College of Engineering Awards
Nomination Categories
April 2013
DEADLINE: April 24, 2013
Submit nominations to Norma Kindall () in the Dean’s Office – ENGR 301
Professor of the Year: awarded to that faculty member who made the most significant impact in carrying out the mission and achieving the goals of the college during the past year. This impact might be made in any of the missions of the college (teaching, scholarly activity or service and outreach) or in their integration. Open to tenure-track & tenured (Assistant, Associate, and Full) faculty members. Faculty members currently serving on the Executive Committee for the College of Engineering are not eligible for the award (i.e., department chair, associate deans, and dean).
Past Recipients: Joe Guarino (2005) Michelle Sabick (2006) Bill Knowlton (2007), Darryl Butt (2008), Amit Jain (2009), Yonnie Chyung (2010) Don Plumlee (2011), Steve Tennyson (2012)
Your Name: ______
Nomination: ______
Brief (100 words or less) description of reasons for nomination:
Staff Award for Excellence: The Staff Award for Excellence will be bestowed on a staff member of the College of Engineering who provides exemplary performance of duties. Open to both classified and professional staff, the award recognizes extraordinary commitment to the students, staff and faculty in the College of Engineering at Boise State University and to the greater Boise community.
Past recipients: Gordon Vining (2005), Kristi Hansen (2006), Joann Fenner (2007) Paul Robertson (2008), Linda Burnett (2009) Angus McDonald (2010), Jennifer Lutke (2011), Leandra Aburusa-Lete (2012)
Your Name: ______
Nomination: ______
Brief (100 words or less) description of reasons for nomination:
Student Award for Excellence: The College of Engineering will select one exemplary graduating senior to receive the College of Engineering Student Award for Excellence. A nominated student should be outstanding in one or more of the following ways: academic achievements; research achievements; service to the College of Engineering or to Boise State University; and service to the greater Boise community.
Past recipients: Todd Plum (2005), Sarah Scherrer (2006), David Estrada (2007), Patrick Price (2008), Pat Andersen , Dan Isla (2009), Jacquelyn Forhan (2010), Tucker Rowe, Tucker Robb (2011), Rachael Moore, Mallory Yates (2012)
Your Name: ______
Nomination: ______
Brief (100 words or less) description of reasons for nomination:
Student Choice Award for Excellence: Students may nominate faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students or staff in the College of Engineering at Boise State University. Nominees must have provided a significant positive influence on undergraduates in engineering at Boise State University.
Past recipients: Leandra Aburusa-Lete (2005), Dr. Robert Hamilton (2006), Dr. George Murgel (2007), Dr. Rebecca Mirsky (2008), Matt McCrink (2009), Dr. Janet Callahan, Norma Kindall (2010), Jerome Emanzi (2011), Adam Spiegelman (2012)
Your Name: ______
Nomination: ______
Brief (100 words or less) description of reasons for nomination: