Commissioning of an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) Service in West Yorkshire


The Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire is commissioning an independent Sexual Violence Adviser Service for West Yorkshire. Independent Sexual Assault Advisers are trained to look after the needs of people who have experienceof sexual assault, violence and rape, and ensure that they receive the care and understanding they need. They help victims and survivors of these crimes understand how the criminal justice process works, and explain things such as what will happen if the crime is reported to the police, and the importance of DNA retrieval.

People can refer themselves to ISVA services, or be referred by other organisations with which they are in contact such as health services, the police or other victim support services.

Women and men of all ages experience sexual violence. However many crimes are unreported and a key objective for everybody is to increase reporting.

A number of questions follow. Please answer as many or as few as you wish. Any views you feel able to express will assist us in improving services. After the questions we ask for some information about you. Completion of this section is entirely optional but helps us to make sure we are getting feedback from a broad range of people. Your responses are completely confidential and anonymous.

Completed forms need to be forwarded to David Smith, Third Sector Adviser, OPCC by e-mail byMonday22 Sept 2014. Or it can be posted to him at Ploughland House, 62 George St, Wakefield WF1 1DL.

Q1: Have you been a victim of sexual violence or supported anyone in that situation?

YES NO  Was the crime reported to the police? YES NO 

If the crime was not reported, what was the main reason?

Q2:Are you aware of any of the existing services for victims of sexual violence e.g. police, health services, rape crisis, sexual assault referral centre, independent sexual assault adviser (ISVA), Victim Support, Surviving Trauma after Rape (STAR)? YES  NO 

Have you used or supported anyone who has used these services? YES  NO 

If YES, which one(s)

Please turn over

Q3:If you were a victim of sexual violence which of the following would be the MOST important factor for you about the service that was provided? (Tick all that apply)

Response within 24 hours including weekends /  / Assisting the police to catch and prosecute the person who committed the crime / 
Location of services nearby /  / Independence from police / 
Service available within 24 hours
Including weekends /  / Independence from health services / 
Choice of gender of staff /  / Counselling / 
Services provided in a single-sexsetting i.e. women or men only
The service is located in a centre that
provides other services  / 
 / Referral to other services e.g. health
Support is provided to friends or family 
The service is sympathetic and non-judgemental. 
The service undertakes outreach work
with “hard to reach” groups 
Anything else? Please say what it is. / 
Reporting the crime to the police / 

Q4:Please indicate which of the above is or would be the LEAST important factor for you about the service?

Q5:What barriers would prevent you or someone you support using anISVA service following sexual violence?

Q6:What could be done to overcome these barriers?

Q7:Are there any other comments you wish to make?

Please turn over

Q8:Equality information - Optional

In order to ensure that we provide the best services for all of our communities, and to ensure that we do not knowingly discriminate against any section of our community, it is important for us to gather the following information. No personal information will be released when reporting statistical data and all information will be protected and stored securely in line with data protection rules.
Which Council provides services where you live?
Wakefield  /  / Calderdale /  / Kirklees /  / Leeds / 
What sex are you?
Female /  / Male /  / Prefer not to say / 
Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assumed to be at birth?
Yes /  / No /  / Prefer not to say / 
What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual (both sexes) /  / Lesbian
(same sex) /  / Gay man
(same sex) /  / Heterosexual/
Straight (opposite sex) / 
Other:  / Please specify:
……………………………….…………… / Prefer not to say / 
What is your age group?
Under 16 /  / 16 - 25 /  / 26 - 35 /  / 36 - 45 /  / 46 – 55 /  / 56 - 65 / 
Over 65 /  / Prefer not to say / 
What is your ethnic background?
Asian, or Asian British / Black, or Black British / Mixed / multiple ethnic group / White / Other
Chinese /  / African /  / Asian & White /  / British /  / Arab / 
Indian /  / Caribbean /  / Black African & White /  / Gypsy/
Traveller / 
Pakistani /  / Black Caribbean & White /  / Irish / 
Other Asian background /  / Other Black background /  / Other Mixed / multiple ethnic background /  / Other White background / 
Prefer not to say /  / Other: /  / Please specify
Do you consider yourself to belong to any religion?
Buddhism /  / Christianity /  / Hinduism / 
Islam /  / Judaism /  / Sikhism / 
No religion /  / Prefer not to say /  / Other /  / Please specify: ……………………………………………
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if: ‘a person has a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’
Yes /  / No /  / Prefer not to say / 
If yes above, what type of disability do you have? Please specify:

Please turn over

Completed forms need to be forwarded to David Smith by e-mail or by post to OPCC, Ploughland House, 62 George St, Wakefield WF1 1DL. The deadline for responses is 12 noon on Monday 22 September 2014.

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.