Revised June 13, 2013


Definitions and Abbreviations

Collie Wells, Education Administrator

Mylinda Brown, Education Specialist

Alabama State Department of Education, Thomas R. Bice, State Superintendent of Education Date 6-10-13


The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in its programs, activities, or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, PO Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, telephone (334) 242-8165.


Common Definitions and Abbreviations

AAAE Alabama Association of Agriscience Educators

AAC Alabama Administrative Code

AACTE Alabama Association for Career and Technical Education

AAFCS American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

AATFACS Alabama Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences

ABEA Alabama Business Education Association

ABC Associated Builders and Contractors

ACCESS Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide

ACIN Alabama Career Information Network

ACRI Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute

ACTA Alabama Career Technical Administrators

ACTE Association for Career and Technical Education

ADA American Dietetic Association

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADDA American Design Drafting Association

ADECA Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs

ADM Average Daily Membership

AG Agriscience

AGC Associated General Contractors

AHSD Alabama High School Diploma

AHSGE Alabama High School Graduation Exam

AIDB Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind

AIDT Alabama Industrial Development Training

AIFD American Institute of Floral Designers

ALEX Alabama Learning Exchange

AOD Alabama Occupational Diploma

APT Alabama Public Television

APTTP Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program

ASCA American School Counselor Association

ASE Automotive Service Excellence

B/ME Business/Marketing Education

BIC Business and Industry Certification

BLAST Off Building Leaders and Strong Teams of Officers

CACG College Access Challenge Grant

CAR Consolidated Annual Report

CIT Commerce and Information Technology

CO-OP Cooperative Education

COS Course of Study

CSFO Chief School Financial Officer

CT Career Technologies

CTABC Career and Technical Alternative Baccalaureate Certificate

CTE Career and Technical Education

CTIP Career and Technical Implementation Plan

CTSO Career and Technical Student Organization

DECA An Association of Marketing Students

DOT Dictionary of Occupational Titles

DPS Department of Postsecondary Education

DYS Department of Youth Services

ECEP Early College Enrollment Program

EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Council

eGAP Electronic Grant Application Process

ELL English Language Learners (replaces ESL-English as Second Language)

FACS Family and Consumer Sciences

FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FBLA Future Business Leaders of America

FCCLA Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

FCSEA Family and Consumer Sciences Education Association

FEA Future Educators of America

FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FFA The Student Organization for Agriscience Education

FHSHTE Family, Human Services, Hospitality & Tourism, and Education

FTA Future Teachers of Alabama

FY Fiscal Year

GAERF Graphic Arts Educational Research Foundation

HOSA Health Occupations Students of America

HOUSSE High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation

HQ Highly Qualified

HS Health Science

HSTW High Schools That Work

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEP Individual Education Program

ISO 9001:2008 International Organization for Standardization

IT Information Technology

JAG Jobs for America’s (Alabama’s) Graduates

JLDC Joint Leadership Development Conference

JROTC Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

LEA Local Education Agency

LEAPS Local Education Agency Personnel and Subject Codes

LEP Limited English Proficiency

LMI Labor Market Information

MEA Marketing Education Association (Mark Ed)

MMGW Making Middle Grades Work

MOA Methods of Administration

NAA New Administrator Academy

NAAE National Association of Agricultural Educators

NAF National Academy Foundation (Finance)

NATEF National Automotive and Technician Education Foundation

NATFACS National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences

NATIE National Association of Trade and Industrial Education

NBEA National Business Education Association

NCA National Certifying Agencies

NCCER National Center for Construction Education and Research

NCLB No Child Left Behind

NCHSE National Consortium for Health Science Education

NIH National Institutes of Health

NIMS National Institute for Metal Working Skills

NOCTI National Occupational Competency Testing Institute

NTI New Teacher Institute

OCR Office of Civil Rights

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PD Professional Development

PFT Preparation For Tomorrow

PLTW Project Lead The Way

POI Plans of Instruction

POY Program of the Year

RFP Request for Proposal

RTI Response to Intervention

SAE Supervised Agricultural Experience

SBE State Board of Education

SBEA Southern Business Education Association

SDE Alabama State Department of Education

SkillsUSA An Organization for Students in Technical, Skilled, and Service Careers

