We have been greatly saddened by the untimely death of Ernest who, as the representative of Communities Against Pylons, was a very regular attender at our meetings. Although he took issue from time to time with our tactics in the transmission line campaign, we greatly admired his dedication – he was by far the best attender at the Inquiry both at Perth and Inverness – and on your behalf I would like to offer our condolences to his daughter and wider family.


Jack decided to retire before the introduction of the new PR system. While we were not always happy with his decisions as a Councillor we are grateful to him for his regular attendance at our meetings and his readiness to listen carefully to our views. We wish him well for the future.


We considered a good number, though lodged few outright objections. We opposed a three house development in woodland at Kinerras and appeared at the hearing, the application being refused unanimously by the Committee.

We are objecting to the 28 house proposal for the Balgate Sawmill Site which would take us far beyond the 25% increase which is supposed to be Council policy as set out in the Local Plan. As well as progressing a complaint to the Ombudsman we arranged a meeting with a senior planner to explore this situation, but no reasonable justification of Council policy was offered.


We have participated as fully as possible both in the Strategic and Local Inverness Sessions of the Public Local Inquiry and feel we have put our reasonable case for partial undergrounding as effectively as we can. We remain critical of the format of the PLI which appears to very wasteful and expensive and to be designed for participation only by large, wealthy organisations not for participation or even access by the general public or small organisations like our own.

We are very grateful to those members of the Community Council who have put in a great deal of work to enable a credible appearance at the PLI sessions – Shaun Murphy, Cameron Gibson and the Secretary - and also members of the public Mrs Floris Greenlaw, Mr Joe Gibbs and Mr Andrew Graeme who have appeared for us at considerable personal expense and inconvenience. We are also grateful; for the co-operation of Kilmorack and Beauly Community Councils and their members who have participated or attended. We are extremely grateful for the valuable support of Councillor Helen Carmichael, Mr Brendan Clouston and his team and the Highland Council Inquiry Team who have also been very supportive.


As usual the Christmas Party was a great success and thanks are due to the planning sub-group, to our colleagues in Kiltarlity WRI and all who helped on the day. It must be said we still have to solve the problem of ensuring complete coverage with our invitations. We helped arrange the distribution of firewood to pensioners donated by Mr Brendan Clouston.


Kiltarlity Core Paths; Scottish Executive Renewable Energy policy; Western Isles to Beauly transmission line; renewal of subsidised bus service contracts; sub-post office closures.


We have made several representations over the year with greater or less success. We have reflectors on the Black Bridge barriers and got the large A833 lay-by ‘no overnight parking’ sign which had been painted over replaced, but the Belladrum stones are not much improved. You win some and lose some. Other issues we have raised have been, mud on roads, excess water on road surfaces, overgrown verges, wild growth alongside the school footpath, possible speed bumps or a’ smiley’ sign, a possible zebra crossing and the possible extending of the 20mph zone.


We have participated in the Year of Highland Culture 2007 by publishing a book about a Kiltarlity wartime childhood, “After the Long Journey”, producing a drama which packed out the Hall, based on it, which has also been filmed, and bringing the author over from Canada to launch the event. Although we have underwritten the venture to some extent there is a fair chance that the funding from Year of Culture and Awards for All will suffice, helped by the good sales being made of the book, which is about to go into a second printing. Thanks are due to the CC sub-group of Ron MacLean, Dorothy Ward and Maureen Hanson, Mr Scott Russell of Glenstrathfarrar, Mr Bell and the children of Tomnacross Primary Seven, Serena MacRae and Craig MacRitchie and our professional helpers from Arts in Motion and Eden Court.


We maintained our pressure on Scottish Water and enlisted the support of outgoing Highland Council Convener Alison McGee.


We are finally seeing this development, which we helped to initiate, started. We are being consulted by Albyn Housing Association about street names and are due to meet Albyn to discuss allocation policies and other matters.


Local Government changes from first past the post elections to a PR system has resulted in us becoming part of a huge new ward – Aird and Loch Ness – with four Councillors rather than two now having an interest in our community council. Our ward, although completely rural – more rural than the old ward – has been included in Inverness City which, unlike any part of the new Highland Council area, is to have its own Committee. We have attended the first meeting of the new Ward Forum. It is not clear whether these changes will lead to greater influence being exercised by the CCs or a reduction in the little we have had – or no change.

It would seem that the Community Council elections, which should have taken place last November, will go ahead this November.


As well as participating in the consultation on renewal of subsidised bus contracts we have continued to provide suggestions for possible improvements which are reflected in recent transport innovations.


We agreed to have Mr Brian MacGregor speak to us about a planning application at Bogbain and the Balvonie of Inshes Housing ‘Fair’, believing that as these sites are in strategic positions at the ‘gateway’ to the Inverness area we had a right to make comments. we opposed the ‘Fair’ proposal as a violation of the Local Plan, but it has now been given the blessing of the Scottish Executive.


We have maintained some police liaison during the past year but it is not so active as in previous years. We have continued to raise the problems of speeding and anti-social behaviour by large groups of young people.


I have tried to mention all the people who have helped the work of the Community Council over the past year. If anyone has not been mentioned we would like to make it clear that this is not due to ingratitude but inefficiency and possible progressive memory loss.