Spring 2009




Department of Music

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

University of Central Missouri

Warrensburg, MO 64093

(660) 543-4531

FAX: (660) 543-8271



1973 Ph.D. Musicology University of California, Los Angeles

1970 M.A. Musicology University of California, Los Angeles

1967 B.A. Music Performance California State University, Fresno

Professional Experience:

2006-- Chair, Department of Music University of Central Missouri

Professor of Music

1997-2005 Chair, Division of Music History, Theory,

And Ethnomusicology University of North Texas

1994--1997 Special Assistant to the Provost University of North Texas

1992-- Professor of Music University of North Texas

1981-l989 Coordinator of Musicology University of North Texas

1979-1992 Associate Professor of Music University of North Texas

1974-1979 Assistant Professor of Music University of North Texas

1973-1974 Lecturer in Music California State University,

Long Beach

1968-1973 Teaching Assistant University of California,

Los Angeles

L. Brothers--Vita

Professional Activities:

Membership in Professional Organizations:

American Musicological Society, International Musicological Society, Renaissance Society of America, American Musicological Society--Southwest Chapter, South-Central Renaissance Conference, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, College Music Society, Phi Kappa Phi (National Scholastic Honor Society), Pi Kappa Lambda (National Music Honor Society), Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (Music Fraternity)

Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Organizations:

South-Central Renaissance Conference: Executive Committee (1977-1979, 1990-1992; 1997-1999, 2007-2010), Editorial Board (1978-1980), Program Committee Chair (1980), Vice President (1981), President (1982), Associate Editor, Explorations in Renaissance Culture (1983), Nominating Committee (1986), Associate Editor, Discoveries [Newsletter] (2005), Local Arrangements Chair, Discovering the Renaissance 2008; Executive Committee (2008-2010)

American Musicological Society--Southwest Chapter: Hewitt-Oberdoerffer Award Committee; Nominating Committee; Chair (1979-1981); Acting Chair (F 1986); Acting Secretary-Treasurer (F 1987)

American Musicological Society: Council (Chapter Representative) 1983-1985;

Nomination Committee (Council), 1985; Subcommittee on Employment Alternatives for Graduates in Musicology (1985)

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (Scholastic), UNT Chapter 230: Graduate Fellowship Committee, Chair (1988-1993); UCM Chapter, Treasurer (2009--)

The Renaissance Society of America--Co-Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, 1994 Annual Meeting at the University of North Texas

Additional Responsibilities and Other Professional Activities:

Organist, Choir Director, West Los Angeles United Methodist Church, 1971-


Solo lecture recital, "One Hundred Years of American Piano Music," North Texas State University, 1976

Board of Directors, Denton Bach Society, 1976-1979

"American Organists in Eighteenth-Century Concert Life," invited paper for the One-Hundredth Anniversary Convention of the Music Teachers National Association, Dallas, Texas, March 30, 1976

"What Every Organist Should Know About Bach Research Since 1950," invited lecture for the Southwestern Regional Workshop, The American Guild of Organists, Dallas, Texas, June 13, 1977

Founder, Director, North Texas State University Chamber Chorale (extracurricular ensemble of student singers), 1978-1981. Devoted to unrecorded repertoire of relevance to my research. Achieved professional caliber. Performed in New Orleans, San Antonio, and Dallas. Recorded two programs, "Cathedral Music of Seventeenth Century Mexico," and "Roman Cathedral Music of the Golden Age." Both were programmed in three installments by National Public Radio on a 1982 series, "Cathedral, Court, and Countryside," with commentary by Lewis Lockwood (Roman) and myself (Mexican). These have been aired again periodically through 1990

"Opera and Vivaldi: Reflections of a Changing World," International Symposium sponsored by the Dallas Civic Opera and the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1980: Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee, North Texas Youth Orchestra (1981-1983)

"Cathedral Music in Seventeenth-Century Mexico," as invited participant in the Conference on Spanish Church Music in America: 16th-18th Centuries (sponsored by the graduate Program in Sacred Music, Perkins School of Theology, and the Division of Music, Southern Methodist University), in Dallas and Mexico City, March 14-19, 1983

