

This manual has been prepared in an attempt to provide a convenient document for the use of faculty to familiarize themselves with many of the important policies and procedures of the District and the College.

Obviously, any policy or procedure may change during the actual course of the school year by virtue of Board action, administrative decision, or collective bargaining agreements. Therefore, certain contents of this manual may become outdated at any time.

For any question of a critical nature, it is always best to check with your immediate administrative supervisor, who will either know the answer or will know where to obtain the correct answer.

There is available in every administrator's office a manual containing District policy, administrative rules and regulations, and pertinent contract provisions. A copy of the Education Code and Title V of the California Administrative Code is available for review in the College President's Office.

The Organization shall not unlawfully discriminate against any person on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, race, color, or physical or mental disability, or any other unlawful criteria, and shall not subject any person to any other discriminatory practices prohibited by state or federal law.




Organization Chart 1

Instructors: Duties and Responsibilities 2

Coaches: Duties and Responsibilities 5

Associate Deans of Instruction: Duties and Responsibilities 6

Department Chairs: Duties and Responsibilities 9

Department Chairs: List 11

Department Chairs: Appointment Process 13

Committees and Meetings 14


Grading Standards 16

Textbook Adoption

Class Record Book 17

Student Records

Changing Grades ……… 18

Semester Examinations

Examination Policy

Proctoring Examinations

Maintenance of Student Evaluation Material

Liability of Instructors

Classroom Changes 19


Library and Audio-visual Materials

Production Services 20

Key Authorization

Purchase and Requisition Procedures 21

Moving Furniture and Equipment

Buildings and Equipment

Maintenance and Custodial Services

Use of School Buildings, Rooms and Facilities 22

Telephone Usage

Field Trips

Transportation Requests

Public Relations 23

Staff and Student Information Bulletin 24

Student Employment Services


Professional Ethics 25

Sexual Harassment 26

Professional Growth

Emergency Procedures 27


Philosophy of Student Government 31

Student Body Organization

Regulations Governing Student Organization Funds

Finances 32

Student Activity Schedule 33


Solicitation of Funds 34

Regulations for Posting Material 34

Off-Campus Code of Conduct

Responsibilities of Faculty Members, Coaches & Club Advisors on Field Trips 36


General Policy Statement 38

Academic Freedom 39

Freedom of Speech, Political Activities 39

Definition of Incompatible Activities 40

Drug Free Workplace 40

Title for Certificated Personnel 41

Assignments 41

Two-Campus Assignments 42

Tenure 43


Class Advancement 44

Extra Pay 45

Community Service 45

Travel and Expense Reimbursement

Faculty Senates 47

Industrial Accident and Illness Leave 48

Employee Assistance Program

Retention, Dismissal, Suspension 49

Retirement/Reduced Service

Resignation 50

Appointment and Conditions of Employment

Contracts: Issuance, Acceptance, Release 51

Orientation 52



Sexual Harassment


New Certificated Positions 53

Recruitment, Selection and Employment 54

Nepotism 56



Academic Senate - Constitution and By Laws

Curriculum Committee - Operating Agreement and By Laws

Equivalency Committee - Operating Agreement and By Laws

Professional Ethics

Copyright Guidelines Appendix A

Emergency Action Plans Appendix B



Absences 19

Academic Senate – What is the Academic Senate i

Academic Senate – Constitution and Bylaws iv

Academic Senate – Shared Governance Agreement i

Academic Freedom 39

Accident, Industrial 48

Assignments 41

Audio-Visual equipment 19

Buildings and Equipment - Responsibility 21

Buildings, Rooms and Facilities - Use 22

Class Record Book 17

Class Advancement 41

Classroom Changes 19

Committees and Meetings 14

Community Service 45

Compensation - Extra pay for extra work 45

Complaint Procedures - Members of the Bargaining Unit 53

Complaints and Procedures - Discrimination 53

Complaints and Procedures - Sexual Harassment 52

Contracts: Issuance, Acceptance, Release 51

Crisis Intervention 27

Curriculum Committee - Operating Agreement 56

Department Chairs - Appointment Process 13

Department Chairs - List 11

Discrimination Complaints and Procedures 52

Drug Free Workplace 40

Duties and Responsibilities, Associate Deans of Instruction 6

Duties and Responsibilities, Coaches 5

Duties and Responsibilities, Department Chairs 9

Duties and Responsibilities, Instructors 2

Emergency Procedures 28

Emergency Action Plans Appendix B

Employee Assistance Program 48

Employment - Appointment and Conditions 47

Employment Criteria 52

Employment - Incompatible Activities 36

Employment - Recruitment 54

Employment - Selection 52

Employment - Simultaneous 36

Equivalency Committee - Operating Agreement 56

Ethics - Professional 25

Examination Policy 18

Facilities - Use 22

Field Trips - Transportation 22

Fire and Emergency Drills 27

Freedom of Speech 39

Furniture and Equipment - Moving 21

