Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Executive Summary for the Combined State Plan Modification

On January 25, 2016, the Texas Workforce Commission approved the Combined State Plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Program Years 2016–2019. The Plan was signed by the Governor’s office and submitted to the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education before April 1, 2016. This Plan was based on the draft federal planning requirements issued in an Information Collection Request (ICR) on July 27, 2015. Changes to the requirements in the strategic and operational elements and the Agricultural Outreach Plan were issued in subsequent ICRs on December 9, 2015, and February 18, 2016.

This plan modification incorporates the followingchanges, based on the revised requirements:

  • Added labor participation rates to the economic and workforce analysis.
  • Modified the section on assessment of core and one-stop partner programs to include:

statements indicating that these assessments would take into account local planning goals; and

how the state will conduct evaluations and research projects on activities under WIOA core programs.

  • Added content to address the accessibility of the one-stop delivery system for individuals with limited English proficiency.
  • Added a description of how the state will implement and monitor the service priority for public assistance recipients, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient.
  • Added a description of the state’s criteria regarding local area transfer of funds between the adult and dislocated worker programs.
  • Added a description of the strategies the state will use to achieve improved outcomes for out-of-school youth.
  • Added an assessment of the agricultural activity in the state.
  • Added an assessment of the unique needs of farmworkers by summarizing Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) characteristics.
  • Added the state’s proposed strategies for serving MSFWs and agricultural employers.
  • Added the description of collaborative agreements that TWC has with other MSFW service providers.
  • Added more material for Review and Public Comment.
  • Added a data assessment that reviews the previous 4-years of Wagner-Peyser data reports on performance.


Staff recommends approvalof this modification to the WIOA Combined State Plan for a 30-day public comment period.

Executive Summary PY16 WIOA CSP Modification (03 30 16)Notebook.docx1