Significant editorial notice in the Mexico City Excelsior LXV/11 (Wednesday, March 16, 1983), Seccion Cultura, 2

Solo piano recital (Bach, Schumann, Beethoven, Brahms), North Texas State University, 1985

"Twentieth-Century Frontiers of Baroque Musicology," invited lecture, Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois, September 24, 1985

"Josquin des Prez: Current Perspective," invited lecture for the Medieval and Renaissance Faculty Seminars, Dartmouth College, April 4, 1989. A dinner presentation preceding a concert at Dartmouth by the Taverner Scholars

Program notes, Fort Worth Symphony, April 1989 (2 programs)

"A Century of Music at North Texas," brief history of the College of Music, UNT for "A Centennial Finale Celebrating 100 Years of Music at North Texas" (The University Chamber Orchestra and The University Symphony Orchestra, November 28, 1990)

Featured Conductor and Clinician, "Renaissance Polyphony Weekend," Texas Early Music Festival, Lakeshore Conference Center, Palestine, Texas, November 22-24, 1991; November 20-22, 1992

"Musical Learning in Seventeenth-Century Mexico," invited lecture for the San Antonio Early Music Festival, May 1, 1992

Pre-concert lecture, Freiburger Barockorchester, San Antonio Early Music Festival, San Antonio, Texas, May 2, 1992

"An Evening with Rabelais: Renaissance Feast," for the 1994 Annual Meetings of the Renaissance Society of America and the South-Central Renaissance Conference, University of North Texas, April 8, 1994 (organized, directed)

"Understanding Music in Western History," a twelve-lecture video series produced in Hong Kong for Hong Kong Baptist University, May 23-June 1, 1995

“On the Edge: Stravinsky (Petrouchka) and Brahms (Piano Concerto No. 2),” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, October 8- 11, 1998

“Assessing Scholarship of Teaching with Teaching Portfolio,” UNT University Forum on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment presentation, December 2, 1999

“The ‘New World’ in Dworak’s Symphony and Quartet, Opp. 95-96,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, March 30-April2, 2000

“Beethoven’s Nature: Understanding the Pastoral Symphony,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, March 22-25, 2001

“Within and Beyond: Mahler’s Tenth,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, May 3-6, 2001

“An Ocean of Sound, a Sea of Ideas: Understanding Debussy’s La Mer,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, October 18-21, 2001

“Paths to Discovery,” Lecture to UNT Freshman Honors Seminar for National Merit Scholars, October 29, 2001

“Down the Corridor of Years: 50 Years of the Ph.D. in Music History and Theory at UNT,” Inaugural session of the Legacies Conference, University of North Texas, October 25, 2001

Compiled a history of the UNT program and presented a PowerPoint display,

followed by reminiscences by selected distinguished alumni, including Eugene Helm,

Wallace McKenzie, Robert Ottman, and Theodore Albrecht

“Framing Schubert, Blaming Beethoven: Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto and Schubert’s “Great” C-Major Symphony,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, September 5-8, 2002

“Mozart, Hindemith: Real Classical, Neo-Classical [Mozart, Symphonies 29, 41; Hindemith, Kammermusik No. 7—Organ Concerto],” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas

Symphony Orchestra, February 20-22, 2003

“…And on This Shelf…: Franck, Mozart, and Berlioz,” Pre-Concert Lecture, Dallas

Symphony Orchestra, January 22-25, 2004

“’Crossways…Between the Old and the New…’” [Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3, Ives Third Symphony, Dworak, Scherzo Capriccioso], Performance Prelude (Pre-Concert Lecture), Dallas Symphony Orchestra, September 23-26, 2004

Pre-Concert lectures, Lee Summit Symphony (Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009)


