Columbus Lacrosse Club(CLC)



General Provisions

Section 1. Name. The organization shall be known as the Columbus Lacrosse Club

(herein after referred to as “CLC”).

Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the association shall be January 1 through December 31 of each year.

Section 3. Purpose: CLC exists to provide the children of the community the opportunity to learn the game of lacrosse in a safe environment that provides an opportunity for all players to develop skills and game knowledge. This objective will be taught in an environment of sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play and respect for authority.

Section 4. Mission. To develop and maintain the skills necessary to compete at the various age appropriate levels in a fun, challenging atmosphere that fosters: growth, retention, sportsmanship and fun. To achieve the objective, CLC will provide a supervised program. AllExecutive Board Members, Committee Chairmen, Coaches, Members and Parents shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the teaching of teamwork, sportsmanship and having fun is of prime importance.

Section 5. Organization. CLC operates under the rules established by the Indiana Youth Lacrosse Assocaition(IYLA), Indiana High School Lacrosse Association(IHSLA) and USLacrosse(USL).

Section 6. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting must be held the third Wednesday of every June, with notification to allmembers sent by mail and/or e-mail at least 3 days prior to the meeting. The presence of 5 members constitutes a quorum. The purpose of this meeting is to: review the Annual Report, By-Laws, Policies, Financial Condition of CLC and to elect Executive Board Members as appropriate.

Section 7.All meetings of the club will be conducted under the most recent revision of Roberts Rules of Order.



Section 1. Governance. The Executive Board is vested with the governance of the CLC. There shall be ten (10) permanent Executive Board positions: President, Vice President, Growth and Promotion, FundraisingChair, Secretary, Commissioner and Treasurer. Each member will serve a two-year term. In addition, each coach will appoint a team representative, with voting privileges, to represent their team on the board. Team representatives will serve a one year term.

Section 2. Voting. Members of the Executive Board must be present to vote. Each Member of the

Executive Board is entitled to one vote.

Section 3. Responsibilities of the Executive Board:

a. Annually review and set dues for player participation.

b. Conduct the Annual Meeting.

c. Appoint Committee Chairmen annually as needed.

d. Acquire and distribute field time.

e. Coach selection/development.

g. Select CLC optional accessories (jackets, shirts, shorts, team pictures, etc.)

h. Assume all other responsibilities that are not specifically designated elsewhere.

Article III

Executive Board Positions and Responsibilities

Section 1. Positions. The Executive Board positions and responsibilities are as follows:

a. The President shall:

i. Schedule and preside as chairperson at all CLC meetings.

ii. Be the primary interface with IYLA, IHSLA and other organizations.

iii. Be the Chief Administrative Officer of CLC, and it is his/her duty to see that all rules and

policies of the CLC are understood and enforced.

iv. Check the financial records of CLC and be signer/co-signer and/or authorization of all

amounts for all disbursements made in the name of CLC.

v. Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the CLC.

vi. Arbitrate in all CLC matters.

b. The Vice President shall:

i. Preside at meetings when the President is unable to attend and assumes all Presidential

responsibilities until the President returns.

ii. Be the Board co-signer and/or authorization of all amounts for any disbursements made in

the name of CLC up to a $500.

iii. Be responsible for oversight (checks and balances) of the Treasurer.

iv. Be responsible for all registration and sign-ups.

v. Be responsible for maintaining all CLC rosters and records.

vi. Maintain a register of all players, including their parents’ names, address, phone number,

FAX number and E-mail address.

c. The Commissioner shall:

i. Be responsible for player safety. This includes making sure coaches insist that all players

use proper safety equipment, establishing guidelines for coaches in terms of appropriate

physical activity, and providing coaches with First Aid Kits at the beginning of the season.

ii. Be ultimately responsible for arranging scrimmages and games for all teams. This

responsibility may be shared with the individual coaches.

iii. Be chairperson of the Coaches Selection Committee.

iv. Understand and enforce CLC, IHSLA and IYLA rules and regulations.

v. Maintain a master field availability list.

