
Community Support

Collections, Raffles and Sausage Sizzles

We are proud to be part of the Kapiti Coast and play an active part in supporting the schools, sports, youth and social groups that make up our community. To do this, as well as a community support fund, we allow not-for-profit organisations to fundraise with sausage sizzles, collections and promotion of raffles outside our building all year (except December).

Name of organisation
Email address
Name of contact and position
Application for event
(delete as appropriate) / COLLECTION RAFFLE SAUSAGE SIZZLE
Date/s of event
What specifically is the fundraising for?
Example: Kapiti College French trip
Who will benefit from any funds collected?
Example: Yr 11/12 students going to France on school trip September 2011

On behalf of the organisation named below, I agree to the conditions outlined on this document. I declare that no business or private individual will benefit from any monies raised from this collection, raffle or sausage sizzle.

Signed ______Date ______

Position ______Organisation ______


  • All bookings for fundraising collections, raffles and sausage sizzles must be made with the office at Kapiti Pak’n Save without exception.
  • Any organisation fundraising in this way must be a not-for-profit organisation.
  • Collections: These must be carried out on the recognised fundraising week for the respective organisation. Collectors should be dressed in the organisation’s clothing or bibs and be clearly identified as being part of that organisation. Collectors must not at any stage ask customers for donations, they must wait for customers to approach them.
  • Raffles: Tickets for raffles can only be sold on a Thursday or Friday in the front foyer of the shop. Raffle ticket sellers should be dressed in the organisation’s clothing or bibs and be clearly identified as being part of that organisation. Sellers must not at any stage ask customers for donations, they must wait for customers to approach them.
  • Sausage sizzles: These can only be held on Saturdays. Organisations can book a maximum of four at a time with a maximum of one per month. All equipment must be supplied by the organisation. A ground sheet must be placed underneath the BBQ at all times, one is available from the customer service desk for this purpose. The Duty Manager should be contacted at the time of the sausage sizzle and he/she will direct you to where to set up. You must have clear signage notifying customers who benefits from the fundraising. Only products purchased from Kapiti Pak’ n Save can be used for your BBQs. Discounted sausages are available for pre-order the Wednesday before your BBQ from Tahi Sweeney on 296 6222.