Proposed text reviews for Prentice-Hall, Wadsworth, and Worth publishers,


Expert witness for litigation, Milene Music, Inc. and Ha-Deb Music, Inc. vs Red Steagall et. al., No. CA-3-89-0573, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Tennessee at Nashville, February 28, 1990. Prepared study of alleged copyright infringement of a song, "What's Going On in Your World," as recorded by George Strait on his 1989 album, Blue Neon. Settled out of court in favor of my testimony


L. Brothers--Vita

Expert witness for litigation, Swindle Music, Famous Music Corporation, Kilauea Music & Gear Publishing Co., Capitol Record & MCA Records vs. Louis Bovis. Case pending. April 3, 1993, prepared a study of alleged copyright infringement of two songs, "Hyway" and "Dance," by Louis Bovis recorded by Bob Seger as "Shakedown" in the Paramount Pictures motion picture, Beverly Hills Cop II

Revision evaluator, McGraw Hill Publishers, for Marie Stolba, The Development of Western Music, Fourth Edition, 2000

Panel evaluator, National Endowment for the Humanities, Collaborative Critical Editions, Washington, D.C., December 2001


Phi Kappa Phi Award for Highest Scholastic Average in the 1967 Graduating Class, California State University, Fresno, 1967

Sparks Memorial Graduate Fellowship, Phi Kappa Phi, 1967-68 (one of ten awarded nationally for first-year graduate work)

UCLA Research Committee Grant, 1969

Atwater-Kent Award in Musicology (First Prize), UCLA, 1970

Ingolf Dahl Award in Musicology, Northern and Southern California Chapters of the

American Musicological Society, 1973

Distinguished Graduate Award, UCLA Alumni Association (Outstanding Ph.D. in College

of Fine Arts), 1973

Biographies in The American Music Teacher XXV/3 (January 1976), 35; Men of Achievement (Cambridge:International Biographical Centre, 1978); Dictionary of International Biography XV (Cambridge: International Biographical Centre, 1978); International Who's Who in Music 9th ed. (Cambridge: International Biographical Centre, 1980); Who's Who in American Music: Classical (New York: Bowker, 1983); many more I no longer record

Personal statement as a former national scholarship winner solicited by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, published in Phi Kappa Phi Newsletter No. 133 (August 1993), 3

South-Central Renaissance Conference, College Station, Texas, April 5-7, 2001. Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting. I was honored as a past president. Two students presented papers developed in my seminars: Shawn Clokey and Kevin Salfen

Hall of Fame, Hanford [California] Joint Union High School “for his career in music education,” March 5, 2005

Areas of Expertise:

Sacred Music of the Renaissance and 17th Century, especially the Mass

The Hexachord Mass

Colonial Latin American Sacred Music, especially 17th Century


L. Brothers--Vita

The Music of Francisco López Capillas

Contemporary American Music, especially conservative living composers (neo-Romanticists) George Rochberg, Ned Rorem

Current project:

Studies in the History of the Hexachord in Composition, 1480-1760


Member, Denton Community Band (on call status to 2005): I was a founding member (since 1975).

Member, Chancel Choir, First United Methodist Church, Denton, 1974-2005

Pre-Concert Lectures, Dallas Symphony Orchestra since 1998

Member, Chancel Choir, First United Methodist Church, Warrensburg, 2006—

Stephen Minister (caregiver with 50 hours of instruction), First United Methodist Church,

Warrensburg, 2006—

Member, Warrensburg Community Band, 2006—

Member, Warrensburg Noon Rotary Club, 2006—

Chair, Warrensburg Arts Council, 2006-2009

University Committees and Councils:

2006-- University Learning Community Committee (UCM)

2007-- University Task Force on Academic Support (UCM)

2003-2005 Member, Committee on the Evaluation of Administrators

2003-2004 Member, Electronic Theses and Dissertations Committee

2002-2005 Member, Screening Committee, Fulbright Fellowship

1999-2000 Member (representing university chairs), University Planning Council Subcommittee on Goals and Priorities

1999-2005 Member, Rhodes Scholarship Mentoring Committee

1998-2005 Member, Rotary Scholarship Mentoring Committee

1998-2005 Member, British Marshall Scholarship Mentoring Committee

1998-2005 Member, Forum for University Chairs; Music representative to the Council of University Chairs

