Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 22nd & 23rd, 2017
Good evening (Good morning), Welcome!
Today we are celebrating the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Today’s Mass Intention is for:
5:00pm Robert Himmelmann †
9:00am For the People of SVdP
Today we hear about God as a Father who is both merciful and just, about God who is mighty, and about the Spirit who comes to our aid. In the Book of Wisdom, we hear that God is both mighty and lenient. The second reading reminds us that the Spirit helps us in our weakness, and intercedes for us according to God’s will. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches about God’s kingdom, and offers parables of grain and weeds to explain it.
Please stand... and prepare to receive our Lord in Word and Sacrament...
Please place Parish Petition Book underneath the ambo, and the cantor/music ministers assume responsibility for beginning the “gathering song.”
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 22nd & 23rd, 2017
PRIEST:Let us bring our petitions to the Father, who hears and answers all of our prayers.
†For Pope Francis, our bishops, priests and deacons, that the example of their lives may continue to give witness to God’s mercy and love...We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.
†For those in public office, that they may be open to God’s grace, and work to protect the weak and vulnerable in their midst…We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.
†For the sick and the lonely, that through the love and compassion of others, they may know of God’s unfailing presence in their lives…We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.
† For this faith community, may we take time each day to give thanks to God for the many gifts he bestows upon us, and strive to serve him with joyful hearts …We pray… Lord hear our prayer.
†We pray for our parish concerns and for all the intentions written in our petition book; for all those who are recently ill, especially:
Sharon Dunn
And for all who have passed away, especially:
Ed Alameida Sr.
We pray…Lord hear our prayer
PRIEST: Father, hear our prayers and grant us the grace needed to lead lives which are holy and pleasing to you. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN!