Colonization Review

Colonization Review

Complete the following chart.

/ Colonies in the Region / Geographic
Factors / Economic Production
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

1.  The climate and soil of the New England region was a cause for most New Englanders not to become farmers.

2.  The ______region was associated with tobacco, plantations, and slaves?

3.  The major industry from the New England colonies were ______, ______, ______.

4.  Reasons for colonization included ______, ______, and


5.  Mercantilism is ______


6.  The Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the House of Burgesses we all documents that established ______governments in the colonies.

7.  Mark the following as being more representative of the New England Colonies(NE) or the Southern Colonies (S) and Middle Colonies (M).

A.  Had more roads and larger cities ____

B.  Had more farms ____

C.  Had both warm summers and cold winters ____

D.  Had more slaves ____

E.  Would have been more likely to pursue a variety of ways to earn a living. ____

9. Columbus made his discoveries in 1492, after this the British, French and Spanish all raced to colonize the new world. Put them in order.

1. ______2. ______3. ______

10. What year was Jamestown established? ______

11. The demand for ______was one of the main reasons for the expansion of slavery in colonial America.

12.  Why did the plantation system become dependent on slave labor?


13. Representative Government grew in the new world in part because of the British allowing the colonists to make their own laws in colonial assemblies. True or False

14.  The Mayflower Compact was important because it was an ______to make ______for an organized ______.

15. The first representative government in the English colonies in which voters elected their lawmakers was the ______.

16. The first constitution in colonial America was the ______.

17. The Middle Colonies were known as the ______Colonies because they exported large quantities of grain.

18.  The geography of the land influenced many aspects of the English colonies by determining what type of ______they produced.

19.  One of the results of colonial America’s ______with West Africa was that Africans were captured and forced to work as ______on plantations.

20. The majority of colonization occurred in the ______century, otherwise known as the 1600’s.

Use the map below and Identify each of the colonies.