Collin-Vézina, Delphine


Delphine Collin-Vézina

McGill University, School of Social Work

Wilson Hall, 3506 University Street, Suite 321B

Montréal, Québec H3A 2A7

Tel: 514-398-7058

Dr. Delphine Collin-Vézina is the Director of the Centre for Research on Children and Families at McGill University. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor in the McGill School of Social Work and in the Department of Pediatrics. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Child Welfare and the Nicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Chair in Social Pediatrics in Community.

Her program of research focuses on service provision to children and youths living in vulnerable contexts across three themes: (1) child protection responses to sexual abuse of children and youth; (2) trauma-informed care of children and youth in out-of-home placement; (3) social return of investment models regarding community-based, whole-person services. Provincial and federal granting bodies have extensively funded her program of research. She sits on the boards of influential institutions (e.g. Child Protection Center of the Gregorian Pontifical University; Child Welfare League of Canada). She publishes in well-regarded journals and is regularly invited as a keynote speaker in important scientific and community venues.

Dr. Collin-Vézina collaborates with partners from the communities as a means to contribute to building effective and meaningful practices and policies that directly and positively impact vulnerable populations. Her collaborators include: Health and Social Services agencies across the province of Quebec, the Montreal Children’s Hospital, Fondation Dr Julien, the Love of Reading Foundation, community non-profit organizations (Boscoville, Ometz Agency, La Traversée), and school boards in Quebec and Ontario.


2016-presentAssociate Member Department of Pediatrics, McGill University

2014-presentDirector McGill Centre for Research on Children and Families

2013-presentAssociate Professor Social Work, McGill University

2007-2013Assistant Professor Social Work, McGill University

2003-2007Post-Doctoral Fellow Sexology, Université du Québec à Montréal


2002-presentLicenced PsychologistOrdre des Psychologues du Québec (02-09636)

1998-2003M.Sc. Ph.D.Clinical Psychology, Université de Montréal

1995-1998B.Sc.Psychology, Université de Montréal



2016-presentNicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Chair in Social Pediatrics in Community

2008-2018Tier II Canada Research Chair in Child Welfare



  • Child Welfare League of Canada, Ottawa (2016-present)
  • Centre for Child Protection, Institute of Psychology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (2012-present)
  • Centre de RechercheInterdisciplinaire sur les Problèmes Conjugaux et les Agressions Sexuelles, Montreal(2016-present; full member since 2007)
  • Center for Research on Children and Families, Montreal (2013-present; full member since 2007)


  • Centre jeunesse de Québec – Institut Universitaire (2016-present; Associate member from 2012-2016)
  • Boscoville (2016-present)


  • Centre jeunesse de Montréal – Institut Universitaire (2013-present)
  • Observatoire québécois sur la maltraitance envers les enfants (2009-present)
  • Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence Across the Lifespan (2009-present)



2017-2019 / Valeur sociale et économique de centres d’intervention communautaires visant des clientèles vulnérables d’enfants, de jeunes et de leurs familles
Co-investigators : Daigneault, Isabelle; Esposito, Tonino; Trocmé, Nico.
Collaborator : Rothwell, David.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Development Grants
2017-2018 / Planification d'une recherche sur la valeur sociale et économique des centres de pédiatrie sociale au Québec
Co-investigators : Daigneault, Isabelle; Esposito, Tonino; Rothwell, David; Trocmé, Nico.
Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR) – Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support
2016-2019 / Research on childhood literacy
Co-investigators: Trocmé, Nico; Roy, Catherine; Van Wert, Mélissa.
Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation
2014-2017 / Uncovering pathways and processes of child sexual abuse disclosures in youth
Co-investigators: Alaggia, Ramona; Hébert, Martine; Krane, Julia; MacIntosh, Heather; McElvaney, Rosaleen.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Grants
2013-2015 / Transformation des services en santé mentale dans les Centres jeunesse: Implantation d’un programme d’intervention en trauma pour les parents de familles d’accueil
Co-investigators: Daigneault, Isabelle; Hébert, Martine; Lanctôt, Nadine; Milot, Tristan; Trocmé, Nico.
McGill University – SSHRC to CIHR Transition Fund
2010-2014 / Organisation des services pour les victimes d’agression sexuelle au Québec: Portrait et pistes d’action
Co-investigators: Dion, Jacinthe; Hébert, Martine.
Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) – Concerted Actions : Évaluation modèles organisation-Centres désignés victimes d'agressions sexuelles
2009-2014 / Decline in sexual abuse cases investigated by the Canadian child welfare systems: Exploration of potential explanations
Co-investigators: Trocmé, Nico; Walsh, Christine.
Collaborators: Ives, Nicole; MacMillan, Harriet.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Standard Research Grant
2008-2010 / Les victimes invisibles de l’agression sexuelle: étude des populations cliniques et à risque d’enfants et d’adolescents canadiens
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – Leaders Opportunity Fund
2008-2009 / Anorexie mentale chez les jeunes adolescentes: facteurs de risque, troubles concomitants et évolution des symptômes
Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) – Start-Up Program for New Research Professors
2007-2009 / Explanations of the child sexual abuse rate decline in Canada
Co-investigator: Trocmé, Nico.
Centre for Research on Children and Families – Internal Fund
2007-2008 / Vulnerabilities of sexual abuse in developing eating disorders
McGill University Start-up Funds


