Department of Nursing
Student Learner Outcomes and Competencies
Student Learning Outcomes(Terminal Objectives) / Competencies / Competencies Based on…
1. Synthesize facts, principles and concepts for the social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, nursing, information and technology to make critical decisions in the practice of professional nursing. / Human development across the lifespan
Physiological and psycosocial integrity
Biochemical concepts
Information Technology
Critical reasoning / QSEN Informatics, Patient Centered Care, and Evidence-Based Practice
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential I &VI
2. Integrate the use of health care technologiesand evidence based nursing interventions in providing nursing care. / Computerized systems/technologies
Information databases / QSEN Safety, Informatics, Patient Centered Care, and Collaboration
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential IV
3. Apply essential nursing competencies, clinical reasoning, and appropriate technology to make safe and effective nursing and/or inter-professional collaborative decisions. / Nursing Process
Inter-professional Collaboration
Care Management
Safety / QSEN Informatics, Collaboration, Patient Centered Care, and Safety
(Apply psychomotor skills here.)
4. Apply principles of health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, and illness and disease management. / Health Promotion
Health Maintenance
Quality Improvement / QSEN Patient Centered Care, Safety, and Quality Improvement
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential VII
5. Synthesize theories and principles of nursing, leadership, and management in the practice of professional nursing in diverse settings. / Delegation
Health Policy
Economic Resources
Communication / QSEN Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Collaboration
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential II, V, & VI
Student Learning Outcomes
(Terminal Objectives) / Competencies / Competencies Based on…
6. Integrate evidence-based practice in professional nursing. / Research Processes (Scientific Method)
Best Clinical Practices
Research Databases / QSEN Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Informatics
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential III
7. Accept responsibility and accountability for life long, self-directed learning and personal and professional growth in nursing practice. / Nursing Roles & Responsibilities
Scope of Practice
Code of Ethics
Continuing Education
Attitudes, Values and Beliefs / QSEN Safety and Quality Improvement
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice- Essential VIII
8. Evaluate the impact of cultural, spiritual, moral, legal/ethical, political and technological advancement in the practice of professional nursing. / Cultural Sensitivity/Humility
Legal/Ethical/Political Implications / QSEN Patient Centered Care and Informatics
AACN Essentials of Baccaulaurete Education for Professional Nursing Practice-Essential VIII
Department of Nursing
Course Outcomes
NURSStudent Learning Outcomes
(Terminal Objectives) / Course Objectives / Learning Activities / Evaluation
1. Synthesize facts, principles and concepts for the social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, nursing, information and technology to make critical decisions in the practice of professional nursing.
2. Integrate the use of health care technologiesand evidence based nursing interventions in providing nursing care.
3. Apply essential nursing competencies, clinical reasoning, and appropriate technology to make safe and effective nursing and/or inter-professional collaborative decisions.
4. Apply principles of health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, and illness and disease management.
5. Synthesize theories and principles of nursing, leadership, and management in the practice of professional nursing in diverse settings.
6. Integrate evidence-based practice in professional nursing.
7. Accept responsibility and accountability for life long, self-directed learning and personal and professional growth in nursing practice.
8. Evaluate the impact of cultural, spiritual, moral, legal/ethical, political and technological advancement in the practice of professional nursing.
Revised 04/17/2014