section of this report.

The second email provided a link to an article in the Daily Mail newspaper relating to potential health risks caused by living close to a petrol filling station.


  • Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development
  • Planning Policy Statement 23: Planning and Pollution Control
  • Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk
  • Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport
  • Planning Policy Guidance 24: Planning and Noise


The Minister of State for Decentralisation (Mr. Greg Clark) issued a Statement 'Planning for Growth' on the 23rd March 2011 which emphasises the Governments top priority to reform the planning system to promote sustainable economic growth and jobs. The Chancellor indicated that the forthcoming National Planning Policy Framework will expect local planning authorities to plan positively for new development; to deal promptly and favourably with applications that comply with up-to-date plans and national planning policies.

The Draft National Planning Policy Framework states that the planning system should promote strong, vibrant and healthy communities by creating a good quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community's needs and supports its health and well-being. ( Consultation period ended 17th October 2011)

The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is indivisible from good planning and should contribute positively to making places better for people. This is a key element in achieving sustainable development.


SR3 - Blackpool North Transport Development Area (TDA)

LQ1 - Lifting the Quality of Design

LQ2 - Site Context

LQ4 - Building Design

LQ6 - Landscape Design and Biodiversity

BH3 - Residential Amenity

BH4 - Public Health and Safety

BH11 - Shopping and Supporting Uses - Overall Approach

AS1 - General Requirements (Access and Parking)

The Talbot Gateway Planning Brief, which was produced in November 2006, is also relevant to this application. The Brief was produced to guide the redevelopment of this part of Blackpool. The document identifies the application site as being particularly prominent on the approach to the Central Business District from the east along Talbot Road. The Brief highlights the opportunity for any development on this site to be a high-quality landmark which would help frame the approach along Talbot Road to the main focus of the Central Business District at TalbotPlaza.


Policy R8 of the Core Strategy Preferred Option (April 2010) is relevant to this application and seeks to support to the transformation and comprehensive redevelopment of Talbot Gateway (now the Central Business District) to provide a stimulating arrival experience and cosmopolitan mix of uses that becomes and exciting new northern anchor for the Town Centre. The policy requires that development should complement, rather than directly compete, and seamlessly connect with the main centre.



There are no planning policies which would prevent the provision of a petrol filling station on the application site in principle. Similarly, there is no requirement for the applicant to demonstrate a need for the facility in this location. However, the development of a petrol filling station in this location would compromise the implementation of the outline planning permission granted for the Blackpool Central Business District under application ref. 09/1582, by effectively removing the opportunity for a new police headquarters and courts complex to be developed on the site as part of the wider Talbot Gateway regeneration programme. This proposal furthered the regeneration ambitions for the area set out in Local Plan Policy SR3 and the Talbot Gateway Planning Brief. Nevertheless, as there is currently no planning application or firm commitment for this larger development opportunity to be realised in the short-term, it is considered that an alternative high-quality development, which would bring the site forward in active use and meet the design standards and regeneration aims of the Central Business District, would be acceptable.


The petrol filling station proposed would include a sales kiosk and a canopy. Initially a flat roofed canopy and panel clad sales kiosk were proposed, but following discussions with the applicants agent, the design of both the canopy and sales kiosk have been amended to provide a more bespoke design for the site. Final details will be provided in the update note. Although not part of this application, the signage proposed would be comprised of individual, internally illuminated letters hung below the canopy.

The wider Central Business District is intended to present an impressive arrival point to visitors and a high-quality gateway to the town. The recently approved Sainsbury's supermarket on the opposite side of Talbot Road was proposed as an iconic, flagship store of the highest standard of design. Similarly, the approved new Blackpool Council offices seek to achieve a high standard of design and identify the area as the civic hub of the town. New public realm and areas of greenspace are proposed to lift the appearance of the area, soften the streetscene and ensure that the Central Business District is enticing for both residents and visitors.

Set against this context, and on the understanding that the use of the site comes at the cost of future development aspirations and the realisation of the wider Central Business District masterplan, the design of the petrol filling station now proposed is considered to be of sufficient quality to merit an approval. On this basis, the Committee is being asked to support the provision of a petrol filling station on the site but only on the basis that the design discussed and agreed with officers is formally submitted before the meeting on 19 March 2012. It is anticipated that the revised design will be communicated through the update note

Residential Amenity

A letter of objection has been received from a local resident raising the issue of additional noise and disturbance that would be occasioned by the development of a petrol filling station on the site. The applicant seeks permission for six fuel dispensing pumps which could serve up to 12 vehicles at any one time, and which would operate between the hours of 7am and 11pm daily. Talbot Road is one of the main arterial routes into Blackpool Town Centre and is therefore busy with traffic throughout the working day and into the evening, particularly at peak times. Additional background noise and activity comes from Blackpool North railway station, Apollo 2000 and, in the later hours, the Mecca bingo hall and two public houses on the south-eastern side of Talbot Road. In future the Sainsbury's superstore is likely to be a source of activity as it will operate on a 24 hour basis. The nearest residential properties to the application site are some 25m away on the opposite side of Talbot Road. The Head of Housing and Environmental Protection Services has raised no objection to the proposal. On this basis, given the scale of the proposal and the character of the wider area, no unacceptable increase in noise or disturbance arising from activity is anticipated.

Highway Safety

The Head of Transportation raised a number of concerns in terms of the original submission and since the last Committee meeting there have been discussions with the applicant's Transport adviser. The outcome of the discussions will be reported in the update note

Human Health

Concerns have been raised relating to the impact of a petrol filling station on human health through the emissions of harmful fumes. The control and regulation of petrol filling stations with regard to emissions standards is governed by non-planning legislation and is therefore beyond the remit of this assessment.

Environmental Quality

A desk-top land contamination study has been submitted to the Council as part of this application. This study identifies a number of recommendations which should be followed in the event of development on the site. Additionally, the Environment Agency has stipulated a number of requirements in terms of site investigation, remediation, control and monitoring. It is felt that an appropriately worded condition attached to any permission granted would ensure that issues relating to land contamination and safeguarding environmental quality are adequately dealt with.


The proposed petrol filling station would not operate on a 24hr basis. The area is well lit and busy with cars and pedestrians well into the evening. Given the scale of the proposal and the character of the area, no increased risks to personal safety and security are anticipated.