2016-2018 / Project 1:
Traiter les traumas complexes chez les jeunes en centre de réadaptation: Le modèle ARC
Project 2:
Groupes d’intégration clinique en abus sexuels
Co-investigators: Trocmé, Nico; Daigneault, Isabelle; Lanctôt, Nadine; Hébert, Martine; Milot, Tristan.
From grant awarded to Trocmé, Nico and co-investigators
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Partnership Grants: Building Research Capacity with First Nations & Mainstream Youth Protection Services in Quebec ($1,560,352)
2016-2018 / Trauma-informed services for children in out-of-home care
Co-investigators : Trocmé, Nico; Daigneault, Isabelle; Lanctôt, Nadine; Hébert, Martine; Milot, Tristan.
From grant awarded to Wekerle, Christine and co-investigators
Canadian Institutes of Health and Research – Institute of Gender and Health (CIHR-IGH) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Understandinghealth risks and promoting resilience in male youth with sexual violence experience ($1,495,070)
2013-2015 / Événements traumatiques et séquelles chez des jeunes en centres de réadaptation
Co-investigators : Trocmé, Nico; Daigneault, Isabelle; Lanctôt, Nadine; Hébert, Martine; Milot, Tristan.
From grant awarded to Coben, Jeff; Herrman, Helen; MacMillan, Harriet; Stewart, Donna; Wathen, Nadine, and co-investigators: Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Other: Gender, Mental Health and Addictions: The Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence Across the Lifespan ($ 2,000,000)


