Lecture 13 : The Cardiovascular Pump - Heart

I. General Anatomy of the Heart

A. Location and Size

1. primary organ of the mediastinum

2. 2/3 lie left of the sagittal plane

3. size of a human fist

4. between the sternum and thoracic vertebrae

5. apex - tip of left ventricle

6. left border - left ventricle and atrium

7. superior border - site of great vessels, near atria

8. base - formed by the atria, mainly left atrium

9. right border - formed by right atrium

10. inferior border - right ventricle and part of left

11. sternocostal surface - ventricles and right atrium

12. diaphragmatic surface - mostly left ventricle

B. Pericardium - connective tissue sac around heart

1. fibrous pericardium - outer thick fibrous layer

a. tough bag that surrounds the heart

b. attached to diaphragm

c. continuous with great vessels

2. serous pericardium - inner, thin, double layer

a. parietal layer - fused to fibrous pericardium

i. pericardial fluid - reduces friction

ii. pericardial cavity - space between layers

b. visceral layer (epicardium) - on myocardium

3. pericarditis - inflammation of pericardium

i. cardiac tamponade - compression on the heart

C. The Wall of the Heart - 3 Layers

1. epicardium - visceral layer of pericardium (above)

2. myocardium - heart muscle itself

3. endocardium - thin endothelium lining inside

D. Chambers of the Heart

1. right and left atria - upper chambers

a. auricles – dog-ear like appendages

b. pectinate muscles - bundles of parallel fibers

2. interatrial septum

a. fossa ovalis - closed foramen ovale of fetus

3. right and left ventricles - lower chambers

4. coronary sulcus - exterior groove dividing chambers

5. anterior and posterior interventricular sulci

E. Great Vessels of the Heart

1. Venous return of blood to the Right Atrium via:

a. superior vena cava - from areas above heart

b. inferior vena cava - from areas below heart

c. coronary sinus - from heart muscle itself

2. Right Atrium -> Right Ventricle

3. Right Ventricle to the Lungs via:

a. pulmonary trunk

i. right and left pulmonary arteries

ii. only arteries with unoxygenated blood

4. Lungs -> Left Atrium via:

a. pulmonary veins

i. only veins with oxygenated blood

5. Left Atrium -> Left Ventricle

6. Left Ventricle to entire body via:

a. ascending aorta

i. coronary arteries

ii. arch of the aorta

iii. thoracic aorta

iv. abdominal aorta

7. ductus arteriosus - only in fetus; from pulmonary

trunk to aorta

8. ligamentum arteriosum - remnant in adult

F. Valves of the Heart

1. Atrioventricular Valves (AV)

a. tricuspid valve - between right atrium & ventr.

b. bicuspid valve - between left atrium & ventr.

i. chordae tendinea - attach cusps to muscles

ii. papillary muscles - pull on cusps

2. Semilunar Valves - between ventricles and vessels

a. pulmonary semilunar valve - pulmonary trunk

b. aortic semilunar valve - aorta

II. Blood Supply of the Heart

A. Arterial Supply

1. ascending aorta -> left coronary artery ->

a. anterior interventricular branch

b. circumflex branch

2. ascending aorta -> right coronary artery ->

a. posterior interventricular branch

b. marginal branch

B. Venous return: Coronary Sinus -> Right Atrium

1. tributaries contributing to the coronary sinus:

a. great cardiac vein (drains anterior)

b. middle cardiac vein (drains posterior)