Dear colleagues,

We are a school for the Deaf and Hard of Hearingand we want to start a Comenius school partnership next year. Our school is situated in Bremen, in the north ofGermany.

In the following you will find two suggestions for a school partnership but we are also open for any other proposals in this matter.

SCHOOL / Schule an der Marcusallee /Förderzentrum für die Bereiche Schwerhörige und Gehörlose (School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing )
Function / Teacher ( English and Spanish ) Organisation of the integration project (hearing impaired pupils in regular local schools )
ADDRESS / 28359 Bremen, Marcusallee 31 Deutschland
PHONE / 0421/36114360
0421/36114390 / FAX
Web Page /
1. Number of pupils: 100.
2. Mixed: no O yes x 40 % boys. 60 % girls
  1. age range: 6 – 17 years
4. Children with special needs? no O yes x
Departments at school: Vorschuleinrichtung ( Kindergarden )
Pädoaudiologische Beratungsstelle ( early childhood parents guidance )
Klassen (1 –10 ) für Schwerhörige und Gehörlose ( primary and secundary education for deaf and hard of hearing )
Integration für Hörgeschädigte an allgemeinen Schulen
(integration of hearing impaired pupils in regular local schools )
Ideas for a potential project:
Project 1
Pupils with Cochlea-Implantation in regular local schools. Exchange of international experiences
Children with severe hearing loss will usually attend special schools for hearing impaired children. When possible, many parents prefer that their child attend a regular local school.If a child attends a regular school, it is important to make sure that the teachers are educated as to the unique needs of a hearing impaired child. Once these needs are met, most children will do quite well. Maybe we can compile a checklist that should be considered when choosing a school for a hearing impaired child.
What is a cochlear implant?
The cochlear implant is a miniature device that enables children with profound hearing loss to perceive sound.The device includes an array of electrodes implanted within the cochlea of the inner ear. The electrodes generate electrical activity that is used to directly stimulate the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve then passes this information along to the hearing centre of the brain. Thus implantation is usually recommended for children with profound hearing loss in both ears, that have shown little prior success with hearing aids.
The child learns to hear and to speak. The best way to improve is a normal hearing environment and special therapy besides.
Project 2
Total Communication / Internationale Gebärden
Fairy Tales in signed language
For example: we will put the fairy tale “ Bremer Stadtmusikanten “ in sign language.Maybe we find a school, which is interested in this project.

Contact person:

Ms. Marlies Hampe

Tel.: 0421/ 702945
