ISB101 Syllabus
Fall 2015
Course Title: Management Technology (3 credit hours – required course)
College, Program and Major Learning Goals
This course is designed to help students achieve one or more College Core, Business Program and/or Major level learning goals and objectives. You can see the specific College, Program or Major level learning goals and objectives associated with the course from this page on the College website: .
Instructor:Edward J. Szewczak, Ph.D.
Office: Tower 502
Office Phone: 888-2239
Office Hours: By appointment
Course Prerequisites: None.
Required Texts
G.M. Marakas & J.A. O’Brien, Introduction to Information Systems, 16th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2013. [“Text”]
R.T. Grauer, K. Mulbery & J. Scheeren, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Volume 1, Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. [“Excel”]
Course Outline (tentative)
Week Topics
1Syllabus, Chapter 1, D2L, Downloading, Savingand Printing Files
2Chapter 1, Information Literacy*
3Chapter 3
4Chapter 3
5Chapter 3, Exam 1, Exam 1 Review, Chapter 4
6Chapter 4
7Excel (Chapter 1)*
8Chapter 5
9Excel (Chapter 2)
10Chapter 5, Exam 2, Exam 2 Review
11Chapter 6
12Chapter 6
13Chapter 7*
14Excel (Chapter 3)
15Chapter 9, Exam 3, Exam 3 Review
Finals Final Exam
* = Holiday week
Early in the semester, a member of the Library staff will address the class on the topic of “information literacy.” Although this course teaches basic computer skills, information literacy is NOT the same as computer literacy (i.e., the ability to use computers). Information literacy has been defined by the Association of College and Research Libraries as “the set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information,” perhaps by utilizing computers to access online databases. In addition to the experiential exercises conducted in class, there will be one required assignment involving the use of College online databases to give you the experience of information literacy.
Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used as a communication tool to enhance the delivery of business presentations. It will be introduced early in the semester since it will be useful in viewing PowerPoint slides available on D2L developed for our Text.
Microsoft Excel will be introduced after we cover fundamental computer hardware and software topics in Text Chapters 3 and 4. Various computer assignments are available in the Excel text and will be assigned throughout the semester, which will require you to exercise analytical skills as well as reflective thinking to successfully complete them.
Course Rules
I will announce exams and assignments on a week-by-week basis. If you are unable to come to class, or come late to class, you are responsible for acquiring information about exams and assignments.
There will be three regular exams and a final exam. Regular exams will be given in Week 5, Week 10, and Week 15. If for any reason you cannot take an exam when it is scheduled, you must notify me beforehand or else youwill not be allowed a makeup exam. Makeup exams will be both different and more difficult than regularly scheduled exams, since you will have had more time to prepare for them. All makeup exams must be taken within the two weeks following the regularly scheduled exam. Ifyou arrive more than 10 minutes late for the regularly scheduled exam, you will berequired to take a makeup exam. There is a limit of ONE makeup exam per semester.
All assignments are due at the beginning of class ONE WEEK from the date they are officially assigned. I will give only 1/2 (50%) credit for assignments submitted late. For example, if you earn 8 points for an assignment, you will receive only 4 points if it is submitted late.
The Assignments portion of your final grade will be computed as follows: Say there are 5 assignments, each worth 10 points. Then the total number of available assignment points is 50. You hand in all assignments and receive grades of 10, 10, 5, 10 and 5 which added together give you an assignment point total of 40. Your Assignment grade will be your assignment point total (40) divided by the total number of available assignment points (50) times the 40 points available for the Assignments portion of your final grade. (See Grading section below.) That is, (40/50) * 40 = 32.
All submitted work must be headed by your name and section. (You may write these by hand or use a software header or footer.) If the assignment requires more than one page, you muststaple the submission in the upper left corner. The use of paperclips and/or dog-ears is unacceptable. In addition, submitted work must be free of typographical errors (typos). Each typo will result in a 1/4point deduction, regardless of the total value of the assignment. For example, if an assignment is worth 10 points and there are four typos, you will receive only 9 points.
Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct will be handled according to the procedures published in the Canisius College Academic Catalog. In all likelihood, academic misconduct will prove hazardous to your academic health and happiness.
You will most likely find that the more you use the software packages, the easier it will be to use them and to remember the details of the programs. The College computer labs have scheduled public access hours for experimentation and the completion of assignments. Of course, if you have access to a computer and the relevant software programs at home and/or at work, you may use these for experimentation and the completion of assignments.
If you have any condition, such as a physical or mental disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it above or which will require extra time on examinations, please notify me in the first two weeks of the course so that we may make appropriate arrangements acceptable to all concerned.
Final number grades will be computed using the following point scheme:
Exam 110 points
Exam 210 points
Exam 310 points
Final Exam (Comprehensive)20 points
Assignments40 points
Class Participation10 points
100 points
Final letter grades will be assigned using the following method:
Total pointsGrade
How to Study for This Course
- Acquire the required texts.
- Do the reading assignments either before and/or closely after the class in which the reading assignments are discussed.
- Download the PowerPoint slides for the Marakas & O’Brientext from D2L. The Week 1 lab will address this point.
- Attend class regularly. (Although I have no attendance policy, I have observed a strong correlation between regular class attendance and good grades. Conversely, spotty class attendance usually results in bad grades.)
- N.B. There are many details associated with management technology. Bring the PowerPoint slides and/or a notebook to class and take notes, especially on material that is NOT in the Text or that supplements the Text. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you will be able to just remember the details. WRITE THEM DOWN AND STUDY THEM!
- Do all computer assignments and do them on time. They account for 40% of the final grade.
- Take all exams, especially when they are regularly scheduled.
- Try to actively participate in the class discussions. Feel free to ask questions at any time, even if it appears that I am engrossed in a topic and cannot be interrupted.
- If you must withdraw from this course for whatever reason, be sure to follow the procedures published in the Canisius College Catalog under Academic Policies.