Review Sheet for the SECOND Semester S Final Exam

Review Sheet for the SECOND Semester S Final Exam

Review Sheet for the SECOND Semester’s Final Exam

General information:

  • All students are required to take the Spanish 1 Language Acquisition final exam for Sra. Moore’s class.
  • The final exam (oral and written) has four parts total (one per criteria) and each separate score will be averaged together to equal 25% of your total semester grade.
  • The oral portion of the exam will be done in pairs. You r conversation with a peer will be recorded on a voice recorder like first semester. You are expected to hold as in-depth of a conversation as possible using the vocabulary from second semester. THE SPEAKING PART OF THE TEST (CRITERIA A & D) WILL TAKE PLACE ON WED. MAY 13 (A) AND THU. MAY 14 (B).
  • The reading portion of the exam will be done alone. THE READING PART OF THE TEST (CRITERION B) WILL TAKE PLACE ON FRI. MAY 15 (A) AND MON. MAY 18 (B).
  • The written portion of the exam will be comprised of multiple parts. You will have approximately the 85 minutes on the actual exam day to complete the written sections.
  • You will need to be able to demonstrate a proficient understanding of the content below by using the vocabulary, questions, and responses to create meaningful, clear conversations that make sense. For the reading portion, you’ll also need to show you know what the content below means enough to translate it into English and to respond to a series of questions on the passages.
  • You have a wealth of resources to use to help you study, including: your Realidades textbook, the text’s interactive website (see attached directions), the Quizlet flashcards, all of your worksheets, handouts, returned work, returned evidence, etc. The descriptive feedback and the completed rubrics for old evidence opportunities will be especially helpful to look at and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses (i.e. areas you need to focus your studying).
  • The format will be very similar to the written evidence opportunities you’ve had in the past. You’ll need to be able to understand the language so well you can use it without referring to any resources while taking the test.

