Comments from VDOE- T/TAC visit 4/11/05
Richmond, VA

1.  Summary of Comments-- pages 1 - 2

a.  Visual Design

b.  Section 6: Budget

c.  Other Recommendations

2. Participant Questionnaire Comments-- pages 3 - 4

Summary of Comments

Visual Design


Ø  Remove or disable the IE browser buttons to avoid loss of data. (Back button in browser—will it lose data, can we disable browser buttons?).


Ø  Section 2- Include goal title after each goal should have name descriptor next to it in every section Goal and number appears (same for section 3, 4, 5 & 7). Example:

Goal # 1

Ø  Additional instructions on how users can send information and attachments for review to VDOE TA (request approval).


Ø  More explanation about what template means (we will send you the content for this pop-up).

Ø  General Information Section- all fields required message should say,

“All fields are required for this section.”

Ø  Explanation in “Publish” once LIP is published it can not be edited.

Ø  A few Technical Assistant (TA) requested for “View Sample sections” and LIPs.

Ø  Create how page—this page offers template option—make explanation link bigger (What does download a template mean?) and in pop-up be more explicit about how user doesn’t need to use a template first.

Section 6: Budget Form

Ø  On the budget form on the top left hand side where the Applicant 3 digit code is written should say “School Division #”. Below is the format:

3 digit code:

School Division #:

Other Recommendations

Ø  Need to have contact information for Seunghun OK if there are problems with site. This will be placed in the “Help” pop-up and at the bottom of the pages. Below is what it should state:

If you have any questions, concerns, or problems please contact .

Ø  Dr. Abrams wants to review the disclaimer for publish. There may be a change to the disclaimer after the review.

Ø  We want a login password for the TAs where they can walk through the system or be walked through—this password will be cleared out after use everyday.

Ø  Dr. Abrams wanted there to be a tracking system on how many people are using the site.

Ø  Judy Hudgins requested that when users check goal 5: parental involvement is selected for LIP.

Participant Questionnaire Comments

What do you like least about this system?

Name / Comments
Dr. Abrams / None
Marie / Remove back/forward buttons to avoid loss of data
Diane / Movement from section to section
Judy / None
TA 1 / More explanation about what getting template means
TA 2 / - Disclaimer may not be read
- Some LEAs will check “I accept” and Publish before VDOE Approval
Irene / None

What do you like best about this system?

Name / Comments
Dr. Abrams / Organized in a very useful way
Marie / Very Clean Screens
Diane / Appears to flow easily
Judy / - More than one person can view the application process
- All LIPs available for viewing eventually
- No paper if you don’t want it
TA 1 / Format
TA 2 / Ease of drop down boxes
Irene / I will let you know

What are you suggestions about improving the system?

Name / Comments
Dr. Abrams / - Secondary approval by goal number for VDOE blend copy
- Instructions for users to send additional information and
attachments to work with VDOE TA
Marie / -General Info section- all fields required message should specify contact information section
- Section 2- Include goal title after each goal # (same for section 3,4,5 & 7)
- Clarify Applicant 3 digit code in section 6
- Section 6- auto sum column C for total proposed budget
- Is column D something that should be read only for LEA?
- Section 6- capital outlay- describe items over 5 k
- Section 6- rename ‘proposed equipment’ to ‘capital outlay proposed equipment’
- Section 6- rename ‘proposed Out-of-State/Country Travel’ to ‘Other Charges: proposed Out-of-State/Country Travel (destination ‘………’)
- Section 6- other Charges: (detail out of state/ country travel below)
- Print – It does not shoe up personal information
- Print report- Pulling data from the budget.
- Show some type of break between data in sections
Diane / None
Judy / When parental involvement (goal 5) is checked. It should be CC to Judy
TA 1 / - Explain once the LIP is published it can not be edited
- Budget Summary
- Spelling Personnel Services (1000)
- Add object code #
- Add 7000 joint operations
- Remove Patental (Parental) involvement
TA 2 / None
Irene / I will let you know