Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AJROTC)
Instructors: COL(Ret) Gregory K. Williamson, SGM(Ret) David L. Shaw, SFC(Ret) Graylen Mitchell
Room: Room D118
Class Periods: Periods 2, 3 and 4
Phone: WILLIAMSON (910) 737-5133/5196, SHAW 737-5161, MITCHELL 737-5134
E-mail: /david.shaw2@/graylen.mitchell@
Credit Hours: One credit hour
Our program is proud to be on the Lumberton High School team of educators who are dedicated to the overall education, health and welfare of our students. Education is a cooperative venture that integrates teachers, parents/guardians, communities, and the state and national stakeholders in achieving the best outcomes for our students. JROTC nests our program goals and objectives within this student-oriented plan of instruction.
- Education. Must be a full-time student enrolled at Lumberton Sr High School
- Grade. Must be in the 9th grade or above at the initial year of enrollment.
- Academic Standing. Must maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement and an academic standing that will merit graduation upon completion of all requirements.
- Conduct and character. Must maintain the AJRTOC standard of conduct and be of good moral character as outlined in the US Army Cadet Command JROTC policies and the Lumberton High School Student Handbook.
- Physical condition. Must be qualified to participate in the physical training activities of the JROTC program (Cadet Challenge/Drill/Community Service)
Vision: North Carolina State Board of Education: Every public school student will graduate ready for post‐secondary education and work, prepared to be a globally engaged and productive citizen.
State Board of Education Strategic Plan Updated June 2, 2015
Mission: Robeson County Public Schools: To educate all students by building a foundation for learning in an ever-changing global society
Robeson County Public Schools Goals:
1. Everystudentin the Public Schools of RobesonCounty graduates from high school prepared for work, further education and citizenship
2. Everystudenthas a personalized education
3. Everystudent,every day has excellent educators
4. The Public Schools of Robeson County has up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to
serve its students, parents, and educators
5. Everystudentis healthy, safe, and responsible
The JROTC program Mission: “Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens.”
JROTC Goal: Lumberton AJROTC is to prepare cadets for their futures as engaged citizens in a globally competitive environment. We do this while simultaneously developing each cadet’s leadership potential and character. The AJROTC program combines classroom instruction, physical fitness, and integrated curricular activities focused on attaining an awareness of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of citizenship; developing the cadet’s sense of personal responsibility; promoting wellness and physical fitness; building life skills; developing moral character and providing leadership opportunities.
a.Cadets mature as leaders
b.Cadets gain personal accountability and responsibility (character development)
c.Cadets value teamwork and teambuilding
d.Cadets apply insights into personal strengths and growth areas
e.Cadets engage in community, civic enhancement activities
f.Cadets develop intellectually, physically, morally, socially
Our Values:
Loyalty – to bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution…your peers
Duty – to fulfill your obligations
Respect – to treat people as they should be treated
Selfless Service – to put the welfare of the nation…before your own
Honor – to live up to all values
Integrity – to do what is right, legally and morally
Personal Courage – to face fear, danger, or adversity
Leadership Education and Training (LET) Objectives by LET level:
LET 1 (semesters 1 & 2)
Linked outcomes
- Understands the importance of Americans sharing and supporting certain values, beliefs, and principles of American constitutional democracy
- Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
- Gathers and uses information for research purposes
- Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
- Uses various information sources, including those of a technical nature, to accomplish specific tasks
- Displays reliability and a basic work ethic
- Operates effectively within organizations
- Sets and manages goals
- Performs self-appraisal
- Demonstrates perseverance
- Maintains a healthy self-concept
- Contributes to the overall effort of a group
- Uses conflict-resolution techniques
- Works well with diverse individuals and in diverse situations
- Displays effective interpersonal communication skills
- Demonstrates leadership skills
LET 2 (semesters 3 & 4) Prerequisite: LET 1
Linked Program Outcomes
• Promote wellness through nutrition, physical fitness and substance abuse prevention
• Develop leadership skills
• Build effective relationships with peers, co-workers, and the community
• Apply physical and political geography to building global awareness
• Correlate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship to the purposes of U.S. government
• Relate events in U.S. history to choices and responsibilities Americans have today
• Linked Core Abilities
• Build your capacity for life-long learning
• Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
• Take responsibility for your actions and choices
• Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
• Treat self and others with respect
• Apply critical thinking techniques
LET 3 (semesters 5 & 6) Prerequisite: LET 2
Linked Program Outcomes
• Maximize potential for success through learning and self-management
• Develop leadership skills
• Build effective relationships with peers, co-workers, and the community
• Relate events in U.S. history to choices and responsibilities Americans have today
Linked Core Abilities
• Build your capacity for life-long learning
• Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
• Take responsibility for your actions and choices
• Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
• Treat self and others with respect
• Apply critical thinking techniques
LET 4 (semesters 7 & 8) Prerequisite: LET 3
Linked Program Outcomes
- Understands the central ideas of American constitutional government and how this form of government has shaped the character of American society
- Understands the major responsibilities of the national government for domestic and foreign policy, and understands how government is financed through taxation
- Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
- Uses various information sources, including those of a technical nature, to accomplish specific tasks
- Manages money effectively
- Sets and manages goals
- Performs self-appraisal
- Considers risks
- Applies decision-making techniques
- Contributes to the overall effort of a group
- Works well with diverse individuals and in diverse situations
- Displays effective interpersonal communication skills
- Demonstrates leadership skills
- Attend all class sessions
- Participate in at least one Community Service Activity
- Participate in classroom discussions
- Participate in Drill & Ceremony and Cadet Challenge
- Participate in at least one fund raiser
- Attend the Veterans Day parade event
- Attend the JROTC Ball
- Pass all quizzes and/or tests during the school year
- Wear required issued uniform(s) every Wednesday and on specific days designated by the SAI.
- Provide weekly current events
- Oral recitation of the Cadet Creed within the first 4 weeks of school (semester)
- Students must wear physical fitness training clothing during specified physical activities. Running shoes, appropriate t-shirt and physical fitness trunks/slacks must be worn during physical training classes.
m. Cadets must bring their issued text book (Leadership Education and Training), student handout book, notebook and pen/pencil to every class.
n. Update individual portfolios at the conclusion of every class
EVALUATION: Tests (35%), Uniform/Drill (35%) Notebook/Portfolio (10%), Classwork/Participation (5%), Homework (5%), Projects (5%), Physical Training (5%). Final Exam accounts for 25% of the semester grade.
Late work: Uniforms must be worn on the day of inspection. Cadets who do not wear the uniform by the end of the assigned week of inspection will receive a 0% for that inspection. No make-up is possible. Late homework or projects will have points deducted by the SAI or AI, typically, 5 points per day late. (Emergency/extraordinary family or personal situations will be considered.)
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F < 59%
COURSE PROCEDURES: Lectures, small group discussion, cadet presentations, incorporation of technology