“Come As You Are” Groups

Groups are formed in a beginning experience of small community focused on establishing trust and building a sense of belonging. Come As You Are is a non-threatening way to begin to deepen reflection on one’s own life and experience and to learn from the experience of others. This basic experience serves as the first phase in the development of ongoing small Church communities in the parish. The group should meet for about two hours weekly for twelve weeks.

“Pray As You Are” Groups

The group formed in “Come As You Are” continues a phase 2 experience of small community focused on praying both alone and together. Pray As You Are is a step by step way to move deeper into reflection on God’s presence in one’s life and in the life of the Church. This experience serves as the second phase in the development of ongoing small Church communities in the parish. The group should meet for about two hours every other week for eleven sessions.


Worship Committee

This is a group of parishioners meet before major liturgical seasons (e.g. Advent, Lent, Easter, etc.) to work with the Liturgical Art and Environment group in the preparation of the themes, sanctuary decorations, music, and aides for the season.

Parish office 277-7231

Liturgical Art & Environment

The Liturgical Art and Environment group use their skill in the planning and implementation of decorations of the environment for liturgy.

Lenny Vélez (440) 282-3022

Altar Servers (10 yrs. To Adult)

An Altar Server assists the presider during mass serving at the altar. An altar server should be available to serve one mass every other week and must arrive 20 minutes prior to mass.

Rose Ortiz (440) 371-1827


The Lectors proclaim the word of God and make the word come alive at parish liturgies. It requires an ability to comfortably read in front of people and speak loudly and clearly at scheduled masses or other liturgical celebrations.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

These ministers present and discuss the Word to the children in a manner that a child could understand at the Sunday 10 am mass (English) and 12 am (Spanish).

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Ministers of Communion

These disciples minister to the parish by giving communion at scheduled mass, cleaning vessels after mass, and being available to take communion to the sick. A training session is required.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Usher / Greeters

These men and women perform the ministry of hospitality at weekend Masses and other special celebrations as needed. They may also facilitate seating of late arrivals, take up the collection and hand out bulletins and other materials as needed.

Rose Ortiz (440) 371-1827

Altar Linen Caretakers

The Altar Linen Caretakers take home linen, corporals, purificators, and towels to clean and press. It requires approximately 3 hours once a month. Specific training can be provided.

Sr. Cathy (440) 382-1473

Sacristy Help

These ministers prepare for mass by setting up vessels, bread and wine, lighting altar candles, and making sure books are set-up. Other duties include making sure that there is an adequate supply of hosts, wine, incense, candles, and linens. Helpers must arrive 30 minutes prior to mass.

Rose Ortiz (440) 371-1827




These ministers play an instrument and/or sing to support of the parishioners in the sung parts of the liturgy and at special events. Practice is once a week.

Saturday 6 P.M. (bi-lingual)

Julia Gonzalez (440) 522-3338

Sunday 8:00 A.M. (Spanish)

Sister Carmen (440) 282-4165

Sunday 10:00 A.M. (English)

Marcos Maldonado (440) 281-5155

Sunday 12:00 P.M. (Spanish)

Carmen & Carlos Velasquez

(440) 277-5832

Funeral Choir

Carmen and Carlos Velasquez (440) 277-5832

Instrumentalists / Musicians

These ministers who are competent in instrumental performance accompany and can lead the congregation in collaboration with the choir at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. They must have the ability to read music or play from chord indications. An audition is required. There are weekly rehearsals and presence at liturgies as scheduled.

Sister Carmen 282-4165

Guitarras en Cristo

To be written

Liturgical Dancers

The mission of the Liturgical Dancers is to help spread the good news through interpretive dance. Group members attend seminars on liturgical principles and practice for liturgical events. There are seminars available.

Mary Jean Andujar (440) 670-6838

Funeral Ministry

These ministers serve the family of the deceased and the church community during the Funeral Mass. Volunteers help with practical ministries on the day of a funeral such as parking, greeting and food preparation. They are called when the need arises, and serve as they are available.