Conceptos del año
Contenido / Preguntas y respuestas importantes / Recursos específicos
  • los saludos
  • los nombres
  • los sentimientos
(using forms of the verb ‘estar’)
  • las despedidas
  • los números
  • la fecha y los días de la semana y los meses
  • la hora
  • las estaciones
  • ¿Cómo te llamas?
- Mi nombre es…/Soy…/Me llamo….
  • ¿Cómo estás?
- Estoy bien/mal/cansado/a…
  • uno, dos, tres, cuatro…a 31 (for dates) y a 59 (for time)
  • el/los lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado(s), domingo(s)
  • el mes, el/los fin(es) de semana
  • mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, etc etc.
  • el otoño, el invierno, la primavera, el verano
/  Sra. M.’s Weebly
 text book site activities for “Para empezar, 1A, 1B, and 2A ”
 Quizlet
Unidad 3
Communication Goals:
This was our unit about food, drinks, and our healthy/not-so-healthy habits. We learned how to express our preferences using gustar, encantar, and preferir. We also used additional stem-changers and irregular verbs: jugar, tener, querer, hacer, and ver. We described foods, drinks, and activities, using a wide variety of adjectives. We discussed how often we do things or don’t do things using the conjugated forms of all regular verbs. We asked for and gave healthy advice. We talked about our family, friends, and classmates health habits, in addition to our own.
Contenido / Preguntas importantes / Recursos específicos
  • los pronombres de sujeto (subject pronouns) – yo, tú, él, ella, etc.
  • los verbos regulares de –ar, -er, -ir
y las formas (yo hablo, tú comes, etc.)
  • los verbos irregulares de ‘gustar’ y ‘encantar’ y las formas: (gusta vs. gustan and the use of the object pronouns me, te, le, nos, les)
  • el verbo preferir (stem-changing) and its forms
  • vocabulario de comida y bebida y la salud (foods, drinks, exercises, health, meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • la frecuencia – talking about how often you do, eat, drink something (nunca, siempre, a veces, todos los días, cada día, etc.)
  • los consejos - asking for and giving advice – using deber (to ought to “should”) and creer + que (to think that…)
  • los adjetivos – using a variety of adjectives and showing agreement in quantity and gender when describing something (ex. La pizza es deliciosa vs. Los refrescos son malos para la salud). *Remember there are feminine, masculine, singular, and plural forms.
  • el verbo ‘ser’ y las formas (soy, es, eres, somos, son – La pizza ES buena vs. Las galletas SON buenas).
  • the concept that only the 1st verb is conjugated when two are use in a pair (yo prefiero comer, tú debes hacer, etc.)
  • ¿Qué te gusta comer/beber/hacer?
  • ¿Te gusta ______?
  • ¿Qué comes para el desayuno/el almuerzo/la cena?
  • ¿Qué bebes para el desayuno/el almuerzo/la cena?
  • ¿Comes (food)?
  • ¿Bebes (drink)?
  • ¿Cómo es (singular food/drink)? ¿Cómo son (plural food/drink)
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia comes/bebes/haces ejercicio?
  • ¿Qué prefieres, x o y?
  • ¿Prefieres (food or drink or excercise) o (a different food or drink or exercise)?
  • ¿Quieres comer más verduras o más frutas?
  • ¿Haces ejercicio?
  • ¿Cuál ejercicio prefieres hacer?
  • ¿Y a ti? OR ¿Y tú?
  • ¿Crees que la salud es importante?
  • ¿Qué haces para mantener la salud?
  • ¿Qué debo hacer para ser más saludable?
  • ¿Cuál deporte es tu favorito? …comida es tu favorita?
  • ¿Estás de acuerdo?
***All of the questions given as examples use the ‘tú’ form – meaning, they’re questions you would ask one other person, and expect them to answer for themselves personally.
To be considered an ADVANCED Spanish student, you must be able to communicate about other people, too.
That means you’ll need to use other forms of the verbs IN ADDITION to the ‘tú’ forms… here are some examples:
  • ¿Qué bebe tu mamá?
  • ¿Le gusta a tu amigo el café?
  • ¿Es tu familia saludable?
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia come tu papá la pizza?
/  sites located on Moodles and Ms. Berndt’s Weebly
 text book online site activities for the chapter “3A” and “3B”
 materials from class
 returned work (practice and evidence) – especially your survey project and rubric
 Quizlet
Unidad 4
Communication Goals:
This was our unit that taught us to discuss and make plans for the future. We learned how to say where we’re going or not going, what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do, what we want to do and don’t want to do, and where we want to go and don’t want to go. We expressed reasoning for the above by sharing our feelings – we’re too tired, we’re busy, we’re excited, etc. We asked and answered many questions using a wide variety of interrogatives – seeking all kinds of information. We learned how to invite someone to an event and how to accept or decline that invitation using ‘gustaría’ and ‘poder’. We also learned how to provide a reason for declining an invitation by saying what we have to do instead, using tener+que.
Contenido / Preguntas importantes / Recursos específicos
  • el vocabulario de los lugares – places (el cine, la casa, etc.)
  • el vocabulario de los deportes – sports (básquetbol, béisbol, golf, etc.)
  • repaso de los verbos diferentes y las formas de cada:
- Stem-changing verbs: querer, tener, preferir, jugar, poder
- Irregular verbs: ir,estar, gustaría
- El concepto de “estar”:
Remember, ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ both mean “to be” and are used to express “am, is, and are”. They aren’t used for the same purposes, though. ‘Estar’ is used to describe more temporary ideas, such as feelings, as seen in this unit.
- El concepto de “gustaría”:
Remember, ‘gustaría’ works differently than other regular verbs. It uses object pronouns, instead of subject pronouns: me, te, le, nos, and les.
Ej. A mí me gustaría ir al parque.
A Miguel le gustaría correr.
- El concepto de conjugación:
Remember, when you are talking about a particular person and a particular tense, you conjugate the infinitive verb. When you have two verbs back-to-back, only the first is conjugated.
Ej. Yo quiero ver una película.
Tú puedes jugar al tenis.
- La estructura con ‘ir’:
Remember, there is a particular structure you use when communicating where one is going and what one is going to do.
Ej. Yo voy al parque para correr. (ir + al + masculine place)
Nosotros vamos a la biblioteca. (ir + a + la + feminine place)
Ella va a caminar en el parque. (ir + a + infinitive)
Ellos van a hablar por
teléfono. (ir + a + infinitive) /
  • ¿Adónde vas?
  • ¿Qué vas a hacer?
  • ¿Cuántos? ¿Cuántas…?
  • ¿Con quién vas?
  • ¿Con qué (frecuencia)…?
  • ¿Por qué vas?
  • ¿A qué hora vas?
  • ¿Cuándo vas?
  • ¿Vas a (insert infinitive verb)?
  • ¿Vas al/a la (insert place)?
  • ¿Qué quieres hacer?
  • ¿Adónde quieres ir?
  • ¿Quieres/puedes/te gustaría hacer algo?
  • ¿Quieres/puedes/te gustaría ir al/a la (insert place)?
  • ¿Quieres/puedes/te gustaría (insert infintive verb)?
  • ¿A qué hora?
  • ¿Juegas bien? ¿Juegas mal?
/  Sra. M.’s Weebly
 text book online site activities for the chapter “2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B”
 materials from class
 returned work (practice and evidence)
 Quizlet flashcards for the sentence structures

