Town and Village of Cambridge, Vermont

Subdivision Permit Application

Congratulations on your decision to subdivide in the Town or Village of Cambridge. The Town of Cambridge Selectboard adopted subdivision regulations in 2006 in order to manage growth and to protect the health, safety and welfare of current and future residents. These regulations were not adopted to stop additional growth in town but to ensure that the growth that occurs meets some minimum standards.

The Town of Cambridge strives to have a fair and efficient review process. Our goal is to approve or deny all applications within 45 days. Vermont state laws require certain time periods for warning hearings that the town cannot avoid. At its fastest, permits can be approved in 18 days but the usual amount of time is about 30 days once a completed application is received. The Development Review Board hears applications on the second Monday of every month. To provide enough time for warning hearings please submit applications by the previous months meeting (e.g. to have a hearing on the second Monday in December please have a completed application submitted by the second Monday in November).

In an effort to make these regulations as easy for the applicant as possible, the Administrative Officer (AO)) is available to provide guidance to applicants. The AO does not approve or deny subdivision applications but instead administers the regulations and, if necessary, enforces violations. Towards this end, we have developed a digital application which the AO can help you fill out. The digital copy may also be found at (click on Cambridge) but you must print out the document on LEGAL paper. A paper copy is available at the Clerks Office as well but must be typed or be very legibly written such that the Town Clerk is willing to record it. There is no additional cost to have me fill out your application form.

The AO will also tell you what information or additional information is needed to complete your application. This could include state water and wastewater permits, local access permits from the road foreman, or addition engineered drawings. The AO will NOT help you obtain these other permits. There are local and regional companies that can help you develop an application. You should be aware that in the hearing the AO represents the town (not you) so you must be present at the hearing or hire someone to represent you. The AO is available to answer any technical questions regarding these regulations. There are no stupid questions!

Finally, the back of the application includes a checklist of the required provisions. If you have a small project, don’t be too concerned about the length of the list. Many provisions are not applicable to small projects (e.g. if you are not building a road you don’t need to meet those standards). If you choose, I can go through the list with you and provide comments on your application. Remember, the AO will not decide your application; that is left to the Development Review Board (a group of volunteers appointed by the Selectboard to hear applications).

First steps...

  • If you have this letter, you probably have a copy of the application. If not, pick one up from the Town Clerk or AO or download a copy from .
  • Pick up a copy of the subdivision regulations. If you are planning to build a road for your subdivision you should ask for a copy of the Town Highway Standards Ordinance as well.
  • Make an appointment to meet with the AO. The AO does not keep regular office hours at this time but will meet with you at a mutually agreeable time and place. Please call for an appointment.

Feedback on your application experience is very much encouraged. These regulations are new and the Town would appreciate knowing what kind of job we’re doing.

Best of luck on your application.

Mark Roberts, Cambridge Administrative Officer

Home Office # 888-8469

Clerks Office # 644-2251

Fax: 802-888-7222