Grading 16

Grades - Changing 18

Grading Standards 16

Holidays 56

Illness or Injury - Minor, Procedures 28

Incompatible Activities 40

Industrial Accidents - Reporting of Claims 48

Key Authorization 20

Liability, Instructor 18

Library and Audio-visual Materials 19

Maintenance and Custodial Services 21

Student Evaluation Material 18

Nepotism 56

Non-Contract assignments - compensation 44

Organization Chart 1

Orientation 52

Parking 24

Pay period 44

Payroll deductions 44

Political Activities 36

Positions - New, Certificated 50

Proctoring Examinations 18

Production Services 20

Professional Growth 26

Public Relations 23

Publications City at Large 22

Purchase and Requisition Procedures 21

Reduced Service 49

Resignation - procedures 50

Retirement/Reduced Service 49

Rooms - Use 22

Salary 43

Salary - Class Advancement 44

Salary - pay period 44

Salary - payroll deductions 44

Semester Examinations 18

Sexual Harassment 26

Sexual Harassment - Prohibition and Complaint Procedures 52

Staff and Student Information Bulletin 24

STRS - Reduced Service 49

Student Records 17

Students and Student Organizations 31

Students - Employment Services 24

Teaching Assignment 41

Teaching Assignment - Two Campuses 42

Teaching Assignments - extra-contractual compensation 42

Telephone Usage 22

Tenure 43

Textbook Adoption 16

Titles, Certificated Personnel 41

Transportation Requests 22

Travel and Expense Reimbursement 45

Volunteer/Community Service 45

Duties & Responsibilities of Instructors Cross Reference: BP 4118.1

The major duty of an instructor shall be to teach students in accordance with the philosophy, objectives, and polices of the district, the approved curriculum of the division, the provisions of the Education Code, and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. More specifically, and additionally, a teacher of this district shall:

1. Know the philosophy and objectives of this district [as expressed in the college catalogs] and be guided by them in the planning and teaching of each course.

2. Know and comply with provisions of the Faculty Handbook.

3. Maintain a high level of competency in the subjects taught.

4. In cooperation with other instructors concerned, prepare and/or revise outlines for courses as assigned and submit these outlines to the administration for review and approval.

5. In cooperation with other instructors concerned, prepare and submit to the administration for review and approval a listing for each course of the texts, workbooks, or other material which students are expected to utilize.

6. Teach classes as assigned and scheduled by the administration (after consultation with the instructors), following the current approved course outlines and utilizing the current approved texts for each course taught.

7. Prepare and submit studies, reports, and other materials directly related to his/her teaching and other assignments as called for by the administration.

8. Be present in the classroom during the time classes are officially scheduled, exceptions to be approved by the administration.

9. If it is necessary to be absent for any reason, provide the administration with maximum advance notice of both the beginning of absence and the return to duty.

10. Give final examinations as announced in the published examination schedule, exceptions to be approved by the administration.

11. Keep accurate records on attendance and grades and submit, on time, attendance reports, grade reports, classbooks, and other records and certifications required by the various administrative offices.

12. Take appropriate action to assure that students in his/her classes are only those who have been admitted in accordance with college procedures. However, guests not intending to enroll in a class for credit may attend class sessions by instructor permission.

Duties & Responsibilities of Instructors Cross Reference: BP 4118.1

13. Maintain prudent and reasonable supervision of students at all times while in charge of a class, laboratory, shop, field trip, or authorized college activity.

14. Make systematic evaluations of student progress consistent with established instructional objectives.

15. Work with counselors and other appropriate personnel on student problems which require special attention.

16. Maintain confidentiality of student records as required by state and federal law.

17. Cooperate in the promotion of extracurricular activities by accepting extracurricular assignments and by positive encouragement of student conduct and student dress.

18. Assist in enforcement of college rules and regulations pertaining to student conduct and student dress.

19. Serve on committees when appointed.

20. Prepare requests for the purchase of new library books and materials as needed and submit these requests to the librarian.

21. Work a minimum of 40 hours per week and be on campus each duty day as set forth in the district calendar, exceptions to be approved by the administration.

22. Maintain a minimum total of 20 office and class hours weekly, excepting that in no instance shall an instructor have fewer than three office hours each week. Office hours, which are for the purpose of student consultation, shall be posted on office doors and filed with the dean of instruction.

