College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences


For HDR Admission & Scholarship Applications

Date: ______

1.I recommend that (student name):______

 be admitted to a PhD/MPhil program be offered a PhD/MPhil Scholarship

2.Research School/Centre:

3.Graduate Research Field:

4.Proposed topic:

5.Proposed supervision arrangements:

A.Primary supervisor: ______

B.Others likely to be members of supervisory panel: ______



6. Suitability of candidate to undertake PhD/MPhil

Academic Record:

Project outline:

Opinion of the research proposal:

Applicants’ research and work experience:

Assessment of submitted work and any publications:

Demonstrated correspondence with the student (report of visits, relevant discussions):

Comment on the standing of the referees:

English language competence and plans for remediation:

Ability of area to support the candidate

  1. Alternative supervisory arrangement:

Please specify alternative supervisory arrangements in case you should leave the ANU before the student’s HDR course expires.

8.Other supervisory responsibilities of Proposed Supervisor

Supervisor for:Adviser for:

9.Preferred student commencement date:

10.Does the project involve any of the following, use of each of which requires an approved proposal?

Animals……………………………………………………………………………… Yes / No

Humans……………………………………………………………………………… Yes / No

Tissue or fluid from humans………………………………………………. Yes / No

Human cell lines…………………………………………………………………. Yes / No

Animal cell lines………………………………………………………………….. Yes / No

Recombinant DNA techniques…………………………………………….. Yes / No

Microbiological agents (viruses, bacteria, yeasts, etc.)………… Yes / No

Carcinogenic or other dangerous chemicals………………………… Yes / No

Radioisotopes……………………………………………………………………… Yes / No


11.Where the School/Supervisor is paying an ANU PhD Scholarship (stipend):

The following is an estimate of the costs incurred with the enrolment of PhD student where the tuition fees are either covered by an HDR Merit Scholarship (Fee Waiver) in the case of international students, or where the student comes under the Research Training Scheme in the case of domestic students.

Airfare (higher if accompanied by partner and/or children) / $3,000
Removal expenses (higher if accompanied by partner and/or children max $1,530) / $530
ANU Scholarship for a maximum period of 3.5 years: 2013 rate = $24,653 p.a. / $86,286
Thesis production costs / $840
Dependent Child Allowance (p.a. per child where applicable) / $3,000
TOTAL CHARGE TO School/Supervisor (ESTIMATE) / $93,656

Please confirm by ticking the appropriate box if you wish to pay the below OSHC costs in addition to the above stipend charges (please note that OSHC cannot be funded by ARC grants):  Yes  No

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) - paid for the duration of the student visa (57mths) / $2,903

12.Stipend Scholarship Offer Details (This section must be completed if a scholarship is to be offered):

Stipend Charge Code: ______

Initial Period of Scholarship: ______3 years______

Source of funds to cover tuition fees if student is appointed from abroad: ______

OSHC Charge Code (if applicable): ______

13. Other comments:


Proposed supervisor
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Head of Department (if required)
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Delegated Authority
Name: / Signature: / Date:

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