2017-2022 / Trajectoire de développement des troubles émotionnels et comportementaux chez des enfants d'âge scolaire exposés à un traumatisme relationnel lié à la maltraitance
Principal investigator : Desbiens, Nadia.
Other co-investigators : Tarabulsy, George; Couture, Sophie; Nadeau, Danielle; Gagné, Marie-Hélène; Hébert, Martine; Milot, Tristan; Paquette, Geneviève.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Grants$299,781
2016-2017 / Création d’une banque de données commune relatives aux enfants mineurs victimes de violence sexuelle, physique, ou de négligence grave
Principal investigator : St-Amand, Annick
Other co-investigators : Simard, Marie-Claude; Clément, Marie-Ève; Hélie, Sonia; Godbout, Natacha.
Bureau d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (BAVAC) – Programme de subvention pour favoriser la recherche, l’information, la sensibilisation et la formation en matière d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels.
2016-2018 / Advancing indigenous Pedagogy on Childhood : Identifying priorities for professional education
Principal investigator : Carnevale, Franco.
Other co-investigators : Macdonald, Mary Ellen; Shariff, Shaheen; Talwar, Victoria; Van Praagh, Shauna B.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Knowledge Synthesis Grants
2015-2017 / The socio-judiciary service trajectory of sexually abused children: identifying circumstances that promote efficient coordination, children’s recovery, and that facilitate legal actions
Principal investigator : Daignault, Isabelle V.
Other co-investigators :Cyr, Mireille; Hébert, Martine; Lafortune, Denis.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Development Grants
2015-2017 / Examination of mentalizing in a community sample of childhood sexual abuse survivors using the computerized text analysis of reflective functioning
Principal investigator : MacIntosh, Heather.
Other co-investigators : Berthelot, Nicolas; Esposito, Tonino.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Development Grants
2014-2019 / Examen de profils chez les patientes présentant une anorexie mentale et réponses aux interventions : étude multicentrique
Principal investigators : Bégin, Catherine; Di Meglio, Giuseppina; Gingras, Nathalie; Pesant, Caroline; Taddeo, Danielle.
Other co-investigators : Bélanger, Richard; Blier, Christina; Blondin, Soline; Chagnon, François; Erdstein, Julius; Frappier, Jean-Yves; Lavoie, Éric; Meilleur, Dominique; Monthuy-Blanc, Johana; Nadeau, Pierre-Olivier; Ouellet, Marilou; Pauzé, Robert; Pelletier-Brochu, Jade; Stheneur, Chantal; Thibault, Isabelle; Touchette, Luc.
Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR) – Operating Grant
2014-2019 / Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS)
Principal investigator: Cyr, Mireille; Wright, John.
Other co-investigators : Allard-Dansereau, Claire; Bégin, Catherine; Bégin, Huguette; Bélanger, Claude; Bergeron, Sophie; Bernard-Bonin, Anne-Claude; Bernier, Annie; Blais, Martin; Bond, Sharon; Boucher, Sophie; Brassard, Audrey; Daigneault, Isabelle; Dion, Jacinthe; Frappier, Jean-Yves; Godbout, Natacha; Hébert, Martine; Lavoie, Francine; Lussier, Yvan; MacIntosh, Heather Beth; Normandin, Lina; Péloquin, Katherine; Sabourin, Stéphane; Tourigny, Marc; Zadra, Antonio.
Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) – Strategic Clusters
$ 1,290,450
2014-2018 / Advancing interdisciplinary research in childhood ethics: An ethnographic examination of best interests and moral agency
Principal investigator : Carnevale, Franco.
Other co-investigators : Macdonald, Mary Ellen; Shariff, Shaheen; Talwar, Victoria; Van Praagh, Shauna B.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Grants
$ 439,231
2014-2016 / Décrire et comprendre : les trajectoires de placement et d’adoption ; l’expérience des acteurs impliqués et les changements actuels dans les pratiques et politiques de placement et d'adoption
Principal investigator : Poirier, Marie-Andrée.
Other co-investigators : Clément, Marie-Ève; Hélie, Sonia; Pagé, Geneviève; Piché, Anne-Marie; Turcotte, Geneviève.
Collaborators: Esposito, Tonino; Lavergne, Chantal; Trocmé, Nico; Turcotte, Daniel.
Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) – Research Team Support
2013-2015 / Étude québécoise d’incidence 2014 des mauvais traitements envers les enfants (EIQ-2014)
Principal investigator : Hélie, Sonia.
Other co-investigators : Trocmé, Nico; Turcotte, Daniel.
Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux, Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Association des Centres jeunesse du Québec.
2013-2015 / Étudier et comprendre les liens entre la victimisation et la délinquance
Principal investigator : Wemmers, Jo-Anne.
Other co-investigators : Chamberland, Claire; Clément, Marie-Éve; Cyr, Katie; Damant, Dominique; Gagné, Marie-Hélène; Lessard, Geneviève.
Bureau d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels
2013-2014 / Ethical problems in pediatric medicine: Developing interdisciplinary knowledge and action
Principal investigator : Carnevale, Franco.
Other co-investigators: Macdonald, Mary Ellen; Ménard, Jean-Frédéric.
Canadian Institutes of Health and Research – Ethics Priority
2008-2014 / Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS)
Principal investigator: Cyr, Mireille; Wright, John.
Other co-investigators: Allard-Dansereau, Claire; Bégin, Catherine; Bégin, Huguette; Bélanger, Claude; Bergeron, Sophie; Bernard-Bonin, Anne-Claude; Bernier, Annie; Blais, Martin; Bond, Sharon; Boucher, Sophie; Brassard, Audrey; Daigneault, Isabelle; Dion, Jacinthe; Frappier, Jean-Yves; Godbout, Natacha; Hébert, Martine; Lavoie, Francine; Lussier, Yvan; MacIntosh, Heather Beth; Normandin, Lina; Péloquin, Katherine; Sabourin, Stéphane; Tourigny, Marc; Zadra, Antonio.
Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) – Strategic Clusters
$ 1,536,000
2010-2013 / La polyvictimisation des enfants du Québec âgés de 2 à 11 ans
Principal investigator: Clément, Marie-Eve.
Other co-investigators: Chamberland, Claire; Damant, Dominique; Gagné, Marie-Hélène; Lessard, Geneviève; Trocmé, Nico; Wemmers, Jo-Anne.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Standard Research Grant
2010-2012 / Ethics studies of childhood: developing an interdisciplinary research program
Principal investigator: Carnevale, Franco.
Other co-investigators: Campbell, Angela; Macdonald, Mary Ellen.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Research Development Initiatives
2009-2012 / PARENTING MATTERS! The biopsychosocial context of parenting children with neurodevelopmental disabilities in Canada
Principal investigator : Kohen, Dafna Esther; Lach, Lucyna Maria; Rosenbaum, Peter.
Other co-investigators: Birnbaum, Rachel; Brehaut, Jamie C.; Garner, Rochelle Elizabeth; MacKenzie, Michael John; McNeill, Ted; Niccols, Alison; Nicholas, David Bruce; Saini, Michael Anthony.
Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) - Emerging Team Grant: Children with Disabilities & Bloorview Research Institute
2008-2011 / La polyvictimisation des jeunes au Québec
Principal investigator: Chamberland, Claire.
Other co-investigators: Clément, Marie-Eve; Damant, Dominique; Gagné, Marie-Hélène; Lessard, Geneviève; Trocmé, Nico; Wemmers, Jo-Anne.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - Standard Research Grant
2006-2009 / Évolution des symptômes de dissociations chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire ayant dévoilé une agression sexuelle
Principal investigator: Hébert, Martine.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - Standard Research Grant
$ 101,204


