(A general outline of a process which a classis may adopt or use as a template)

(Resources referred to are available on the candidacy page of the web site)

I. Overview:

·  See the checklist for appointing and ordaining a commissioned pastor

II. Application Forms:

·  General application form

·  Learning Plan Template form to prepare for “orientation conversation”

III. Other Helpful Documents

·  A Job Description (showing the ministry responsibilities, supervision and lines of accountability, indication of whether preaching and/or leading the sacraments are to be included in the position.)

·  Financial Plan (for training period and for continuing ministry)

·  Psychological Assessment

·  Background Check and Personal Disclosure

·  Diplomas and Transcripts of formal education, if any

·  Letter of Recommendation from Church Council which seeks to engage the applicant in ministry

·  Letter of Recommendation from Mentor/Pastor

IV. Orientation Conversation:

·  A gathering with the applicant, a representative of the classis, and a representative of the potential ministry or supervising body.

·  A mentor/trainer for the applicant is identified and agreed to by the three persons present.

·  The three persons review the documents listed in “III” above that are available, and make a plan to gather the rest of the documents listed by the time that the learning plan is designed and completed.

·  The applicant takes or schedules taking of a Bible Knowledge Assessment Test:

·  The applicant schedules a psychological assessment under the guidance of the classis representative

·  The classis representative covenants to confidentially review the letters of recommendation, the background check and personal disclosure results, the psychological assessment report, and other personal material submitted for this process. These documents will be shared only with the applicant, the appointed mentor, and the appropriate classis and denominational functionaries, so as to promote a greater understanding of the applicant and readiness for accountability in ministry.

·  A Google Site is established or planned for confidential but accessible filing of all the documents listed above, and other documents gathered during the learning plan. (Note that the denominational candidacy office is able to assist in the creation of a Google Site)

·  The “Commissioned Pastor Process” (i.e. this page) is reviewed, and a meeting is scheduled to create and design the learning plan.

V. Creating the Learning Plan:

·  A gathering with the applicant, the classis plan coordinator, and a mentor/trainer agreed upon at the previous meeting.

·  Review of the job description, the psychological assessment, the diplomas and transcripts, the letters of recommendation, the background check and disclosure document, and the Bible Knowledge Assessment Test, which will inform the plan that will be constructed at this meeting.

·  Recognition is given to the reality that a good learning plan addresses character (the heart), knowledge (the head) and skill (the hands)

·  The key tool for this meeting is the Commissioned Pastor Orientation and Learning Plan Template

·  Assessment is made of the study needs appropriate for this individual and selection is made of the study vehicles for each of the ten basic denominationally required study areas:

1. CRC Ministries

2. CRC History

3. CRC Polity/Church Order

4. Reformed Creeds and Confessions

5. Reformed Perspective

6. Reformed Hermeneutics

7. Basic Bible Knowledge

8. The Art of Preaching

9. The Heart of a Pastor

10. The Call of the Pastor

·  Assessment is made of any other specific areas of study and growth that is desirable for the given candidate.

·  Recognition is given to any specific requirements of a given classis.

·  The various methods of study and study resources are considered and identified for each area of study, as needed, desired and judged to be appropriate (For suggestions beyond individual local mentoring and study, see the list of training programs available)

·  Quantifiable methods of accountability are agreed upon (essays and reports submitted, tests, etc)

·  The role of the mentor is described and contracted, including an agreed number of meetings and times for each meeting. (this element of the learning plan is crucial since the mentor becomes a primary tool in discerning and shaping the heart of the applicant.)

·  The designed plan is prepared in document form that can be submitted to the classis committee, the denominational candidacy committee, and any other entities that are appropriate. Approving bodies have the option of suggesting or requiring modifications to the design. Once all parties are agreed to the plan, the plan is considered approved. (see this link to a template for making a plan.)

VI. Working the Training Plan

·  The applicant, under the guidance and encouragement of the mentor, completes the elements of the approved.

·  Documents, reports, essays, and any other relevant materials are stored on the Google site for review by those persons given access to the site.

·  The mentor and the classis plan coordinator are responsible to make sure that the background check, the psychological assessment, and the recommendations prepared for the applicant are completed, reviewed, and appropriately addressed for the good of the applicant and the church.

·  During the course of the training plan, the applicant and the mentor also review the “Covenant for Office Bearers” (link) making assurance that the applicant will be able to sign this covenant at the appropriate time.

VII. Completing the Training Plan

·  When all elements of the plan are completed, a report is sent by the mentor to the classis committee, the denominational candidacy committee, and any other entities that are appropriate. The report validates that the plan has been completed successfully, and gives a thoughtful endorsement by the mentor as to the “character/knowledge/skill” of the applicant..

·  The Church Council or an appropriate representative of the calling church offers a written statement of final endorsement, which is submitted to classis, along with the endorsement of the candidacy committee and the documents required in Church Order Supplement Article 23-a so that an examination can be conducted.

VIII. The Classis Examination (See Church Order Supplement Article 23-a)

IX. Ordination of the Candidate: Upon successful completion of the classis examination, a service of ordination may be scheduled. (See this link for a list of resources for use in the service of ordination.)