College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing (CHHSN)
Intramural Funds Application Guidelines
APPLICATION DEADLINE for 2015-2016 Funding: 5pm, Friday, October 2, 2015
With the support of the CHHSN Leadership Council, the Dean has authorized an Intramural Fundallocation of $10,000 for faculty research or scholarly creative activities. Oversight and administration of the application process and selection of awardees will be handled by the CHHSN Intramural FundCommittee, consisting of three elected senior faculty and theAssociate Dean as a non-voting, ex-officiomember. The Dean’s office will handle distribution of funds to the awardees.
TheCHHSN Intramural Fundswill be provided tosupport foreither Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors in the College (Note: Preference will be given to tenure-track faculty). The awarded funds may be used for a variety of scholarly researchthat will be conducted within the 2015-2016 academic year, resulting in scholarly publications, peer reviewed conference presentations, pilot projects, data collection,and/or grant proposal submissions.
1. Cover Sheet
Thisform (see attached) must be completed and signed by the unit head (Program Coordinator, Department or Division Chair, or School Director) indicating authorization for assigned time (if requested) and administration of funds by the College.
2. Project Narrative
Maximum of five (5) numbered pages, double-spaced, font size 12, which should include:
- Project title.
- Description of the problem or topic being addressed (including background information on the development of the project)
- Objectives (including expected results or end products to be achieved during the project period).
- Methodology/Activities as appropriate to the discipline for accomplishing the objectives.
- Dissemination plan – describeto whom end products will be submitted or presented (e.g. publication in scholarly journal, presentation at professional conference).
- Broader impacts - description of how the award will impact the community, the awardee’s discipline, the university and/or college.
3. Biographical Sketch
Maximum two page vita that includes information and publications supporting the applicants’ qualifications in the area of the proposed project.
4. Budget
Use the provided Excel Budget Form and add the detailed entries for requested project funds, such as release time, student assistance, operating expenses, travel, materials & supplies, equipment, consultant, etc.The total budget may not exceed $7,500. The final awarded amount is subject to adjustment by the award committee.
The Signed Cover Page together with Project Narrative, Biographical Sketch, and the Budget should be saved as a SINGLE PDF document and emailed to Ben with a copy sent to Cheryl Atienza at , using the subject line: CHHSN Intramural Funds by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, October 2, 2015. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed.
Evaluation will be accomplished by the Intramural Fund Committee using the following criteria:
- Intellectual merit and significance of the project and its potential contribution to theapplicant’s discipline/field, university or college, and/or broader community.
- Clarity of research question or topic that specifies purpose of the project.
- Goals and objectives of the study/activity are clearand attainable given the timeconstraints of the funding cycle.
- Dissemination plan is clearly describedand feasible.
- Justification of budget is appropriate.
- Potential for achieving project outcomes.
- Clarityand organization of overall proposal.
Note: Proposal should include sufficient detail to convince reviewers of the project’s scientific or scholarly merit and relevance, and written in language understandable to non-specialists.
Assigned or release time requires approval of the applicant’s unit head. Expenditures must comply with University policy and procedures and will be administered by the College. If the proposed activity entails human subject research, funds will not be released until institutional IRB approval is obtained.
Recipients of the CHHSN Intramuralfund must submit an Intermediate Report on expenditures and the work accomplished by December 1, 2016 with a final report due by February 1, 2017. Failure to complete the final report will disqualify the recipient from future college intramural awards.