Sonia Charles 670-5729


Couple to Couple Ministry

The Couple to Couple Ministry shares the experience of Catholic Marriage with couples preparing for marriage. You will be prepared in a diocesan training session design to engage couples in dialogue in specific areas of married and family life. Diocesan training is usually six sessions and metings with individual couples in generally 2-3 times. Volunteers should have at least five years of experience in a strong constructive Catholic marriage. The couple needs a willingness to share their experience of marriage and faith. And maintain the confidentiality of the discussions.

Rosa and Irvin Davalle 282-1821


St. Vincent DePaul Society

The group helps needy families, both materially and spiritually. Members make personal visits to homes, hospitals, and institutions and help pick up donated items as needed. They meet the fourth Saturday of every month from 10:00 to 12:00pm. As a member of this ministry you should have patience, love, and ability to maintain confidentiality.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Beacon of Hope Ministry

This ministry provides services to the incarcerated, including communion services, Bible studies, spiritual events, social activities and masses. It also serves families of the incarcerated. A new segment of the ministry services inmates after they are released from prison as they re-enter society. There is a two hour meeting monthly and the visits vary. This ministry requires a lot of love and will use whatever gifts the Lord has given you.

Manuel Santana (440) 320-7600

Visits to the Sick & Homebound

This ministry provides spiritual support to sick parishioner in need. Members need the ability to listen with compassion and understanding and the ability to share faith. Eucharistic Ministers may also offer communion to the sick person. The volunteer decides the amount of time.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231


Infant Baptism Preparation Team

You will be part of a team that shares faith and helps parents and godparents become familiar with the Rite of Baptism. The group meets every other month on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 pm

Sr. Cathy (440) 382-1473

First Communion Teacher

These volunteers will prepare creative lesson plans to inspire children to understand and live their Catholic Faith. Teachers should be active Catholics who participate in weekly liturgy and the sacramental life of the Church. Classes meet Three Saturdays each month 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Sept.-May Training is available and background check and fingerprinting is a requirement.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Youth Faith Formation

As a catechist, you will lead young people to an understanding of catholic faith and to encourage them and their families to participate actively in the parish community. You will prepare organized and creative lesson plans to provide information, promote formation and instruct in the catholic faith. PSR classes meet three Saturdays each month 10-11:30 am from September to May. Training is available. Background check and fingerprinting is a requirement.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Confirmation Preparation Team

This ministry is for those with a zeal for the catholic faith and a willingness to be a mentor to the youth. Volunteers prepare weekly lessons to help candidates understand the meaning and the purpose of Confirmation. Training is available. Background check and fingerprinting required. The group meets Sundays 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. September-May.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Confirmation Retreat Team (Awake)

This ministry has a specific focus on developing a retreat for the youth confirmation candidates. The group meets Sunday 7pm - 9pm with special rehearsals prior to a retreat.

Melissa McCall (440)277-7231

R.C.I.A. Team or Sponsor

(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

As part of the RCIA team or as a sponsor, you will serve as an example in the Catholic faith for those seeking to enter the Church. You will share your experience of faith to help to connect candidates to the Church community. Team members and Sponsors need to be a practicing Catholics, team oriented, loyal, humble, patient, respectful, growing in faith, and be respectful of confidential nature of the group. R.C.I.A. meets on Tuesday from 7:00pm - 9:00pm from August to May with an additional 4 - 5 planning and work sessions prior to August.

Vacation Bible School

A Bible School Volunteer helps make the Bible come to life for children through art, music, teaching, drama, and story-telling. Volunteers, both high school aged and adult are needed for nursery, games, crafts, story-telling, kitchen, music, drama, and planning. Training is provided. Background check and fingerprinting is required. Camp is one week in the summer with an organizational meeting.