2014-2020 / Networks for change and well-being: "From the ground up" policy making to address sexual violence against girls
Principal investigators : Mitchell, Claudia; Moletsane, Relebohile.
Co-investigators : Ahsan, Saman; Danforth, Jessica; De Finney, Sandrina; De Lange, Naydene; Denov, Myriam; Flicker, Sarah; Gonick, Marnina; Jordan, Steven; Liebenberg, Linda; Macaulay, Ann; Park, Eun; Rentschler, Carrie; Shariff, Shaheen; Theron, Linda.
International Development Research Centre and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - International Partnerships for Sustainable Societies (IPaSS) program.
$ 2,400,000
2014-2019 / Laboratoire de recherche en Épidémiologie de la Maltraitance (LaREM)
Principal investigator : Clément, Marie-Ève.
Collaborators : Dubeau, Diane; Dufour, Sarah; Gagné, Marie-Hélène; Hélie, Sonia; Kettani, Myriam; Lavergne, Chantal; Moreau, Jacques; Piché, Geneviève; Poirier, Marie-Andrée; Trocmé, Nico.
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – Leaders opportunity Fund



Milot, T., Collin-Vézina, D., & Godbout, N. (2018). Le Trauma Complexe: Comprendre, Évaluer et Intervenir. Collection D’enfance (R. Tessier, G.M. Tarabulsy, J.-P. Lemelin). Presses de l’Université du Québec.


Collin-Vézina, D., Daigneault, I, & Hébert, M. (2015). Lessons learned from child sexual abuse research (pp. 3-14). In L.A. Prock (Ed.),The Societal Burden of Child Abuse: Long-Term Mental Health and Behavioral Consequences. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).

Collin-Vézina, D.,Rouleau, S., Brunet, M., Plante, S., Légaré, G. & Milot, T. (2015). Difficultés en santé mentale et séquelles traumatiques des enfants en famille: Développement de meilleures pratiques aux Centres jeunesse de Lanaudière (pp. 237-252). In G. Paquette, C. Plourde & K. Gagné (Eds), Au cœur de l’intervention de groupe: nouvelles pratiques psychoéducatives.Montréal, QC: Béliveau Éditeur.

Collin-Vézina, D. (2012). Students affected by sexual abuse. In E. Rossen & R. Hull (Eds), Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School-Based Professionals (pp.187-202). New York: Oxford University Press.

Collin-Vézina, D., & Hébert, M. (2012). Victimisation sexuelle et troubles des conduites alimentaires : Les différentes facettes d’une relation complexe. In M. Hébert, M. Cyr, & M. Tourigny (Eds.), Les agressions sexuelles envers les enfants (pp. 91-130). Montréal, QC: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Collin-Vézina, D., & Milne, L. (2012). Child sexual abuse: Anoverview. H. MacMillan, topic ed. In R.E. Tremblay,M. Boivin, & R. DeV.Peters (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online] (pp. 1-6). Montreal, Quebec:Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early ChildDevelopment. Available at


Collin-Vézina, D. & Garrido, E. (2017). Child sexual abuse, gender, & health outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Collin-Vézina, D., Cyr, M., & Daignault, I. (2017). L’agression sexuelle commise sur des enfants et des jeunes: Les victimes, les auteurs. Criminologie.