vi. Be responsible for obtaining equipment for the teams and uniforms for the players.

vii. Be responsible for maintaining the highest level of coaching across all teams.

viii. Organize participation in post-season activities,

ix. In conjunction with the other Executive Board Members and Coaches, monitor practice and

game activities to ensure that good sportsmanship is emphasized throughout the


x. Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

d. The Secretary shall:

i. Record minutes of official meetings.

ii. Report all Executive Board decisions at the next regular meeting as part of the minutes.

iii. Retain copies of all previous meetings minutes and keep them available upon request.

iv. Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.

e. The Treasurer shall:

i. Receive all monies and securities, and deposit it in a depository approved by the Executive


ii. Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the LSYLA,

approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks in agreement with policies

established in advance of such actions by the Executive Board. As a beginning policy,

disbursements of over $500 will require board approval.

iii. Prepare any tax, regulatory reports and/or other governmental filings in a timely manner.

iv. Prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Board at the Annual Meeting.

v. Prepare an Annual Financial Report to submission to the Executive Board and the


f. The Fundraising Chair shall:

i. Ensure that the CLC shall have sufficient resources to finance its organization and


ii. Chair the Fundraising Committee.

iii. Coordinate all fund raising activities with CLC.

iv. Coordinate with the Treasurer to establish a budget to support proposed fund raising


g. The Growth and Promotion Chair shall:

i.Contact and create promotional programs with BCSC schools such as open houses, booths etc.

ii. Work with the student managers to create and distribute promotional material at schools

iii.Report scores, stats and other pertinent game and program information to area newspapers, radios and other social medias.

iv. Create and distribute program materials as needed to CLC members.

v. Create marketing programs to promote the program.

vi. Create and publish game day brochures and team banners.

vii. Chair the growth and promotion committee.

h. The Team representative shall:

i. Represent their team on the board of directors in order to give an equal voice to all teams on CLC business.


Coaches and Responsibilities

Section 1. Regulations. All team Coaches shall be knowledgeable of and abide by ILYA, IHSLA and USL rules and regulations as they apply to their team. All Coaches must emphasize a positive and unbiased attitude in communicating with the players and in referring to the individual and team’s performance on and off the field.

Section 2. Responsibilities:

a. Obtain supplies, equipment and uniforms from the league Commissioner.

b. Ensuring that all players, regardless of talent, are trained in accordance with the Policies, Rules and Regulation of the CLC, ILYA, IHSLA and USL.

c. The Coach may designate the following responsibilities and duties amongst himself/herself and/or the coaching staff or parents.

d. Report game scores to whoever is in charge of publicity.

e. Ensure that the playing field is cleaned of all litter before leaving the field.

f. Attend Executive Board approved activities to include but not limited to, coaching certification

sessions, training sessions and referee rules training.



Section 1. Members. Parents of children participating in the program are Members of CLC.

Section 2. Members in good standing are invited to participate in the Annual Meeting, or any other meeting publicly announced by the Executive Board. A member in good standing is an adult

representative of a household that:

a. Has at least one child registered in the CLC program.

b. Has no outstanding financial obligations to the CLC.

c. Is either the parent or guardian of the child registered in the CLC program.

d. Has not been suspended or expelled from the CLC program.

Section 3. Suspension or Expulsion. Membership may be suspended or terminated by resignation oraction of the Executive Committee as follows. The Executive Board, by a two-thirds vote of those presentat any duly constituted Board meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate themembership of any Member when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the bestinterests of CLC. The Member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the generalnature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meetings to answer such charges.



Nominating Committee. The membership of the nominating Committee shall be comprised of a

maximum of three Executive Board Members approved by the Board. The Nominating Committee shall:

a. Develop the slate of Executive Board members for election at the Annual Meeting of the

Members. This slate should be communicated to the Board at the last Executive Board Meeting

prior to the Annual Meeting.

b. Serve as focal point for the Executive Board to submit nominations for new potential nominees.

