Retention and engagement continue to be among the top priorities of most organizations. Managers know that engaged employees make their jobs easier and are essential to an organization’s long-term success. Winning the loyalty and commitment of talented employees is a critical managerial responsibility and a key to survival in the ever-changing world of work.

Career Systems International’s Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em workshops, based on the concepts of best-seller Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay (by Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, Berrett-Koehler, 2002), are designed to equip managers with the practical strategies they can use to retain, engage, and encourage the talents of their people. It is about winning employees' loyalty and commitment. It is about becoming talent-focused to build an ever-stronger organization. It’s about increasing your customer satisfaction by building employee satisfaction.

Our approach is flexible, based on proven content, and is affordable to implement. And it is now available in an interactive, comprehensive on-line, self-study format, modeled after our highly-successful full-day workshop/classroom experience.


Unhappy Employees:

  • 55% of today’s workforce are NOT engaged and 19% are actively disengaged
  • Eight of 10 workers are expected to look for new jobs as the economy recovers
  • 48% of managers are looking for new jobs or plan to do so in a recovering economy
  • Turnover costs can reach upwards to 200% of a worker’s annual salary
  • Disengaged workers are costing the US economy $300 billion or more per year (11+% of payroll costs)

Changing Demographics

  • 10 million shortage in US workforce predicted by 2010
  • 43% of US civilian labor force eligible to retire in next decade
  • 58 million job openings projected by US Bureau of Labor by 2010

Employees Want:

  • Exciting Work & Challenge
  • Career Growth, Learning & Development
  • To work with great people and form great relationships
  • Supportive management and a great boss

Employees leave bosses, not organizations.

88% of managers believe it is difficult to attract and retain talent – and even more difficult to keep them engaged.


This flexible on-line workshop uses self-assessment tools and action activities that match and enhance the classroom exercises (integrating audio and streaming video throughout) to deliver a welcome message and seven key strategies for keeping and engaging talent in any economic climate.

The first step is an introductory lesson that provides navigational guidelines and what the participant can expect.

Eight self-contained lessons or quick studies are provided, each with specific homework assignments that enable it to be rolled out over a period of time or all at once.

Each module provides 10-15 screens apiece and is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete (5-6 hours for the entire workshop).

An on-line toolbox not only provides action activities for the workshop but also serves as an ongoing sustaining support for workshop participants. The toolbox provides direct access to all activities and tools experienced throughout the workshop as well as use of the A to Z tips, videos and to do’s for all 26 Love ‘Em strategies.

Participants will begin to build and maintain engagement plans with action items and follow-up for each of their employees as well as themselves.

The Modules:

Talent in the Spotlight

People Stay for More Than Pay

The Buck Stops Here

Am I a Talent Magnet?

Ask…So You Don’t Have to Guess

Strategies That Work

From Ask to Action: Making It Happen


In addition to the instruments and assessments used in the workshop, additional tools are included in the on-line toolbox:

A – Z On-The-Spot Tips: A searchable tool that uses audio and video-streaming to present and model the key principles of the 26 A – Z retention strategies. Also included are several recommended actions (small, medium, and large) that can be taken to support each strategy.

Virtual Employee File: A section is included in the Engagement Planner for learners to build individualized retention and engagement plans for team members, recording specific strategies and ideas about each, plus a To Do list to manage retention efforts for all the talented members of the team.

Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em E-Card Coupons: An innovative tool that allows learners to browse, select, and send e-card coupons to their employees. The 26 coupons focus on the A to Z retention strategies, and can be redeemed by the recipient to receive a positive, constructive response from the manager.

Workshop Goals:

Increase managers’ awareness of the importance of engaging and retaining their employees.

Determine the cost of losing talent.

Identify retention and engagement challenges within their department or organization.

Identify star performers who may be at risk.

Equip managers with the strategies and tools they can use to become more talent-focused.

Increase the engagement and retention of employees.

Reduce the losses associated with employees leaving the organization.

Managers will have the tools to build individual retention and engagement plans for all members on their team, as well as developing a plan for themselves to address with their manager.

Managers will develop skills and behaviors to hold engagement conversations and implement specific retention strategies to retain and engage the members of their team.


Increased employee performance, combined with lower turnover, results in greater profitability.

Organizations with engaged and productive employees develop brand recognition as employers of choice.

Customer satisfaction increases when the organizational culture fosters employee satisfaction.

Emphasizes the roles managers play in engaging and retaining talent.

Introduces the skills vital to managing, engaging and retaining today’s diverse workforce.

Enhances communication as managers learn to hold powerful engagement conversations with employees.

Builds a productive and healthy organization that people will not want to leave.

For additional information please contact:

Love ‘Em on-line / webJuly 20, 2004