To: All members of the Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council to be held in the Community Centre on Monday, 23 January, 2017 at 6.30pm.

Michelle Beaumont

Parish Clerk


NB All items on the agenda below are for discussion WITH THE EXCEPTION OF


1 Apologies for absence.

2 Declarations of Interest. Please complete any declarations of interest forms and give to the Clerk before the start of the meeting.

3 Planning

3.1 Applications

62/19/17/001 - Proposed erection of dormer window and installation of velux roof

lights at Villa Sanna, West Challacombe Lane

Applicants - Mr & Mrs M Mann

3.2 62061 - Quarterdeck, Seaside

Planning decision

To consider the wording of the Beach deeds

4 Matters relating to Footpaths

Report on the bridge at the bottom of the un-adopted footpath between Five Turnings and the higher end of Rosea Bridge Lane.

5 Matters relating to the Beach, Seaside and Parade Areas

5.1 To set a date for reviewing Beach Policies and in particular Council's policies on Beach tenders.

5.2 To decide what steps to take about the crack in low wall behind Mrs Gubb's seat.

6 Matters relating to Parks

To agree where to plant the willow cuttings/saplings that have been donated. Please see email sent 9 January, 2017.

7 Hollands Park if any

8 Consideration of matters relating to Highways if any

9 Consideration of matters relating to Lighting if any

10 Matters relating to Car Parks if any

11 Matters relating to Properties

11.1 Skirhead toilets

To decide how to market the former toilets, whether to use an estate agent or to advertise locally without an estate agent.

11.2 Parade toilets

To receive an update on the sale of the Parade toilets.

11.3 Eberleigh House

To receive an update on the revised quotation.

12 Appointment of Internal Auditor

Ken Abraham, who has been Council's Internal Auditor for some years, is no longer able to carry out the audit due to ill health. A new auditor needs to be appointed as a matter of urgency.

To consider quotations from suppliers and appoint a new auditor.

13 Correspondence

13.1 Fields in Trust – Community Asset Fund

13.2 North Devon Line Rail Survey 2016/17

13.3 Exmoor National Park Authority - Consultation on Modifications and Proposed Changes to Section 6 of the ENPA Local Plan. Details are available on the ENPA website.

13.4 North Devon and Torridge District Councils - consultation on developer contributions

13.5 North Devon coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Dates for Beach Clean

14 Coastal Communities Team

Report by the Chairman

15 Consideration of matters relating to the Community Centre

To discuss any updates.