Voting Membership. The voting membership of CLC consists of members in good standing of

CLC. In the event of a tie, the President shall make the final decision. Elections will be determined bya majority vote.

Position/Term Structure. All Executive Board Members are elected for a term of two years by vote ofthe Voting Membership. Once elected, individuals will immediately assume the elected office. CommitteeChairmen are appointed for a term of one year, by the vote of the Executive Board.

Vacancies. Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board tofill the remaining term.



Committees and their responsibilities. Committees are a key component to the effectiveness of the CLC and to the integrity of the programs provided.

a. There can be as many committees as deemed necessary by theExecutive Board to conduct the business of the association.

b. Each committee chair shall be appointed and dissolved by a vote of the Executive Board on as

as-needed basis.

c. Each committee chair is responsible for executing the designated responsibilities and reporting tothe President and Executive Board all findings and fulfillment of their duties at each regular

meeting as needed.

d. A person may be appointed to more than one Committee. Committees may be co-chaired.

Registration. The purpose of this committee is to facilitate the registration and participant team

selection. Responsibilities include:

a. Announcement and publication of tryouts dates and times.

b. Collection of participant registration, to name, address, parents/guardian, etc.

c. Develop/send spreadsheet to IYLA, IHSLA and US Lacrosse.

d. Obtaining a release or wavier signature from parent or guardian.

e. Collection of participant fees.

f. Make sure dues are sent to US Lacrosse.

g. Team assignment.

h. Report back to the Executive Board

Program Development. The purpose of this committee is to ensure that CLC has coaches of thehighest possible caliber and help coordinate team selection. Responsibilities include:

a. Spearheading special training programs for coaches and players.

b. Recruiting, selecting and assigning coaches based upon qualifications and training in February ofeach year.

c. Coordinating the team selection process.

d. Coordinating any age specific group events.

e. Parental interface

Equipment. The purpose of this committee is to insure all equipment is ordered and cared for.

Responsibilities include:

a. Collecting and storing existing equipment.

b. Purchasing new equipment.

c. Ordering uniforms

Special Events. The purpose of this committee is to plan and run any lacrosse events that CLC

participates in, such as tournaments. This committee is responsible for:

a. Coordinating all Special Event activities with CLC.

b. Coordinating with the Treasurer to establish a budget to support proposed fund raising activities.

c. Reporting to the Executive Board.

Web. This committee is responsible for the timely updating and maintenance of the CLC website.

Fundraising/Merchandising. This committee is responsible for developing and managing all CLC fundraising and Merchandising activities, including but not limited to:

a. Fundraising events.

b. Direct appeals.

c. Commercial appeals.

d. Merchandise items.

e. Collecting pledges.

f. Publicity.

Disciplinary Committee. The disciplinary committee is not a standing committee and can be convened at the request of the President in the event that an issue arises. The disciplinary committee will be chaired by the President of CLC and three additional members will be assigned by the president. In the event the President can not oversee then he will assign a chair.


Removal from Office

Any Executive Board Member may be removed from office as a result of failure to fulfill the duties of saidoffice or membership or for conduct detrimental to the best interests of CLC. Said removal must followthe procedures below:

a. A petition stating the charge in writing shall be filed with the Secretary and signed by at least a

majority of the Executive Board. If the individual charged is the Secretary, then the Vice-

President shall assume all clerical responsibilities with respect to the removal hearing.)

b. Notification to all Executive Board Members should be sent via mail or email at least 7 days

before the question is placed on a meeting agenda.

c. The meeting for removal should have the following sequence:

i. Petitioners present case first

ii. Executive Board member charged is heard second

iii. Discussion by remaining Executive Board members

iv. Vote is taken. A majority vote being sufficient for removal.



Amendments. These By-Laws and/or the Policies may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or inpart by a majority vote of the Executive Board at any duly scheduled meeting.


Approval of By-Laws

The above articles shall be adopted as the By-Laws of CLC if approved by a majority vote of theExecutive Board present at a special meeting called for that purpose.


Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the SuperiorCourtofMarionCounty, exclusively for the Corporation’s purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for the Corporation’s purposes.