College of Radiographers Industry Partnership Scheme

Student Research Grants


These guidelines describe the CoRIPS Student Research Grants Programme.

Please read these guidelines carefully before making an enquiry or completing an

application form.

This information can be downloaded from

The closing date for receipt of applications is the 1st of April each year

Nature of Grants

The purpose of the grants is to give experience of research to two student radiographers who have demonstrated research potential and to encourage them to consider a career in scientific research.

The grants provide financial support for the student at a rate of £180 per week (£190 per week in London), for a period of between 6 and 8 weeks. The College does not pay overheads or research expenses except in exceptional circumstances.


To apply for this research bursary:

  • You must be a student radiographer on a College of Radiographers accredited programme at a recognised university in the UK.
  • You must be a student member of the Society and College of Radiographers.
  • Your application must be supported by a member of your academic teaching staff.
  • An academic teaching staff can only support one application.
  • Your application will require a signature from the Head of Department.
  • You must be able to take up the award during the summer holiday in the middle

or final years of your radiography/radiotherapy training (i.e. end of 2nd/beginning of 3rd year or 3/4 in Scotland). Applications on behalf of first year students will not beconsidered.


Adjudication will be by the Society and College of Radiographers. The scheme is competitive and applications will be judged primarily on the quality and merits of the student, as well as the scientific merit of the project and the experience the student will have whilst working on it. Preference will be given to:

  • Students who are expect to achieve a 1st or upper 2nd class undergraduate degree or the top banding for a post-graduate diploma. Neither set of students should have undertaken formal research in radiography or radiotherapy previously.
  • Research projects that have a clearly defined objective which is achievable by the student in the time available.
  • Projects which give scope for thought and show initiative on the part of the student.
  • Projects which are broadly aligned with the College of Radiographers Research Strategy.

How to apply

The application must be made by a member of the teaching team who will supervise theresearch. However, they should discuss the project in detail with the nominated student whoshould also contribute to the project design. The application form includes space for the student to explain their research aspirations and a supporting statement from the student’s tutor. These should be included in the form and not attached separately. Applications must be on the form which can be downloaded from our website –

Grants are not offered directly to individual students but to the host university to which they belong. By signing the application form, the Head of Department signifies their willingness for the grant to be administered by their department, and agrees to the Conditions of the

Grant and the reporting requirements of the College of Radiographers. There is also an understanding the investigation will comply with the safety and ethical regulations of the university and that the university will ensure that the requirements of all relevant regulatory authorities will be met before the work commences. Applications will not normally be considered if there is evidence of previous research funding or where future funding has been applied for outside of the College of Radiographers Student Research Award scheme.

Research expenses are not offered under this scheme but if a project cannot take place unless a specific item is provided, then the Society and College of Radiographers is willing to consider a request, in writing, from the applicant’s Head of Department. This should be submitted together with the completed application form.

The closing date for applications is the 1st of April each year and all applications will beacknowledged by e-mail to the supporting academic. Decisions will be communicated tosupporting academics during early May of each year. If you have not received anacknowledgment by this date, please contact The Society and College ofRadiographers as soon as possible on:

If you need to withdraw your application, you must let us know as soon as possible on the email above. Please bear in mind that we are a small central team and that processing each application takes time. If you receive alternative funding for your project, please let us know immediately so that, if necessary, we can re-allocate our funds accordingly. We receive many more good applications than we can fund, so please help us to use our resources in the most effective way.

Further copies of these guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from our

website: or Tel: 020 7750 7224

College of Radiographers Industrial Partnership Scheme Students Research Grants Guidelines