1998 Participant, University Forum, sponsored by the President and Provost (Spring and Fall Semesters)

1995-1997 Director, University Forum on Teaching and Learning (originator and founder)

1992-1993 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

1987-1991 Student Code of Conduct Appeals Committee

1986-1991 University Scholar Committee (Willis Library display)

1985-1989 University Graduate Council

Subcommittee for review of plagiarism charges

Screening Committee for Toulouse Scholar

Graduate School Dissertation Awards Policy and Procedures Committee (Chair)

1987-1990 University Curriculum Committee


L. Brothers--Vita

1985-1987 Search Committee for Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School

1984-1986  Committee for Establishing Phi Kappa Phi (National Honorary Scholastic

Society) at UNT (founded 1986)

1983-1984 Steering Committee, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Re-accreditation Institutional Self-Study

1983-1985 Faculty Research Committee

1983-1985 Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators (Secretary, Chair)

1979 Academic Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Vacancies

1975-1979 University Library Committee (responsible for gaining and maintaining significant increase in music allocations)

School/College Committees and Councils:

2002-2005 Graduate Academic Degrees Committee

1988-1999 Ph.D. Committee (also 1974-1976)

1993-1994 D.M.A. Committee (Musicology Liason, 1979-1983, 1994-1996 summer adjunct and on-call reader for exams)

1988-1989 Strategic Planning Executive Committee

1988-1989  Strategic Planning Committee on Administration and Governance


1988 Co-Chair, Symposium on the Music of Witold Lutoslaski

1984-1986 Search Committee for Jazz Historian

1982-1985 Personnel Affairs Committee (Chair)

1982-1985 Promotion-Tenure Committee (Secretary, Chair)

1979 Pi Kappa Lambda (Music Honor Society) (Secretary)

1976-1979 Executive Committee (Secretary, Chair)


L. Brothers--Vita

1975-1977 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (Faculty Advisor)

Division Committees:

1996-1997 Chair, Division of Music History and Theory Personnel Affairs Committee

1991-1992 Chair, Division of Music History and Theory Personnel Affairs Committee

Theses and Dissertations Guided (Major Professor):

M.M. or M.A. in Musicology:

1975 Terry Fansler, "An Edition of Verse and Solo Anthems by William Boyce"

1975 Johann van der Merwe, "A Stylistic Analysis of Liszt's Settings of the Petrarchan Sonnets"

1977 Jennifer McCrory, "Goethe's 'Kennst du das Land': Eight Musical Settings, 1795-1888"

1979 Richard O. Garven, "San Juan Ixcoi Mass: A Study of Liturgical Music in Northwestern Guatemala"

1982 Debra Allen, "Drama and Characterization in Opera Settings of 'A Midsummer's Night's Dream' by Britten and Siegmeister"

1984 Robert Nosow, "Respond Motets from Matins for the Dead by Robert Parsons"

1985 Namjai Lee, "Anton Bruckner's Treatment of the Credo Text in His Last Three Masses"

1986 Sangtae Chang, "The Sonatas of Domenico Gabrielli (1651-1690) in San Petronio MSS G.I: 3-9"

1988 Stuart Cheney, "Dubuisson: A Study of His Music for Solo Bass Viol"

Publication: "A Summary of Dubuisson's Life and Sources," Journal of the Viol da Gamba Society of America 27 (1990): 7-21

1989 Terri Teal, "Tempo Determination in the Choral Works of Francis Poulenc"

1991 Tara Carnes, "Hartley Wood Day: Inventor of Numeral Notation and Adversary of Lowell Mason"


L. Brothers--Vita

1992 David Hamrick, "Guilielmus Revealed: The Coherence, Dating, and Authorship of De preceptis artis musice"

1994  Kristen Stauffer, "Mahler's Tristan at the the Met: A Documentary

Study of Reception"

1997 Erika Švalbe, “Andrejs Jurjans as Symbol of Latvian Identity”