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Outcome Strategy: 2020 Vision

The Co-ordinating Group has been working to develop a strategy that will help to bring about our collective vision for a fully inclusive Methodist Church. The strategy has taken a few months to develop and we have been helped by many of our friends and supporters along the way, including a consultation exercise held during our annual residential at Luther King House, Manchester at the end of January. Through the implementation of the strategy we want LGBTQI people to feel fully welcomed and affirmed in every Methodist Church in Great Britain. We also want same sex marriage to be accepted, celebrated and implemented in the Methodist Church. We want all of this to happen by 2020. Some of our supporters may think that’s too long to wait; others may feel that our goals are unrealistically ambitious. However, we feel that this is the right approach and a reasonable time-frame in which to see our desired change achieved.

Our strategy will be formally launched at the Outcome Public Meeting on 30th May. We have created a short summary of the strategy in leaflet format which will be available on our website and we are also producing 10,000 print copies. The strategy covers five key areas: changing Outcome as an organisation; facilitating debate in the Church; reviewing the core of Outcome’s annual activities; and developing theology, liturgy and publications.

Amongst the key actions in the strategy are recruiting an Outcome ‘link person’ in each District who can facilitate dialogue and discussions on issues of sexuality and gender identity and support congregations wishing to become more inclusive. Facilitating and supporting dialogue and debate within Circuits and Districts, especially following on from last year’s report to Conference on marriage, is key. We will also be implementing a more targeted communication strategy, both to engage with the Conference Task Group that is taking forward the marriage consultation proposals, but also to influence opinion in the Church more generally and to promote ‘good news’ from around the Connexion.

We hope you will be able to join us on 30th May when we launch our strategy. However, if you can’t make it, please download a copy of the strategy leaflet from our website after this date. Details on how to become an Outcome District ‘link person’ can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. If you have other views or ideas relevant to the strategy or if you are able to support this work in other ways, please do get in touch.

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District ‘Link Person’



As indicated above we are seeking to recruit volunteers who can act as ‘link people’ within Methodist Districts. The main role of the ‘link person’ will be to enable a LGBTQI-affirming perspective to be shared in discussions at District, Circuit or local church level involving issues about sexuality, gender and/ or marriage; and to support churches who wish to take action to become more fully inclusive. ‘Link people’ will be supported by the national Co-ordinating Group of Outcome through the provision of a ‘tool kit’ of practical resources (Powerpoint presentations; discussion questions; information sheets; leaflets, etc) and through the offer of informal training and/ or mentoring support, as required. The role could be undertaken by one person within a District. However, where more than one person is willing to help, sharing the role would be an ideal approach.

Person Specification

  1. A member of the Methodist Church or regular worshipper in one of its churches
  2. A person who identifies as LGBTQI or as heterosexual (straight) but supportive.
  3. Someone who is fully supportive of the aims, objectives and goals of Outcome and committed to equality and diversity for all
  4. Someone with experience of public speaking and/ or facilitating small groups/discussions (e.g. through being a local preacher, worship leader or fellowship group facilitator)
  5. A person who feels comfortable speaking and listening to different people in different contexts
  6. A person with a calm, open and empathetic approach to dialogue, rather than an antagonistic or oppositional disposition

Specific Tasks

  1. To respond to requests from either the Co-ordinating Group or to District, Circuit or local church for assistance in facilitating debate on issues of sexuality, gender or marriage
  2. To use the resources provided by Outcome and those locally developed, to help facilitate dialogue and debate
  3. To act as a conduit for information from Outcome to the District and its officers
  4. To keep the Co-ordinating Group informed of District, Circuit or Church initiatives to explore sexuality, gender or equal marriage and of local examples of good practice (e.g. LGBTQI-friendly worship or support groups; churches providing services of recognition for gay couples who have married or entered a civil partnership) or bad practice (e.g. instances of discrimination)
  5. To act as a general ‘link person’ – connecting enquirers with LGBTQI-friendly churches; signposting people to resources etc
  6. To be willing to commit a limited but realistic amount of time to fulfilling the role. (As a rough guide, you might facilitate a maximum of four discussions/ consultations per year. The role of being a general ‘communication link’ is not anticipated to take more than 2 hours per month).

If you feel this is a role you would wish to explore further or take on please e-mail us at



May 30th: Outcome Day at Wilbraham St Ninian’s

URC, Chorlton, Manchester. Theme:

“An Inclusive Church: This Year? Next

Year? Sometime? Never?” The Vice-

President of Conference, Gill

Dascombe, will be with us.

(It is not too late to book – booking form attached)

June 25th – July 1st: Outcome Stall at Conference

which meets in Southport

June 29th: Outcome Conference Meeting at

Lord Street West Church,

Southport (8pm) - Programme

still to be finalised

Advance Date for 2016:

May 28th : Outcome Public Meeting in Bristol with the

President of Conference, Rev Steve Wild


Can you help staff the Outcome Stall at the Methodist Conference in Southport on any of these days: June 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th . If yes, please e-mail us with the particular date(s) you can offer.


A monthly LGBT fellowship is held at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Rickmansworth, Herts. and provides a programme of discussions, speakers, and worship over tea, coffee and cake.

A helpful format was devised at Totnes Methodist Church, Devon to look seriously at how to take forward issues around same-sex relationships. The evening began at 5pm over tea to provide a relaxed atmosphere and the session was led skilfully and sensitively by the Chair of District. The end result was that those there felt ready to be counted as an inclusive, open church and wish to be seen by others as a place where all are equally welcome.

Do keep the Good News stories coming!


Outcome’s AGM this year will be held during the May 30th meeting in Manchester. The present members of the Co-ordinating Group have indicated they are happy to stand for re-election but feel that it would be helpful to elect TWO more people to share the work. Please do contact us if you wish to stand for election. There are usually three Co-ordinating Group meetings per year, normally held in Manchester, but we have sometimes used Skype when geography has been a problem!


Contributions around theology, sexuality and spirituality are sought by the end of June for our next publication, NO CONDEMNATION. Please send them to
