Colorado Mountain College – Timberline Campus

Student Government Constitution

September 11, 2007

I. Preamble

Section 1. We the students of Colorado Mountain College – Timberline Campus, in order to improve the quality of student life, to encourage a positive working relationship among students, faculty, and staff, and to provide the foundation for strong student involvement, do hereby establish this Constitution of the Colorado Mountain College – Timberline Campus.

Section 2. The Colorado Mountain College – Timberline Campus Student Government will not discriminate against any student on the basis of age, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual identity, or disability.

II. Articles to the Constitution

Article I. Name of Committee

The name of this committee shall be the Student Government of Colorado

Mountain College – Timberline Campus.

Article II. Purpose of Committee

The Student Government shall properly and ethically perform the

following duties:

A.  Recognize clubs and organizations.

B.  Fairly distribute available funds to clubs and organizations recognized by Student Government.

1.  Student Government shall manage the Student Activities Budget.

Such responsibilities include:

a.  Receipt and deposit of funds

b.  Proof of payments passed by Student Government

c.  Accurately report spending of money

d.  Monthly budget reports

C.  Allow entire campus to have equal opportunities to participate in Officer/Representative elections during the academic year.

D.  Report to constituents on a weekly basis regarding decisions made and issues facing Student Government.

E.  Serve as a representative to staff regarding suggestions and concerns of students.

Article III. Membership

Student Government shall be a diverse cross-section of the student body with two representatives from each of the following: Off-Campus, On-Campus, and each additional program, with two Co-Advisors (Coordinator of Student Life and Assistant Coordinator of Student Life). The two Student Government members from each area each have a total of one vote per proposal/election.

A.  Members are nominated by students/themselves within their respective program. Programs that have more than two nominations will run an election to determine representatives. They also must meet the following criteria:

1.  Pay full or partial Student Activity Fee.

2.  Enroll in at least nine credit hours and maintain a G.P.A. of at least 2.0.

3.  Shall miss no more than four meetings during an academic year.

4.  If a meeting must be missed, shall provide a substitute from their respective program or organization to attend the meeting.

Article IV. Voting

Student Government members shall have an equal voice in decision making. When said issue is up for a vote, consensus will try to be attained; however, majority rules (50% + 1). Each member’s opinion must be respected and heard. Student Government can only vote if there is 2/3 of the voting members present. Members are not permitted to vote the day of becoming a member; they must wait until the following meeting. Each issue will have the chance to be privately evaluated by the officers. Through majority vote (50% + 1) the officers will have the opportunity to veto an idea if they feel it is appropriate.

Article V. Meetings

Meetings shall be held on a weekly basis when classes are in session, during both fall and spring semesters. Meetings shall be open to all who wish to attend. Meetings shall be facilitated by the Student Government President. If the President is absent, meetings will be facilitated by the Vice President. If both President and Vice President are absent, meetings will be facilitated by an appointed officer. Meetings must have a minimum of two officers present to be considered an official meeting.

A.  The President/Facilitator assumes the following responsibilities:

1.  Provide leadership and guidance.

2.  Exercise power of appointment and delegation of duties as necessary.

3.  Ensure that all proposals submitted are typed.

Article VI. Recognition of Clubs/Organizations

Recognition of a club/organization by Student Government is contingent upon the following:

A.  Reading of the Recognition Request and Constitution and/or bylaws of said club before a recognition vote.

B.  The club/organization is officially recognized when Student Government has a majority vote (50% + 1). Until a specific club/organization has official recognition from Student Government no money can be allocated to said club/organization.

Article VII. Amendments

The constitution of Student Government may be amended at a meeting under the following conditions:

A.  Amendment must have sponsorship by no less than one present member.

B.  A reading of the proposed amendment has taken place at least one meeting prior to the meeting in which the proposed amendment is voted on.

C.  The amendment is presented at a meeting by the members and/or its author and sponsor.

D.  The amendment passes by a 2/3 majority of the Student Government members present.

Article VIII. Co-Advisors

The Co-Advisors to Student Government shall act as liaisons. Co-Advisors will give advice on how student issues before Student Government may be in conflict with college policy, local, state, or federal law.