Study suggestions: Budget your time! Studying and actually using Spanish – even just a little bit - every day will pay off in the long run!

  • Make flashcards or use the ones from earlier in the year to drill vocabulary. Use pictures on the front and vocab words on the back. For verb forms, write a pronoun, like ‘yo’ and an infinitive, like ‘hablar’ on the front, and the verb form on the back (hablo).
  • Complete the online games and quizzes using the book’s site.
  • Create a study group of two or more (especially helpful to practice questions and responses).
  • Make use of your ELO time.
  • Write all words with accent marks ten times each to get into the rhythm of where to place the accent (and therefore the emphasis when pronouncing the words).
  • Read the passages (A primera vista, La videohistoria, etc.) and try to translate for each of the chapters. Can you? This is an example of practice for C: Reading Comprehension.
  • ****GO TO SRA. MOORE’S WEEBLY () and use the links on the resources and Unidad 3 and Unidad 4 pages. Especially use the Realidades website – chapters 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B. The test preparation and practice activities are helpful and give immediate results!
  • ****GO TO QUIZLET and use your flashcard sets! Use your earbuds, so you can turn the sound on and hear the correct pronunciation of the words. Practice your writing by having paper out, writing the Spanish version of the English flashcard, and then checking your work. Did you use the correct words? The correct structure? The correct accents, spelling, and punctuation? Can you answer the questions? Aloud? In writing? Practice playing the games.
  • Get out all of your old evidence and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. What descriptive feedback has been given to you? Use it to help you focus your study.
  • Make yourself a studying schedule for all of your classes before exams.
  • Make sure to check your backpack for your necessary materials before leaving school for the day, so you have everything you need to study from at home.
  • Have conversations in pure Spanish with your friends and classmates OUTSIDE of class – while waiting for the bus, while waiting for sport’s practice or a game/meet/match to start, in ELO, over the phone, texting for writing practice, etc.
  • Practice asking people how they’re doing – and using different “feeling” words. Practice asking where things and people are.
  • Practice asking people what they’re doing later today/this weekend/this summer. Ask them when, why, with whom-types of questions to get as much information as possible.
  • Practice inviting someone somewhere. Practice accepting and declining the invitation, making sure to provide a reason for why you can’t/don’t want to.
  • Come in for help next on Tue. 5/12 and Wed. 5/13 to room 203 from 3:00-3:30 and practice your conversations and your writing after school with Sra. M. and other students who want a little more SPEAKING and WRITING/GRAMMAR practice! Bring your questions and paper for taking some extra notes if needed. 