12th October 2012

Committee Councillors:Other Councillors

G Trotter: ChairmanE Hillier

D Parker – Vice-ChairmanMrs J Tantawy

Dr N BestP Taylor

K BrownA Tebbutt

L CassieD Thompson

D HerneMrs J Yannakoyorgou

M Horton - ex-officio, Mayor

I Lindley

R Thompson - ex-officio, Deputy Mayor

Dear Councillor,


You are requested to attend the meeting of the Planning and Transport Committee in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, Morpeth on Wednesday 17th October 2012 at 6:30 pm.

All members are welcome to view plans held in the Town Council Offices prior to the meeting, and to inform the Clerk of any questions regarding the same, for which we will endeavour to obtain information from the Planning Authority prior to the meeting. Your attention is drawn especially to plan 12/02740/FUL, for which there is only an electronic version. Anyone wishing to borrow the disc should contact the Clerk.

Members of the Public and Press are invited to attend the business meeting.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Gillian Turner

Clerk of the Town Council

Copied to all other Town Councillors for information.

AGENDA for Wednesday 17th October 2012 at 6:30 pm

In the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, Morpeth

1.Committee Chairman’s Announcements

(i) To encourage members to attend and support the Neighbourhood Plan Launch, commencing Thursday 18th October 2012 to Saturday 20th October 2012.

2.Mayor’s Announcements

None at the time of preparation of this agenda.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. Declarations of Interest

Members to inform the Chairman of Committee of any Declarations of Interest for matters set out within this agenda.

  1. Public Question Time

In accordance with Section 1(d) of the MTC Standing Orders members of the public present may address the Council or Committee at this point on the agenda. The Council/Committee reserves the right to respond or debate the issue at a later date.

(i)A copy of a letter regarding a private ‘bus company is enclosed for members’ information. This has been forwarded to Northumberland County Council (NCC).

(ii)A letter regarding the approval of an application for an opencast at Tranwell Woods and the engagement of a firm of London-based solicitors dealing who specialise in challenging council decisions and judicial reviews is enclosed. An invitation to help financially the funding of such appeals is also included in the letter.

  1. Minutes of the Planning and Transport Meeting held on Wednesday

3rd October 2012

To approve the minutes of the above meeting.

Any matters Arising which are not specific agenda items.

Min.210/12 (181/12) (156/12) - Core Strategy

An update report is enclosed for members’ information.

Min.210/12 (183/12) - Planning Application for Scotch Gill Woods

An acknowledgment has been received but a response is still outstanding.

Min.215/12 – Transport – Review of Financial Support for ‘Bus Services

The NCC’s Community Transport Officer, Ms Jan Chisolm, will give a presentation to members on 7th November 2012.

In addition to the above, at the meeting of this Committee on 5th September 2012, it was agreed that a correspondent who had expressed dissatisfaction with services and shops in Morpeth Town Centre be invited to be involved in the Neighbourhood Plan and the Town’s Benchmarking Exercise. NCC has advised that the gentleman does not wish to receive any further contact from local authorities. (Min.147/12 refers)

Min.218/12 – Any Other Urgent Business – Bellway Appeal

Councillor D Parker will report on the NCC North Area Planning Committee meeting and related matters.

7.Chairman’s Question Time

The Chairman will respond to written questions submitted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Town Council. At the time of preparation of this agenda, none have been received.

8.Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(i)Planning Lists

To consider the enclosed planning lists for the period 24th September 2012 – 5th October 2012 and any plans which have been received without an accompanying list.

(ii)7 South Terrace

Notification of an amendment to the above plan previously considered by this Committee has been received. NCC was concerned regarding the impact of the 2 storey rear projection would have on the neighbour and therefore requested amendments to reduce the width (but not the depth). Amended plans will be available on the night or from the Town Council Offices prior to the meeting.

(iii)Land to the rear of Salisbury Street, Morpeth

For members’ information, an Appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the refusal of Planning Permission by NCC for this location; MTC also objected to this application.

(iv)Proposed base station installation

Details of an initial investigation to determine a suitable site for a radio station has been received Views on the design are requested, prior to the submission of any planning application.

(v)Public Access Live

Details of the changes to live access for planning application consultations are enclosed for members’ information.

  1. Licences

There have been no new licence applications received at the time of preparation of this agenda.

  1. Bridge Street/Traffic Lights

(a) Standard Agenda item until otherwise directed

  1. Transport

(I) Road Closure Notices

Details of the following Temporary Road Closures are enclosed:

  • Temporary and Emergency Footpath Closure U6110 Chantry Place Footbridge, Wansbeck Street, Morpeth*;
  • Emergency Road Closure A197 road over the Telford Bridge;
  • Temporary Road Closure U6067 Coopies Lane Level Crossing.

* Please also see enclosed illustration and report in respect of the damage to the footbridge.

(ii) Proposed Resident Permit Parking at Carlisle View, Morpeth

To consider the enclosed proposals.

  1. Neighbourhood Planning

The latest approved notes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group are enclosed for members’ information.

  1. Consultations

An invitation to comment on an online consultation in respect of proposals for the East Sleekburn Local Development Order and Bates Local Development Order has been received. Initial information is enclosed and members are requested to consider whether MTC should provide comments.

(Note: A reply to an invitation to the Chair of Collingwood School Governors to attend a meeting of this Committee, prior to the formulation of a response in respect of Special Schools and Special Units within Northumberland, is awaited.)

  1. Items of Information


Acknowledgement of support given during the lead up and transition to digital is enclosed for members’ information

  1. Any Other Urgent Business

To consider any other urgent business which has been previously agreed by the

Chairman of Committee and/or Council.