Commission On: Jacksonville WaterwaysOctober 11, 2017

Jacksonville Waterways Commission


Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall / Wednesday, October 11,2017-9:30 A.M.
C/M Lori Boyer, Chair- Exc 11:40 / Philip Zamarron, Legislative Assistant
C/M Al Ferraro, Vice Chair / Paige Johnston, Asst. General Counsel
C/M Aaron Bowman- Exc 10:00 / Dr. Quinton White, Jacksonville University
C/M Jim Love - Alternate / Dr. Gerard Pinto, Jacksonville University
Garrett N. Barket / John J. Jackson, Research Assistant
Senator Aaron Bean- Excused / Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator
Lane T. Burnett
Jed Davis
Steven Davis- Exc 11:30
Jill D. Haskell
Ralph C. Hodges
Raymond S. Pringle, Jr
Steve Swann
Marshall Adkison, Ex-Officio
Michelle Tappouni,-Ex-Officio

Meeting Convened: 9:30 A.M.Meeting Adjourned:12:05 P.M.

If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

RULE 4.505DISRUPTION OF MEETING No member of the audience shallapplaud nor make any noise or remarks that are audible to the Committee that would indicate approval or disapproval of anything being discussed. Any disregard of this rule may result in removal by the Sergeant at Arms.

REQUEST TO SPEAK:1. Fill out a speaker card.

2. Sign it if you are going to speak.

3. Read the rules on the back of the card.

4. Place card in tray.


Matt Brockelman

Brian Burket, Waterfront Proj Mgr

Geoff Sample, SJRWMD

John Flowe, EQD

Jim Orr, Hunter Bradshaw & Tom Kallemeyer, FDEP

Katie Mitura, Visit Jacksonville

Wayne Young & Jordan Pope, JEA

I. / Approval - Jacksonville Waterways CommissionMinutes for September 13, 2017
II. / Explore Jax website
Ken Lathrop, Chief, Information Technologies
Sherry McGuire, IT
III. / 2017-663Kurt Wilson, Director, JFRD & Renee Hunter, Chief, Real Estate
ORD Sovereignty Submerged Lands Fee Waived Lease Renewal (BOT File No 160348022) with Internal Improvemt Trust Fund of State of Fla, Bd of Trustees, to Operate a 5 Slip Docking Facility for Exclusive use of Mooring Emerg & Rescue Vessels in Conjunction with Upland Municipal Rescue & Fire Station at 9350 Heckscher Dr for 5-Yr Term at No Cost. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)
Approve 9-0
IV. / St. Johns River Status Report on Water Quality and Manatees
Dr. White and Dr. Pinto
Dr. Pinto – 12-month sampling on type of vessel that caused manatee deaths.
V. / Oyster bed presentations
Bill Karlavige, Environmental Quality Div, Neighborhoods Dept
Jill Fleiger, Div of Aquaculture, Fla Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services
VI. / Zoo report- Steve Swann
VII. / Big P grants report (state grants for larger boats) - Deferred
VIII. / Dock damage assessment after Hurricane Irma- Jim Suber - Deferred
IX. / Lift station failures during Hurricane IrmaBrian Roche, JEA
X / Downtown ADA kayak launch- School Board site and Gefen Park - Deferred
XI. / Update ontask assignments- None
XII. / Subcommittees schedulingFIND Subcommittee October 26, 2017
XIII. / New Business- None
XIV. / Old Business- None
XV. / Public Comments:
John Nooney
John Flowe provided information from Janie Thomas
*Other items may be added at the discretion of the chair.*