Species Profile Poster Presentation

Purpose: To profile an animal species and understand varioussubdisciplines and natural history involving that particular animal.

Taxonomic Categories Within the Animal Kingdom

Porifera / Cnidaria / Platyhelminthes / Nematode / Mollusca
Ctenophora / Nemertea / Rotifera
Annelida / Arachnida / Crustacean / Diplopoda / Chilipoda
Insecta / Echinodermata / Hemichordata / Cartilaginous Fish / Osteichthyes
Amphibia / Reptilia / Aves / Mammalia


  1. Students will be able to workin pairs to complete the project so pair up wisely.
  1. Each group (pair) will draw a card. Your card will have your taxonomic category for your poster.
  1. Using your taxonomic category, your group (pair) will decide any one species within that taxonomic category on which to do your poster. If there are an odd number of students in class, I will allow one group of 3. However, that group of 3 must do the poster on twodifferent species in different taxonomic categories (each on a separate poster). In other words, you must draw another card. You DO have the option to do this assignment by yourself.
  1. Your species cannot be the same species you used for your research paper.
  1. The species must not be extinct and you cannot choose human if you chose Mammalia.

6. Your poster mustinclude all of the following:

Title: “The Natural History of MY SPECIES HERE (SCIENTIFIC NAME) “

Use this above title, just fill in your species’ common and scientific name.

Be sure to write the scientific name correctly.

Authors, a picture of your species, a range map or description of the range

A list of all taxonomic levels

(Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species)

Indicate ALLof the following:

List Type of Symmetry

Pattern of organization (either unicellular, tissue grade, diploblastic or


Does your species have no true tissue or true tissues?

If triploblastic, indicate acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, or coelomate

List Deuterostome or Protostome

Complete Digestion or Not.

Your poster must also include at least 2 bullet points on each of the following topics

involving your selected species:

Conservation Status, Anatomy, Physiology, Behavior

Habitat, Development

Ecology – this includes food habitats, what eats it, its role in nature, etc.

Description of close relatives (Close relatives could be in the same order,

family, or genus)

Description of “Class”  Taxonomic Level

  1. You don’t need to cite your lines of text in the poster but you must include a references section that includes all of the sources you used for your poster. The references section must be in APA style (the same as your research paper). DON’T USE WIKIPEDIA.

This website may help in finding information (You may cite this website):

  1. Due Date: Your poster is due Friday April 23. You cannot do this late.

On this day, you will be giving a short oral presentation of your poster

(~ 5 minutes in length)

  1. Your poster should be able to stand up by itself and use large font so people standing can be able

tosee it. Don’t write by hand. Make it look professional. Not too flashy or distracting.

See the following website for help in making it look professional:


Your grade will be based on following the above directions, correct citation style in the references section,overall poster appearance and oral presentation of the poster. I will request feedback from other biology faculty on the posters, who will rate the posters. Summarizing their evaluations, the top 2 posters will receive bonus points on the assignment. The poster & oral presentation of the poster together is 7% of your final grade for the course.