Feb 4th. 2009
Present: : Michael Escott, Deborah Francois, Nane Ghazaryan, Tatyana Gleyzer,
Robbie Hassel, Eve Kim, Jared Greenfield, Amanda Nogic, Christian Ramsay, Michael Schleifer,
Amanda Tang, Clay Williams
Nicole Hector-Hutchinson – non-voting representative College association Office
Written Proxies: Gregg Morris to Dean Escott
Items were taken out of agenda order to accommodate group representatives who were present to answer College Association questions regarding their agenda items.
1. Approval of Minutes – January 7, 20009 meeting – unanimously approved
2. Budgets
Child Care $39,471.62 withdrawn
GSA(Previously Submitted) $ 330.00 unanimously approved
GSA Departmental $ 400.00 unanimously approved
GSA Clubs
Animal Behavior and Conservation Club $ 200.00 unanimously approved
Performing Arts Clubs
USG Clubs
Hunter Toastmasters $ 1,800.00 unanimously approved
Kappa Omicron Nu $ 1,350.00 unanimously approved * 1
3. Line Transfer/Budget Modification
4. Line Transfers
Child Care $ 1,175.79 withdrawn
Lesbians Rising $ 30.00 unanimously approved
Roosevelt Institution $ 100.00 unanimously approved
5. Budget Modification
Access Center $ 1,123.00 unanimously approved
GSA Special Projects(Previously Submitted) $ 1,945.00 unanimously approved
GSA Special Projects $ 2,175.00 unanimously approved
Envoy(Previously Submitted) $ 450.00 unanimously approved
USG $ 1,000.00 unanimously approved
USG $ 300.00 unanimously approved
6. Income Earned
Old Business
Columbian Club tabled * 2
Film and Media $ 4,700.00 unanimously approved
Pilates tabled * 3
Very Creative People Magazine tabled * 4
New Business
Shield Voucher $ 67.23 tabled
An extensive discussion took place regarding the mail room bill of $67.23. Dean Escott advised the College Association members that the Shield has not chartered for the fiscal year 2008 – 2009, therefore they do not have a budget to work with. They did not publish last year and nothing was presented for publication so far this year. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to table the mail room bill and that Dean Escott would notify the mailroom not to accept any future mail for the SHIELD and that he will look into this expenditure and report back to the College Association.
Deborah Francois presented the USG concern over the space that the SHIELD holds. Space is at a premium and the SHIELD is obviously not active and they have not cooperated with USG representatives who have tried to gain access to the room and inquire about its utilization. Deborah Francois mentioned that the Space Allocation Committee is currently working on a room assignment plan that they feel would be more equitable for all the clubs. This plan will be presented to Dean Escott for review and possible implementation.
Dean Escott said that he would look into the SHIELD Thomas Hunter office space.
Dean Escott informed the College Association members that a student petition/referendum could be initiated to lower the student activity fee earmark for the SHIELD and to reallocate the Emergency Food and Shelter earmark. A USG representative said that she would look into initiating the process.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary L. Michael
- Kappa Omicron Nu – Budget – this budget was unanimously approved pending the submission of a letter to the College Association Office specifying their room number at Brookdale.
- Columbian Club – Budget- Old Business – tabled - the club has not responded to questions previously submitted by the CA.
- Pilates - Budget- Old Business – tabled - the club has not responded to questions previously submitted by the CA.
- Very Creative People - Budget- Old Business – tabled - the club has not responded to questions previously submitted by the CA.