Comal County Emergency Services District # 5

Meeting Minutes for 21 June 2017

A quorum was established; attending was Mike Rarick, President, Dan Hamilton, Vice President, Tom Turk, Assistant Treasurer, Robert Evans, Secretary, Eldyn Ingerick, Treasurer.


1)Call meeting to order;

President Rarick called the meeting to order at 1728.

2)Joint meeting with ESD No. 1 and ESD No. 4 to receive, review and discuss proposed combined emergency services operating budget and capital expenditures budget for the year 2018.

  1. BSB Emergency Services presented an over view of its operations. Some of the information presented was:
  2. Chief Southwell reviewed calls for mutual aid. It is up so far this year 168%, primarily to Bulverde/Bexar.
  3. Centre for Emergency Health Services noted that this year bystanders who witnessed acute cardiac arrest were more likely to administer aid than they were last year.
  4. Mobile Integrated Health services is experiencing +/- 20% increase in patients this year. Primarily people are needing help in finding resources and prescription assistance.
  5. Business development announced that this year’s annual gala fundraiser, Feathers and Fedoras, will have a Roaring 20’s theme. It will be held Saturday 21 October at 6PM with a reception at 5 PM.
  6. President’s report focused on personnel retention strategies.
  7. Controller Kay Derrich provided an in-depth review of the proposed Emergency Services operating expenses for the calendar year 2018 and responded to Commissioner questions. Ms. Derrich noted that projected personnel costs were consistent with previously approved adjustments to medical benefit coverages and the revised compensation plan. Total budgeted Emergency Services Expenses before any revenue contributions were $5,355,102.
  8. President Salmon and Controller Derrich also reviewed proposed capital budget items for each ESD.

3)Joint meeting with ESD No. 1 and No. 4 to receive, review and discuss the Comal County Integrated Response Committee MOU;

  1. The Comal County Active Threat Memorandum of Understanding was discussed with BSB ES management stating their recommendation that the MOU should be accepted and signed. And that they did not believe enter into the MOU would result in any significant changes in current operating procedures or result in any significant increase in costs.

4)Adjourn joint meeting and Convene in regular meeting of ESD No. 5 at 2019

1)Citizens Comments (limited to 3 minutes per citizen).

  1. There were no citizens’ comments.


5)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider Consent Agenda:

  1. Approve April 12th, 2017 regular meeting minutes,
  2. Approve April 19th, 2017 workshop meeting minutes,
  3. Approve April 26th, 2017 special meeting minutes,
  4. Approve May 10th, 2017 regular meeting minutes,
  5. Commissioner Hamilton moved that all four sets of minutes be approved as written, Commissioner Turk seconded, the measure was approved unanimously.
  6. Discuss and approve May 2017 monthly bills and invoices;
  7. Bills presented were the annual post office rental - $74 and the additional expense for the Cougar Bend repairs - $1,020
  8. Commissioner Turk moved that the bills be approved, Commissioner Hamilton seconded, the measure was approved unanimously.

6)Discuss, review, and consider monthly financial reports;

  1. Commissioner Ingerick reviewed the current year income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows. Revenues are $18,000 better than budget, and the expenses are below budget. See attached

7)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider financing terms for Tender purchase;

  1. This item was tabled for future consideration.

8)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider additional repairs for Cougar Bend station;

  1. The heater in the bay needs to be repaired or replaced. Cost to repair will be $1,500.00 while cost for a new unit would be $1,500.00 plus $1,000.00 for installation. Commissioner Rarick moved that we have the new heater installed with cost not to exceed $3,000.00, seconded by Commissioner Turk, passed unanimously.

9)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider proposed combined operating and capital expenditures budget for 2018 including monthly contribution by ESD No. 5;

  1. The Commissioners discussed the proposed 2018 Emergency Services Operating Budget received from the service provider. Commissioner Rarick observed that the largest items of expense and those showing the largest increase were related to personnel compensation and benefits and that these increased had been previously approved as part of an effort to reduce turnover of personnel and retain experienced / qualified employees. Commissioner Rarick also observed that the increase in proposed monthly contribution for 2018 was partly a result of under contributing for 2017.
  2. The Commissioners reviewed the proposed capital budget items. Commissioner Rarick observed that the ESD #5 capital budget items consisted of the purchase of ten sets of bunker gear and a washer / extractor to maintain the bunker gear. And that these items had been previously approved with acceptance of the bunker gear replacement plan. Commissioner Rarick noted that the proposed budget items for the service provider that we were being asked to contribute to include a generator for Station 1, a vehicle for MIH and upgrades to the Station 1 building security system. Discussion of these items ensued.
  3. Commissioner Rarick made a motion that ESD #5 accept the proposed 2018 Emergency Services operating budget reflecting total expenses of $5,355,102 and a net contribution expected from ESD #1, ESD #4 and ESD #5 totaling $4,761,702 after budgeted fire and EMS billings and membership fees. Commissioner Rarick further moved that ESD #5 reaffirm our agreement to purchase ten sets of bunker gear and a washer / extractor; that ESD #5 not approve purchase of a MIH vehicle; that ESD #5 not approve additional Station 1 building security costs; and finally, that ESD #5 agree to contribute to the cost of a generator for Station 1. Commissioner Turk seconded these motions which passed unanimously.

10)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider proposal from the City of Bulverde to enter into a revenue sharing agreement;

  1. This item was tabled for consideration at a later date.

11)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and consider Comal County Integrated Response Committee MOU;

  1. Commissioner Hamilton moved that Commissioner Rarick be authorized to sign the MOU, seconded by Commissioner Turk, passed unanimously.

12)INFORMATION ITEM: Discuss reports from ESD #5 Council representatives;

  1. There were no updates.

13)INFORMATION ITEM: Discuss reports from ESD #5 representatives on the Not-For-Profit Board;

  1. BSB ES financial information;
  2. Emergency Services Division financial information;
  3. Incident response, fractile report;
  4. Compensation and benefit update;
  5. Compensation Increases were effective 4 June
  6. A group of about 15 employees expressed dissatisfaction with the plan. It was felt that this was a misunderstanding of the plan. Management is working to calm these misgivings.

14)INFORMATION ITEM: Discuss reports from Committee representatives, if any:

  1. Apparatus Committee
  2. Finance Committee
  3. Real Estate Committee
  4. Communications Committee
  5. Revenue Sharing Committee
  6. There were no updates from the various committees.

15)INFORMATION ITEM: Discuss any items to be brought to the attention of the Not-For-Profit Board;

  1. There were no items advanced.

16)EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary):

  • Discuss potential Cougar Bend real estate transaction;
  • Discuss legal communications, if any;

17)ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and approve any decisions to be made from executive session discussions;

  1. There was no executive session called and therefore no decisions to be made.

18)Discuss agenda, time and dates for next meeting(s) and adjourn;

  • The next meeting will at 1730 on 12 July 2017 at the Johnson Ranch Fire/EMS station.

There being no further business at this time; President Rarick adjourned the meeting.

Recorded by

Robert Evans

Board Secretary

Approved by the Board at the ______board meeting.