SLEAPS Support Local Education Agency Personnel and Subject Codes

SOLTS State Officer Leadership Training Seminar

SREB Southern Regional Education Board

STIPD Software Technology Incorporated Professional Development

SUCCESS Supporting Career Cluster Education for Students System

TAH Technical Awareness Hours

TAV Technical Assistance Visit

TCTW Technology Centers That Work

TE Technical Education

TSA Technology Student Association

WBE Work-Based Experience

WBLE Work-Based Learning Experiences


Career and Technical Education

Academy - See Career-Themed AcademyCTE.

ACCESS - See Online Distance Learning Courses.

Accommodations - Alterations in the way tasks are presented that allow students with learning disabilities to complete the same assignments as other students. Accommodations do not alter the content of assignments; give students an unfair advantage; or in the case of credentialing, technical skill attainment, and business and industry skill assessments, change what a test measures.

Accountability - The measurement of the educational effectiveness and efficiency of a program.

Adjusted Enrollment - An adjustment on the daily schedule enrollment category whereby a student seeking a Graduation Certificate may be counted as two when modifications (changes in content standards) are required based on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Administration - See Career and Technical Administration.

Administrator - See Career and Technical Administrator.

Advanced Career and Technical Diploma Endorsement - Recognition of the completion of advanced-level core curriculum and CTE coursework consistent with guidelines established by the Alabama State Department of Education (SDE) and local boards. The endorsement requires completer status.

Advisory Committee - A core group of business, industry, and community individuals with knowledge related to a specific CTE program that provides advice on program components. There shall be a minimum of five (5) broadly-based members from business, industry, and community who have experience directly related to the program.

Advisory Council - Skilled and knowledgeable individuals organized at the state or system level to provide advice on occupational and employment trends, societal needs, and relevance of CTE offerings in meeting these needs. The membership of the council shall consist of at least five (5) business and industry persons from different community industry sectors. Additional persons with interest in the career and technical education (student organization officers, educators, former students, administrators, government officials, economic development representatives, chamber of commerce, etc.) may be included.

Agriscience Education - Agriscience Education provides students with appropriate classroom and laboratory instruction in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster. Related, organized FFA activities are an integral component of the classroom and laboratory instruction.

Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) - The high-stakes required assessment used to determine the level of mastery of the core skills in reading, English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Alabama Administrative Code (AAC) - A compilation of the rules of all the state agencies covered by the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act.

Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education - State Board of Education approved standards describing the minimal instructional content of the career and technical education programs and related courses.

Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) - Web site ( for educators providing lesson plans, instructional materials, and state courses of study.

Alabama Occupational Diploma (AOD) - High school diploma option for students with disabilities as defined by IDEA legislation.

All Aspects of an Industry - The term ‘all aspects of an industry’ means strong experience in, and comprehensive understanding of, the industry that the individual is preparing to enter.

Alternative Baccalaureate Certificate - See Career and Technical Alternative Baccalaureate Certificate.

Aptitude Test - An assessment of mental and physical abilities based on performance of designated tasks.

Area Career and Technical Center/School - See Career and Technical Center.

Articulation - A written commitment that is agreed upon at the state and/or local level designed to provide students with a non-duplicative sequence of progressive achievement leading to technical skill proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree.

Coursework - A systematic method that prevents duplication within sequences of courses between secondary schools and postsecondary institutions.

Credit - Credit earned at the secondary level that is recognized by the Department of Postsecondary Education for postsecondary credit.

Equipment - A written agreement that allows orientation and training on equipment shared by secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, and/or business and industry.

Asset Number - An inventory number used by the school system to code equipment for inventory purposes.

