
Needham Housing Authority

May 19, 2016




MAY 19, 2016 – 7:30 PM




Chairman Peter Pingitore Debra Jordan, Executive Director

Vice Chair Reginald C. Foster Paul Dumouchel, Assistant Director

Commissioner Karen Hughey Sandra Amour, Office Manager

Commissioner Scott Brightman


Commissioner Andy Cohen

Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the Secretary of the Needham Housing Authority by preparing a Public Notice dated May 17, 2016, setting forth the date, time and place of this meeting. Said notice was filed with the Clerk of the Town of Needham and provided to persons requesting it.

RESIDENT/PUBLIC INPUT: Mr. Dey reported that the work at Seabeds Way is going well, the landscaping is nearly done, and the tenants have been watering the grass seed that was spread. E.D. Jordan responded that the patio door replacements should begin next week and that the common area door should begin June 1. A meeting was proposed regarding the planters at the entrance of the buildings. Mr. Dey also reported that after having lived at both the Chambers Street units and the Seabeds Way units, The Chambers Street development is sorely lacking and asked what could be done to upgrade the conditions there. E.D. Jordan replied that a retreat is in the works, which will allow the Board and Administration to discuss the vision of the housing authority and come up with a plan to address matters such as these. Commissioner Hughey asked about gardens being planted in the raised beds behind the community room and Commissioner Brightman mentioned that the Exchange Club might be available to provide some assistance with setting up a garden.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: Chairman Pingitore announced that E.D. Jordan has given 30 days notice and will be leaving her employ as Executive Director of the Authority. She said that she will meet with the residents, reassuring them during the transition period and that she and Assistant E.D. Paul Dumouchel have had a meeting to discuss how things will be handled. Chairman Pingitore laid out the process for recruiting and vetting a new executive director for the board members who were not present for the most recent E.D. vetting and hiring process. A special meeting will be scheduled to begin the recruitment procedure. He also requested that Commissioner Hughey reach out to the tenants to get tenant involvement. Commissioner Foster volunteered to be part of the hiring committee.

Seabeds Way and Captain Robert Cook Drive Update: The E.D. reported that we are in the homestretch at Seabeds Way. She went on to say that after speaking with Andy Barr, the engineer from the SBW project, she had Vareika Construction remove some siding at diverse points at the Captain Robert Cook Drive properties and found that the construction of those buildings was the same as it was at SBW, no plywood behind the cement siding. She went on to say that the size and layout of the roofs is quite different from that of the Seabeds property, keeping such disastrous circumstances at bay to this point.


Approving the minutes of the April 21, 2016 Regular meeting

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Approving the implementation of the No Smoking Policy for all Needham Housing Authority developments effective October 1, 2016.

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Approving and authorizing the Executive Director to sign the Certificate of Final Completion and Application for Payment for Davison Company Inc for $3,242.75 for boiler replacement at Mathews House 1415 Great Plain Avenue Needham, MA, DHCD FISH # 203048.

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Approving the budget certification for Budget Revision #1 for fiscal year 2016 for Linden/Chambers.

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Authorizing the Chair to execute an amendment extending the term of the current management agreement between the Needham Housing Authority and the Wellesley Housing Authority until July 31, 2016 with all other terms and conditions of the present agreement remaining in full force and effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Authorizing payment of the bill roll/check roll listed on the Warrant dated May 19, 2016 for $393,441.48, as follows:

Section 8: 120 vouchers------$120,886.85

Payroll checks (4/20/2016) #500192-500204------$22,679.84

Payroll checks (5/4/2016) #500205-500218------$22,098.19

A/P Check (5/17/2016) #28960-29041 ------$227,776.60

Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Pingitore and seconded by Commissioner Foster, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.

Executive Director’s Report

Wellesley Housing Authority Update

Seabeds Way Sources & Uses

Accounts Receivable & Vacancy Report

Accountant’s Compilation report –March 2016

Davis Malm & Dagostine memo regarding prevailing wages

Resident Services Report

CHAIRMAN’S /COMMISSIONERS’ ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chairman Pingitore said that he regrets that E.D. Jordan is leaving and that we really appreciate all the effort she has put in during her tenure here, especially with the monumental task of the remediation, repair and the funding of Seabeds Way.


Adjourning the regular meeting to the High Rock Homes, LLC meeting

Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Pingitore and seconded by Commissioner Foster, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Reconvening the regular meeting of the Needham Housing Authority

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Hughey and seconded by Commissioner Foster, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Adjourning the regular meeting of the Needham Housing Authority

Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, it was passed by unanimous voice vote.


Time of Adjournment: 9:00 pm


Thursday June 16, 2016 7:30 pm Regular Meeting 34 Seabeds Way