College English 151

SouthWest State University, Marshall, Minnesota

Mrs. Margaret Rengstorf, Maple River High School

507-524-3930, Ext 211

Course Description:

This writing course will focus on the rhetorical essay. The purpose of these writings is to develop critical thinking skills. Ultimately, the opinions you develop as you observe and learn about the world around you is expressed in your writing. We will also focus on grammar skills.


Students will gain knowledge of the following principles:

-developing critical thinking skills

-selecting writing purpose and limitation

of the subject area

-research practices and use of the library

-evidence and forms of support

-organizing an essay

-effective outlining

-logical reasoning

-thoughtful inquiry

-grammatical skills

-contextual analysis

Text: The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing, by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, 4th edition (provided).

Two notebooks: One for journal writing, one for note-taking and rough draft writing.

Course requirements:

-Fundamentals: Weekly assignments and tests, as well as semester tests.

-The Assignments: Reflection Paper, Profile Paper, Concept Paper, Explaining Opposing Positions Paper, Annotated Bibliography, Arguing a Position Paper

Late work policy:

Grammar work will not be accepted even one day late, as most of these assignments will be gone over in class. There will be many grammar assignments. Writing assignments will be accepted late; each day it is late, it will lose 10 percent of its points. After one week, the essay will no longer be accepted. This will result in failure of the course, since incompletion of a major writing assignment constitutes failure of the class. Consideration is given, of course, to illnesses and other excused absences, subject to the discretion of the teacher.


No homework assignment is to be done “with a partner.” This includes grammar assignments. Copying the work of others, stealing or providing answers, failure to cite the works of others, failure to use quotation marks when using the exact words of others, all constitute cheating, and will result in a zero for the assignment in question or a full letter grade drop of the quarter grade, subject to the discretion of the teacher. I will also turn in the plagiarized work to National Honor Society committee members for review and possible expulsion if the student is a member.

Class Rules:

Be seated by the time the bell rings. With our short class periods, we need to effectively manage class time.

Be respectful of others.

Students are responsible for reading the text and handouts distributed in class. A note about grades: This is a college level course, and grades are earned accordingly. If you feel unprepared for, or unable to achieve, the expectations of this course, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you into another class.