Maria E. Figueroa (440) 315-6393

Adult Faith Formation

This ministry is looking for people to be table facilitators. Candidates will receive training in skills such as keeping the group on topic and giving everyone the chance to speak. A table facilitator should be a good listener and a willingness to share. Topic material will be provided prior to each session so that the facilitator can prepare. The group will meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 –8:30.

Sr. Cathy (440) 382-1473

Junior High Youth Ministry

Junior High Youth Ministers are role models of Catholic life to the youth. They should be open, active, and helpful with the faith and personal development of the children through invitation, discussion, teaching, friendship, and prayer. As a Jr. High Youth Minister you should enjoy sharing your faith. have a positive attitude and be enthusiastic. The group meets at Friday 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm and occasional special activities.

Rose Ortiz (440) 371-1827

High School Youth Ministry

In this ministry you will participate with the high school youth in the activities and meetings of the group. You will share life and faith in a setting of trust and confidence while encouraging the youth to be open to what the Lord would say to their heart. The volunteers need to plan for the ongoing development of the group and handle the planning of its activities. Volunteers need to have a respect for the dignity of each person; desire to be a friend to others. Every talent can serve the group and the parish. This group meets on Wednesday evenings.

Melissa McCall 277-7231


Sunday Food Preparation and Sales

The volunteers who help in the Sunday Food Preparation prepare pastelillos and other food for Sunday sales. The group meets Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. The time varies but is flexible.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Steak Fry Volunteer

Some of the many ways you can help as a Steak Fry Volunteer is in ticket sales, greeting, serving and cooking; Volunteers are needed for set-up and cleanup before, during and after event. The team meets in early spring for 5 to 6 working meetings prior to the event

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Senior Banquet Planning

The Senior Banquet Planning team organizes a banquet and scholarships for graduating seniors in the parish community. Activities may include ticket sales, set-up and cleanup, decorating and shopping. The group will meet once a month in the 3 months prior to event. Organizational and fund raising skills are especially useful on this team.

Judy Reveron (440) 989-9195

Youth Athletic Committee

The Youth Athletic Committee works to support and facilitate youth sports programming. Roles include fund raising and coordination and coaching. The meetings are seasonal depending on the sport. Background check and fingerprinting required.

Melissa McCall 277-7231

Van Driver

Van Drivers are needed to transport people to and from church functions and events with the van. They should allow time before functions and events to be able to pick up passengers, acquire list of passengers, and be responsible for van such as gas the van as required and clean the van after routes. The time varies according to the different events, but there are regular Mass routes on Sundays. Drivers must have a valid license A chauffeur’s license if more than 14 people including driver.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Festival Planning Committee

Come be a part of the church community during the festival celebration. You can serve on one of the many sub-committees designed to organize all aspects of festival. The group will have several monthly meeting before July. Meeting may vary by sub-committee. A few people with skill marketing and proposal writing are also needed.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Festival Kitchen Volunteer

The volunteers help in the food preparation and sales during both International and Parish festivals. As a member of this team, you will learn food preparation and may shop for supplies. The group meets in early spring and summer.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Other Festival Volunteer

Volunteers will help during the festival with specific time shifts and duties doing various tasks such as kitchen, cooking, raffle sales, talent show, booth workers, participation in parade, setting up prior to event and clean up after event. The festival crew meets in early spring and summer to plan for the fiesta in second weekend in July.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231


Office Volunteers

Office volunteers can assist with answering the telephone, in preparing mailings, stuff envelopes, bulletin inserts, and other basic office jobs. Volunteers may work independently or with others on a variety of jobs and special projects.

Parish Office (440) 277-7231

Translations (English/Spanish)

Bilingual volunteers with strong language skills in both English and Spanish are needed to translate and proof-read letters, fliers or documents, either from English to Spanish or Spanish to English, for publication within the parish. Volunteers should have the ability to manage proper vocabulary and grammar. Word-processing skill are helpful but not essential.