Alaggia, R., Collin-Vézina, D., & Lateef, R. (2017). Facilitators and barriers to child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosures: A research update (2000-2016). Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,Advance online publication,1-24. doi : 10.1177/1524838017697312. Open Access:

Collin-Vézina, D., Daignault, I., & Cyr, M. (2017). L’agression sexuelle commise sur les mineurs: les victimes, les auteurs. Criminologie, 50(1), 5-9. doi :

Collin-Vézina, D. & Garrino, E.F. (2017). Current issues in child sexual abuse, gender and health outcomes: Shedding new lights to inform worldwide policy and practice. Child Abuse & Neglect, 63, 245-248.doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.032.

Fallon, B., Collin-Vézina, D., King, B., & Joh-Carnella, N. (2017). Clinical differences and outcomes of sexual abuse investigations by gender: Implications for policy and practice. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10(1), 77-86. doi:10.1007/s40653-016-0121-0.

Gagnier, C., Collin-Vézina, D., De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. (2017). The journey of obtaining services: The reality of male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, Advance online publication, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s40653-017-0141-4.

Guay, A., Aunos, M., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Mothering with an intellectual disability: A phenomenological exploration of making infant-feeding decisions. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30, 511-520. doi : 10.1111/jar.12298.

Mian, M. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Adopting a public health approach to addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation, Child Abuse & Neglect, 66, 152-154. doi : 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.035.

Silva, D. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Étude sur les changements apportés aux processus de traitement des cas d’agression sexuelle. Criminologie, 50(1),35-49.doi: 10.7202/1039795ar. Open Access:

Cyr, K., Chamberland, C., Clément, M-È., Wemmers, J-A., Collin-Vézina, D., Lessard, G., Gagné, M-H, & Damant, D. (2016). The impact of lifetime victimization and polyvictimization on adolescents in Quebec: mental health symptoms and gender differences. Violence and Victims, 32(1), 3-21. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-14-00020.

Esposito, T., Delaye, A., Chabot, M., Trocmé, N., Collin-Vézina, D., & Simpson, M. (2016). The placement trajectories of youth served by child protection for sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10(1), 63–76. doi:10.1007/s40653-016-0128-6.

Gagnier, C. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2016). The disclosure experiences of male child sexual abuse survivors. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 25, 221-241.doi : 10.1080/10538712.2016.1124308.

MacIntosh, H., Fletcher, K., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2016a). ‘As time went on, I just forgot about it’: Thematic analysis of emergent and discontinuous memories of child sexual abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 25(1), 56-72.doi : 10.1080/10538712.2015.1042564

MacIntosh, H., Fletcher, K., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2016b). “I was like damaged, used goods”: Thematic analysis of disclosures of childhood sexual abuse to romantic partners.Marriage & Family Review, 52, 598-611. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2016.1157117

Maheux, J., Collin-Vézina, D., MacIntosh, H., Berthelot, N., Hétu, S (2016). Capacités de mentalisation spécifique au trauma auprès d'adultes ayant subi des agressions sexuelles durant l'enfance. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 37(3), 93-115.

Mathews, B. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2016). Child sexual abuse: Raising awareness and empathy is essential to promote new public health responses. Journal of Public Health Policy,37, 304-314.Open Access: doi:10.1057/jphp.2016.21

Carnevale, F., Campbell, A., Collin-Vézina, D. & MacDonald, M.E. (2015). Interdisciplinary studies of childhood ethics: Developing a new field of inquiry. Children & Society, 29, 511-523. doi: 10.1111/chso.12063.

Collin-Vézina, D., De la Sablonnière, M., Palmer, A., & Milne, L. (2015). A preliminary mapping of individual, relational, and social factors that impede disclosure of childhood sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 43, 123-134. doi : 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.03.010.

Dion, J., Cantinotti, M., Ross, A., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2015). Sexual abuse, residential schooling and probable pathological gambling among Indigenous Peoples. Child Abuse & Neglect, 44, 56-65. doi : 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.03.004.

Milne, L. & Collin-Vézina, D. (2015). Assessment of children and youth in child protective services out-of-home care: An overview of trauma measures. Psychology of Violence, 5, 122-132. doi : 10.1037/a0037865.

Ross, A., Dion, J., Cantinotti, M., Collin-Vézina, D., & Paquette, L. (2015).Impact of residential schooling and of childabuse on substance use problems in Indigenous Peoples. AddictiveBehaviors, 51, 184-192.doi : 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.07.014.