Agenda and RecordThursday, February 20, 2003, 3 - 5 p.m.B216, Davis Campus


1. Chairperson
- Remarks/Announcements
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of 2003-01-16 Record / J. Travis / 3:00 - 3:05 p.m.
2. President's Update / R. Turner / 3:05 - 3:35 p.m.
3. Vice President Academic Update
- Faculty Recruitment
- Discussion Period / M. Callahan / 3:35 - 4:00 p.m.
4. Accessibility Plan Working Group / J. Henry / 4:00 - 4:15 p.m.
5. Constituency Concerns / All / 4:35 - 4:50 p.m.
6. New/Other Business / All / 4:50 - 5:00 p.m.
7. Adjournment / All / 5:00 p.m.

Next meeting: Thursday, March 20, 2003 - Boardroom, Trafalgar Campus



Present Voting Members: Judy Travis, Chair, Jim Cox, Carol Goodrow, Jim Greer, Mozammel Khan,
Pat Knight, Debra McKay, Gary MacMillan, Carol Murray, Satyendra Narayan, Sharon Nelson, Susan Platt,
Rafael Radovan, John Salisbury, Gabe Sara, Eric Service, Jo-Ann Shaw, Brian Smith, Ruth Taylor,
Paul Toms, Pat Tretjack

Regrets: John Bowman, Leona Byrnes, Lenore Edmunds, Bob Hundert, Ben McEvoy

Guests: Rob Turner, M. Callahan, J. Henry

1. Chair's Opening Remarks, Approval of Agenda and 2002-01-16 Record / The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by D. McKay and seconded, "that the Agenda of 2003-02-20 be approved."
It was moved by J. Greer and seconded, "that the record of 2003-01-16 be approved."
Amendment to December 2002 minutes Page 7 - to read "during the hiring process 2 Associate Deans came up with their final decision and gave the information to M.Callahan. Due to the productive concerns of our Associate Deans, several of the recommended applicants were then procedurally approved. There is a concern that we are making decisions like universities. This standard for increased faculty degree credentials could set precedence for future selection processes throughout all Schools." / Motion Carried
Motion Carried
2. President's Update / The President reported on the following:
ITAL Designation
·  there was a good turnout at Davis, Trafalgar and STC for the announcement of Sheridan's new name, Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
·  Conestoga and Humber Colleges have also been approved for the ITAL designation
·  we have one applied degree ready for Sept. 2003 and are currently waiting ministry signature for the Backelor of Applied Arts (Illustration) degree and the Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences (Athletic Therapy) degree
·  changes have been made to our application for a degree in Information Systems Security; however the outcome looks good
·  we can now submit our degree applications to the Quality Assessment Board at our leisure as it will now longer be competitive. P. Tretjack asked if the new designation would change our funding level and R. Turner said that we can now pursue funding at other government levels which would include access to federal funding
·  R. Taylor wanted to know how the rest of the colleges felt about the new designation/ degree granting options
·  R. Turner replied that other institutions can apply to grant degrees, some have active plans in the works now, some are going different ways, but overall there wasn't much reaction
Policies & Procedures
·  the College does have a path to create policy guidelines. Policies are currently being reviewed and the goal is to get the information out electronically with an easy to find and follow website.
·  G. Sara indicated that the School of Business has policies and could they be combined with other policies
·  M. Callahan replied that the Schools can have guidelines but within certain parameters; it's difficult when each school has different policies. R. Turner suggested that Deans need to meet about policy issues.
·  R. Turner questioned about going further into the International community and remarked that we owe it to our students to be an International Institution; we need to get into the global environment by getting our students/faculty to go abroad for experience; also an international student brings in additional dollars.
·  our goal is for 5-7% of our student population to be from outside Canada. The goal for 2003/04 is 510 and by 2004/05 up to 811. We are now working with the United States, Korea and Trinidad and we have 20 students coming from Japan and China. The President, Vice-President, Academic and M. McLean from International Studies are travelling to India in March for a conference at which the President has been asked to speak. This is an all expenses paid trip.
3. Vice President Academic Update / M. Callahan asked to expand on faculty recruitment as per the December 2002 Record:
A 2-tier system has been created with Human Resources:
1.  Associate Deans, Deans and faculty check on the subject expertise of the applicant.
2.  M. Callahan, the Dean and one other person from the first round look at the applicant's approach to teaching, their beliefs in teaching, "do they practice what they preach," etc.
·  E. Service asked if this procedure was used when hiring Con. Ed. faculty
·  M. Callahan didn't know but J. Shaw indicated that the coordinator was deemed to be the curriculum expert when hiring, but the Program Administrators interview for other qualities and make the final decision
The Vice-President Academic reported on the following:
·  M. Callahan referred to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities draft Policy Framework that was sent by email to College Council members and reviewed the charter for members. Tues., Feb. 25, 2003 an agreement will be signed called Technical and Further Education (TAFE), which would allow for the analysis of subjects that are the same between 2 institutions, for credit and the option to study 1 or 2 terms at another institution and get credited at their own institution
·  J. Salisbury mentioned that SCIM and SST have an internship program for working a year in Japan; we've had 20 Japanese students here and sent 12 students there
·  E. Service said that there is an international program called SWAP that sources out jobs for students. Student Union has brochures with this information for anyone interested.
·  M. Callahan went into more detail about the minimum Provincial requirements for credentials to be awarded on page 7 of the Framework for Programs on Instruction document
·  when it comes to programs, the Board of Governors first approves the program, then the Ministry approves the funding; this is a self- regulating system which could find the program being sent back to the College for various reasons
·  P. Toms said that he had heard that R. Till was heading up a task force on recognition of Prior Learning and M. Callahan said she wasn't aware of this
