Freedom of Information (FOI) Monitoring Questionnaire
Collecting Monitoring Data
We are contacting you because our records show that you have made an application for a Freedom of Information request. Wewould welcome your feedback on how you felt your Freedom of Information request was managed by the Trust. We would appreciate your comments about your experience to help us to monitor and review the process and to make any necessary improvement to our service.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete and return this form but please note that you are under no obligation to do so. Your response is anonymous but a report of the results will be available on our website. If you require more information or any feedback please contact the Trust Administrator using the FOI section on the website or telephone 023 80296906
Southampton City Primary Care Trust aims to acknowledge your application within two working days and provide a full written response within twenty working days from receipt. If that is not possible, we will advise you as soon as possible of any delay.
Bearing this in mind, would you indicate your experience by ticking the relevant boxes:
Access to the Trust Freedom of Information Service
YES / NOWas the Freedom of Information service easy to access?
After receiving a response from us if you were not satisfied with the way in which your application was handled, were you informed of how to pursue your application further?
Did you have any concerns about making a request? If Yes, please explain
YES / NOWhatever the outcome did you feel that your request was considered carefully?
Whatever the outcome did you feel that you were given a full explanation in a way that you could understand?
Was your application responded to in a timely manner in keeping with the timescales mentioned above.
If the answer to any of the questions above is ‘no’ please can you give the reasons why:
Please explain further on a separate Page.
If you feel that whilst managing your application we have done something well or that we could improve our Freedom of Information Service we would welcome your comments.
Equality and Diversity
Please tick the appropriate box. This should indicate the details of the patient and not any person complaining on their behalf.
White / British / AIrish / B
Other White / C
Mixed / White & Black Caribbean / D
White & Black African / E
White & Asian / F
Other Mixed / G
Asian or Asian British / Indian / H
Pakistani / J
Bangladeshi / K
Other Asian / L
Black or Black British / Black Caribbean / M
Black African / N
Other Black / P
Other Ethnic / Chinese / R
Other Ethnic Category / S
Eastern European / Z
Do you have a physical or sensory disability YesNo
If yes, please specify
As explained this information is anonymous but if you have raised topics that you would like a response to please include your name and address here:
Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire.
Please return the completed form by email to
or in the pre addressed Freepost envelope or to:
Sue Masters Trust Administrator, Southampton City PCT, NHS Southampton Headquarters, Oakley Road, SouthamptonSO16 4GX
Tele - 023 8029 6906 Fax - 023 8072 5457