SEPTEMBER 20, 2015

Members and guests were introduced and thanks was offered to Gylton and Louise for

arranging our meeting at YOSA in Fort Collins.

Members present were: President Steve Waechter, Jan Brummond, Chuck and Karen Cure, Roger and Betty Brown, John and Marilyn Beattie, Co and Odette Van HerWaarden, Sher Marrow, Lin Allen, Dwight Hicks, Francis Wardle, Gylton DeMatta, Louise Jennings, Ruth Warner, Reed Pritchard, Erica and James Atchinson, Maureen Ulevich,and new member Mary Brennecke.

Guests were: Brent Spencer and his wife Jhovanc from UNC, Laura Wolf and Sean Ryan from Aims, Raquel Sidinger, and from Brazil Binka Le Breton , Marcus Cabral, and Maria Angela Ribeiro.

Regrets were received from Brian and Carolyn Cooke, DeAnnaKaye Swetzig, and Lindsey Johnson.

Minutes from the June 7th meeting taken by acting secretary Carolyn Cooke were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report of $3,210.96 was given by Steve for DeAnna Kaye.

Member Erica Atchison reported on her trip and iEarn Conference that she attended on a Travel Grant in late July/early September to Belo Horizonte and Brasilia. All in attendance today wanted to sign up for one of her classes. She has such enthusiasm and is a great Partner.

Upcoming Travel Grant Recipient Ruth Warner shared her frustration in hearing back from D.C. concerning her October 1st-31st teaching assignment in Diamantina. She is to be teaching English at UFVJM (Universidade Federal dos Vales Jequitinhonha e Mucuri.)

Note: Ruth’s tickets and paper work arrived several days after this meeting. We will plan on hearing her report at the December meeting.

A report on the Improve Your English pilot program at Aims Community College and the preparation for its success was given by Maria Angela Ribeiro, program coordinator from the Municipal Deputy Secretariat of International Relations in Belo Horizonte and from John and Marilyn Beattie local coordinators. If finances can be worked out for future students, it is recommended that this program be continued.

Binka Breton, co-founder of the Iracambi Ecological Research Center in Minas Gerais, shared about the many opportunities for students and volunteers to come there to work or study. They have been involved with the 100,000 Strong initiative.

Colorado Partners were well represented at the Portland, OR What Works Conference led by Karen Graham, Oregon Partners President and board member (chairman) of Partners of the Americas. Betty and Roger Brown as well as John and Marilyn Beattie attended from Greeley and our Brazilian counterparts, Binka, Maria Angela, and Luzia Lusita were involved as panel participants in addition to John and Marilyn.

From Washington D.C. were Steve Vetter, Michelle Nicholson, Ukiah Bush, Matt Clausen, Peggy Carlson, Melissa Golladay as well as many from the Central and South American countries. Over and over our Colorado Chapter was touted for having the very first What Works Conference.

Gylton reported on the success that keeps coming in for YOSA. Many young people are joining the ranks of volleyball players. He has quite a schedule for his summer camps coming up. He introduced Marcus, a student from Brazil who shared a few words with us.

Three door prizes were awarded throughout the meeting.

During our time of Awards and Presentations the following were honored at the What Works Conference and honored here as well: Betty and Roger Brown received the Boren Legacy Award, Betty received an award for her number of volunteer hours to the organization, John and Marilyn Beattie received the Life Changing Award for their pilot program with Aims and Belo and our chapter received the Innovative Award for having the First What Works Conference.

Co and Odete were given a lovely picture taken near their home in Brazil by Roger Brown in memory of their daughter Rosalie who recently passed away.

The meeting was closed and the social hour continued with a reminder that the next

meeting will be December 6th with elections on the agenda. Place TBA

Marilyn Beattie, Secretary