College and Career Readiness Lessons
2014-15 District Implementation Plan
Student Outcome:
· All Duplin County students will have the knowledge and skills required for success in college, careers, and life.
· Counselors and College and Career Liaisons, with support of school administration and staff, will follow a comprehensive and systematic district plan of providing at least four lessons per school year (one per quarter) on college and career readiness to all Duplin County students.
· Pre-K –Grade 5: CFNC Paws in Jobland Lessons and Activities:
· CFNC Paws in Jobland Interactive Software:
· Pre-K – Grade 5: Futures for Kids ccSpark!
· Grades 6 – 13: CFNC Curriculum Materials:
· Grades 6 – 13: Futures for Kids ccSpringboard:
Pre-K – Grade 5: College and Career AwarenessGrade Level / Theme
Pre-K and Kindergarten / Careers and Community Helpers
Grade 1 / Careers with Science
Grade 2 / Careers with Math
Grade 3 / Careers with Technology
Grade 4 / Other Cool Careers
Grade 5 / Global Careers
Lesson 1: Introduction to Theme (General Career Lesson)
Lesson 2: Lesson Specifically About Themed Careers
Lesson 3: Lesson Specifically About Themed Careers
Lesson 4: College Connections to Themed Careers
Grades 6 – 8: College and Career ReadinessGrade Level / Theme
Grade 6 / College and Career Readiness Skills
1. Introduction (General Lesson)
2. Organization
3. Time Management
4. Study Habits
Grade 7 / High Expectations
1. Introduction (General Lesson)
2. Goal Setting (Short-Term)
3. Goal Setting (Long-Term)
4. Challenging Yourself (Middle School Acceleration, Career and College Promise, and other opportunities available when students work hard)
Grade 8 / Life After Middle School (General Lesson)
1. Introduction
2. High School Pathways and Opportunities
3. High School Registration
4. Making a Successful Transition
High School: College and Career Access
Grade Level / Theme
Grade 9 / Who Am I?
· School Subjects & Careers, Personal Strengths, Career Prep
Grade 10 / What is my Career Match?
· CCP, PLAN, PSAT, Types of Colleges, Job Shadowing
Grade 11 / Which College is for Me?
· College Entrance, Job Shadowing, College Majors
Grade 12 / How Do I Get There From Here?
· Financial Empowerment and College Acceptance