Minutes of a meeting of the Parks and Open Spaces Committee held on

Tuesday, 27 January, 2015, at 6pm, in the Clerk’s Office, Seacott, Cross Street,

Combe Martin.

Present: Cllrs Jill Sidebottom (In the Chair) Nigel Brettle, Graeme Coombs,

Wendy Druce, John Lovering, Helen Mallinder, Steve Seldon.

In Attendance: Parish Clerk.

1 Declarations of interest

Cllrs Helen Mallinder, Wendy Druce and Graeme Coombs declared interests in

the letter from Gary Mallinder regarding kayaks on the Beach.

2 Footpaths

North Devon Council is still in the process of identifying a dog bin emptying

contractor, but will advise this Council once it has done so.

Beach, Seaside and Parade Areas

3.1 Weir

Balfour Beattie has hired a swing shovel and is in the process of rebuilding the weir. Rocks that were buried in the sand have been excavated and replaced on the weir together with other rocks that have rolled away from the weir. It is anticipated that the works will be complete tomorrow morning. A letter of thanks will be sent to Balfour Beattie.

Cllrs Helen Mallinder, Wendy Druce and Graeme Coombs declared interests in the following item and left the room

3.2 Request to put kayaks on Combe Martin Beach

RESOLVED that Mr Gary Mallinder may hire a section of Beach for the 2015 season on which to display kayaks for hire, and place the sign that he used last year onto the back of the Beach boards in the same location. The cost of hiring the Beach will be the same as before, ie the same cost as a yearly season ticket for the car park.

Advertising on the back of the Beach boards will be considered at a later meeting.

4 Matters relating to Car Parks

4.1 White lining of Kiln Car Park

The white lining company is booked to re-line Kiln Car Park during the last week in March, 2015. This will include ‘give-way’ marking at the entrance to the car park.

4.2 Re-painting of green box on road at entrance to Cormelles Car Park

The green ‘charging starts here’ box on the road at the entrance to Cormelles Car Park is very worn. RESOLVED to ask the white lining company to re-do this when it marks out Kiln Car Park.

4.3 Coach Park

A plan of the Coach Park showing measurements has been obtained, and further information has been received from South West Water. This has been passed to the architect, but no drawings have been received yet. This will be followed up.

5 Parks

5.1 Seat donations

The cost of the selected seats plus engraving, installation equipment and delivery was NOTED and it was AGREED that this was too expensive. RESOLVED that Cllr Wendy Druce would look for an alternative supplier online.

5.2 WPD works at Adams Hay

A complaint has been made to WPD about the mess left by the contractors when working on the sub-station at Adams Hay.

6 Hollands Park

6.1 Hollands Park lease

Details of the proposed lease renewal were sent to the Football Club before Christmas. As no response has been received this will be followed up.

6.2 Update on Skatepark

As no progress has been made on providing plans etc and there is less interest in a skatepark area from those offering to help with the project, it was AGREED to leave the matter on the table. RESOLVED that Cllr Julia Clark will ask another parent if anyone is still interested in the project.

7 TAP Fund

Bishops Tawton PC had provided the necessary information for the grant application for Playdale play equipment at Arnolds Plot. Berrynarbor PC had decided that it wishes to use a different supplier and confirmation has been received from North Devon Council that this does not meet the TAP Fund criteria. Berrynarbor PC has today advised that it therefore cannot be a partner in the TAP Fund application.

The quotation showing the discount has been received from Playdale.

The completed application for this Council and Bishops Tawton PC will be submitted tomorrow. A site meeting with the workmen will be held once confirmation of the grant acceptance has been received, to agree where it is going and what equipment needs to be removed. Subject to grant acceptance, anticipated installation date would be April, 2015.