·  P. Toms suggested we invite R. Till to one of our meetings to discuss this. Comments were made that PLA lacks support at Sheridan.
·  P. Tretjack asked if core curriculum would be put into general education study
·  M. Callahan said it could be infused into the curriculum but it would require flexibility in delivery
·  G. Sara asked if there were any plans to promote more January and May intake
·  M. Callahan thought that is something we must do, we are 5 years below growth of the system which impacts funding and more January and May intake is necessary for financial reasons as well as putting less stress on faculty / J. Travis to invite R. Till
4. Accessibility Plan Working Group / J. Henry reported on Sheridan's Accessibility Working Group:
J.Henry gave us a brief history and purpose of the Sheridan College Accessibility Working Group, see handout
Discussion Period
·  P.Knight commented on the carpet in the Annex frequently blocking the doors therefore making wheelchair access a problem
·  Another question raised was whether those students with developmental disabilities who have a problem with regular attendance could be failed
·  J.Henry said no preferential treatment should be given and there is no special admission criteria
·  E.Service asked if he could attend the next meeting of the Accessibility Working Group to which J.Henry said he was welcome
·  C.Atkinson wanted to know how the committee was going to get their information out to the Sheridan community
·  J.Henry said they planned to have a website with up-to-date information
·  C.Atkinson wondered if there would be any workshops to provide information on how to better help students, faculty, and staff with disabilities
·  J.Henry replied that PD would be set up eventually
·  G.Sara remarked that at Trafalgar he takes the elevator by B334 to access his class in C224 but there is no way to get up the ramp to E, G, or C wing; access to his class is hindered further when the elevator is not working; can the committee challenge the building codes. Further discussion ensued.
·  J.Henry indicated that students were going around the campuses now identifying barriers and some would be going in wheelchairs to see how access is to elevators, doorways, etc.
·  G.Sara mentioned that there are only 2 wheelchairs for use at the Trafalgar campus
·  J.Henry said there is a problem with where to keep them and how many we should have
·  J.Shaw asked if we were only just now getting onboard with Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001
·  J.Henry said that we have no policy yet, hopefully soon; we are not the only ones trying to identify and correct barriers, the municipalities are doing the same thing
·  P.Toms asked whether H wing or the new wing at Davis will be barrier free
·  J.Henry replied that they should be barrier free designs
·  R.Taylor commented that suddenly after 20 years the government decided it needed a report; it might be a good idea to check construction of the new wing to identify/correct any barriers
·  B.Smith wanted to know if there was any committee to find out about students with disabilities as he felt that staff were not informed of them
·  J.Henry remarked that it is the student's responsibility to notify staff and the Disabilities Office. We can't plan if we don't know
·  J.Henry reminded the council that there are also invisible barriers which bring up the questions of how to test/evaluate, adapt equipment, etc.
·  J.Greer asked if there were government regulations for accessibility as some things were not put in the SCAET building because they weren't required by law. The construction meets the minimum criteria
·  P.Tretjack suggested that it would be a good idea to have J.Henry involved in any consulting for the new wing
·  J.Tavis asked how the Accessibility Working Group worked, is this going to help the Counsellors workload?
·  J.Henry indicated that one of the things they might identify is to take the load off the Counsellors
·  G.Sara wondered what would happen to the group after Sept. 2003
·  J.Henry said that they would meet on a quarterly basis and would report to the Ministry and the Board of Governors, and would post the information publicly
5. Constituency Concerns / Update - Use of Paper
J. Greer said that he had talked with J. Barber about the use of 3-holed paper versus plain paper in the printers; it has been determined that plain paper is cheaper than 3-holed which was initially used to reduce the amount of printing. There will be a review of the entire printing strategy.
Fundraising for the Library
J. Travis met with R. Turner about the proposed fundraising for the Library. C. Collins was part of the meeeting. She indicated that she didn't see it as a part of her role or that of the Councils to make any suggestions. She is awaiting direction from Student Services.
Traffic Circle: Davis
·  J. Travis met with B. White and there will be no immediate changes to the signage at the traffic circle
·  J. Salisbury noted that the stop sign at the traffic circle wasn't often adhered to and that a yield sign would be better
·  J. Travis asked R. Turner if there would be an exit out to Steeles and his comment was that it might be a possibility
·  J. Travis plans more meeting with B. White in the hopes of coming up with some options/strategies that can be presented to the proper people prior to construction at the Davis Campus
·  P. Toms stated that the traffic circle at the SCAET building needed a directional sign
Prayer Room: Davis
J. Travis has not yet received a response / J. Travis to follow up.
6. New/Other Business / ·  E. Service brought up the issue of the abrupt loss of Ali (Davis Security). He said students either loved or hated him but he was effective/ efficient and tried to improve security at campus. When he reported to his security company that there wasn't enough staff at Davis he was transferred.
·  E. Service suggested that pressure should have been put on the security company to get him back
·  J. Greer suggested talking to S. Gilbert about this issue
·  a general discussion took place about the rights and responsibilities of the college vs. the contracting company
·  J. Salisbury suggested asking S. Gilbert how many tickets have geen given out for violating the smoking policy
·  J. Cox announced his resignation from College Council as he will be retiring from Sheridan effective Mar. 1/03 / J. Travis to follow up.
7. Adjournment / Motion for adjournment. / Motion Carried
Next Meeting / Thursday, March 20, 2003, 3 - 5 p.m. Boardroom, Trafalgar Campus

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