23. Attend faculty meetings, division meetings, and other meetings called by authorized personnel, unless excused by the person calling the meeting or by the president.

24. Exercise proper care in the use of instructional equipment and in observing security precautions for the protection of such equipment.

25. Assist in preparing the annual budget requests for instructional equipment, supplies, repairs, and alterations and submit these requests to the administration for review and recommendation.

26. Report to the administration observed defects in the buildings, fields, furniture, or equipment which might jeopardize the comfort, health, or safety of students or others.

Duties & Responsibilities of Instructors Cross Reference: BP 4118.1

27. Give prompt attention to all bulletins and announcements from administrative offices and comply with regulations thus issued.

28. Keep informed on procedures to be followed in case of fire, air raid, earthquake, bomb threat, or other disaster or accident.

29. Devote full time, attention, and effort to assignments and refrain from engaging in any employment, activity, or enterprise which has been determined to be inconsistent, incompatible, or in conflict with duties as a district certificated employee. (See Definition of Incompatible Activities (BP 4118.4)).

30. To facilitate and make more efficient the learning process, inform students, in writing, at the beginning of each course, of the instructor's attendance requirements, major class objectives consistent with approved course outline, major assignments and approximate due dates, an explanation of the standards and methods of evaluating student performance, and consequences which the student can expect if performance standards are not met. When, in the judgment of the instructor, circumstances warrant revisions in the initial instructional plan, these revisions will be conveyed to the students within a reasonable time.

31. Act as a faculty academic advisor to those students, designated by the administration, who need assistance in an area for which an instructor has expertise.

Duties & Responsibilities of Coaches Cross Reference: AR 4118.11

In addition to fulfilling the requirements of Board Policy 4118.1 (Duties and Responsibilities of Instructors), athletic coaches of this district shall:

1. Work through the athletic director on all matters pertaining to athletics.

2. Obtain final approval of the athletic director on all sports schedules.

3. Maintain good rapport with the district high school coaches and an effective working relationship with them.

4. Develop and maintain good rapport in the communities and within the various groups within the communities.

5. In accordance with established rules and regulations, recruit athletes within the district by being visible at the district high school campuses and actively recruiting on the district high school campuses.

6. Maintain appropriate individual and team conduct and discipline.

7. Maintain a businesslike working relationship with campus employees and organizations.

8. Complete in a timely manner necessary paperwork which serves the function of the program.

9. Assume responsibility for securing information regarding eligibility of players, as appropriate.

10. Field full and competitive teams.

11. Assume duties and responsibilities as delegated or assigned by the administration, athletic director, or head coach.

These duties and responsibilities reflect past practices and are included here for purposes of clarification.

Duties & Responsibilities of Associate Deans of Instruction

Under the general direction of the Dean of Instruction and in accordance with provisions of the Education Code, the rules and regulations of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, and the policies of the District, the divisional Associate Deans of Instruction perform the following duties:

1. Recommend to the Dean of Instruction schedules of teaching assignments and class and room assignments. Monitor the enrollment in classes and make adjustments as appropriate according to registration trends and fiscal demands.

2. Recommend to the Dean of Instruction faculty selection, evaluation, and retention for both full-time and part-time staff; initiates employment papers on all new hires; and makes recommendations relative to employment status.

3. Supervise classroom instruction in the division.

4. Make recommendations to the Dean of Instruction for the improvement of instruction within the division.

5. Hold meetings with instructors and other staff members of the division to assure that district policies and rules and regulations are understood and observed.

6. Are available for consultation with students, teachers and members of the community.

7. Promote Professional Development among the division faculty and conducts related activities.

8. Serve in a liaison capacity between the faculty of the division and the administration.

9. Promote, organize, coordinate, and develop division programs to include day, evening, and summer session.

10. Provide for supervision of the division's classified and student employees.

11. Encourage the writing of special projects which affect the division.

12. Supervise and evaluate the conference and field trip plans of instructors and/or students.

13. When an instructor is absent, secure a substitute instructor as appropriate or sees to the taking of role and the dismissing of the class.

14. Give sustained leadership in curriculum improvement by constant review, regular evaluation, revision, and attention to relevance.

Duties & Responsibilities of Associate Deans of Instruction

15. Recommend curriculum proposals to Dean of Instruction.

16. Maintain and upgrade courses of study with assistance of the faculty.

17. Furnish data for the college catalog pertaining to the division.

18. Develops informational materials for publication (brochures, pamphlets, etc.) having to do with the division programs.