Business/Industry Awareness - Activities that provide teachers with new knowledge on content, equipment, or skills related to the career and technical education program resulting in lessons taught to studen

Business/Industry Certification (BIC) - The validation that career and technical education programs comply with and maintain quality standards as agreed upon by business and industry, education professionals, and the Department.

·  BIC Cycle 1 - 1998-2003

·  BIC Cycle 2 - 2003-2008

·  BIC Cycle 3 - 2008-2013

·  BIC Cycle 4 - 2013-2018

Business/Marketing Education - Business/Marketing Education provides students with appropriate classroom and laboratory instruction in the Business Management and Administration, Finance, and Marketing, Sales, and Service Clusters. Related, organized FBLA and DECA activities are an integral component of the classroom and laboratory instruction.

Business Survey - An inquiry of local business/industry assessing employment needs, opportunities for career and technical programming, employee skill sets, and equipment training requirements used to determine program offerings and meet workforce needs.

Career-Themed AcademyCTE - A smaller learning community of students taught by academic teachers and career and technical education teacher(s) in a multi-year program that is organized around a common career theme with a substantiated local, regional, or state workforce need.

Career and Technical Administration - The LEA management of career and technical education programs and supporting activities.

·  Principal - Individual who has executive authority for a school. Certification: See Subject and Personnel Codes for in-field requirements.

·  Principal/Director - Individual who has executive authority for a school and is responsible for development and implementation of the Local CTE Plan. Certification: See Subject and Personnel Codes for in-field requirements.

·  Director - Individual at the central office level who has responsibility for development and implementation of the Local CTE Plan. Certification: Administration

·  Teacher/Director - Individual who has responsibility for Local CTE Plan. Certification: See Subject and Personnel Codes for in-field requirements.

·  Data Contact Person - Individual designated by Superintendent as holding responsibility and accountability for data submission for the Local CTE Plan.

Career and Technical Administrator - The individual responsible for the management of career and technical education programs and supporting activities within an LEA. See Subject and Personnel Codes for in-field requirements.

Career and Technical Alternative Baccalaureate Certificate (CTABC) - A teaching certificate requested for an individual who holds a BS degree from a regionally accredited institution and meets additional Department requirements as outlined in the CTABC Summary.

Career and Technical Center - A specialized area CTE school that may serve two or more high schools and/or school systems and that shall provide no fewer than five (5) business and industry certified secondary occupational programs to be used exclusively or principally in providing services to students in preparation for employment or further education.

Career and Technical Course - The content standards (minimum requirements) that must be taught as identified in the approved Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education.

Career and Technical Diploma Endorsement - Recognition of the completion of core curriculum and CTE coursework consistent with guidelines established by the SDE and local boards. The student must attain concentrator status and complete one additional CTE or academic course related to the student’s career objective.

Career and Technical Education - The term ‘career and technical education’ means organized educational activities that are an integral part of the total education program and that:

A.  offer a sequence of courses that:

i.  provides individuals with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions;

ii.  provides diploma endorsements, technical skill proficiencies, industry-recognized credentials, certificates, and work-based learning experiences; and

iii.  may include prerequisite courses (other than remedial courses); and

B.  include competency-based learning that is reflected in the state-approved CTE course of study and contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship, of an individual.

Career and Technical Education Magnet School - A school based on a unifying theme or an organizational structure designed for career and technical education students.

Career and Technical Education Program - An area of study that blends academic, occupational, and life skills leading to a credential, employment, or further education. Minimum components consist of business and industry certification; the equivalent of three CTE one-credit courses offered in a two-year time period (not applicable to 7th & 8th grade middle-level programs); SDE-approved curriculum including syllabus, lesson plans, and plans of instruction; student-earned credential; SDE-approved equipment and facilities; active local, state, and nationally affiliated CTSO; diversified advisory committee; engaged business partnerships; and appropriately SDE-certified teachers.

Career and Technical Implementation Plan (CTIP) - A component of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the career and technical education student with a disability who needs accommodations and/or modifications in the career and technical education program.