Mairead GlynnE-learning Principles and Practice II

Collaborative Blended Learning Experience: Draft Design Document

Part A: Introduction

Background and Rationale for Learning Experience

One of the learning goals of science at all levels is the development of analytical skills: Hypothesising, designing experiments, recording and analysing results, formulating conclusions are all fundamental skills in the work of a scientist, In 2003 a new post primary science syllabus was introduced with an emphasis on analytical skills. The most notable change was the introduction of a practical assessment component which was intended to encourage an inquiry based learning approach to Junior Certificate Science. Students studying Junior Certificate Science are given a choice of three science investigations from the department of education and choose two or alternatively students may plan and conduct their own investigation. The Chief Examiners Report for 2010 stated that the presentation of similar course work by many candidates was cause for concern and only 0.6% of candidates present an investigation of their own choice.

For the past ten years I have worked as a science teacher in a DEIS Community School in South Dublin. It is custom and practice for the science teachers to choose two of the prescribed experiments outlined by the Department of Education, the science teachers work together to design a successful method for the investigation and outline this to the relevant students. We do not facilitate students to plan and conduct the investigations as intended, I believe there are many reasons for this, some of which are based on the following anecdotal evidence: students have not developed their analytical skills to a level where they could can plan and conduct an investigation of this size, the time commitment it would require for students to develop these skills in class would take considerably from time needed to teach the syllabus. However technology could provide a solution to this problem by providing a space for collaboration outside of the classroom.

Synopsis of Learning Experience

Edmodo is an educational website that allows students and teachers to interact in an on-line setting. This learning experience is designed to allow students to work collaboratively on Edmodo with the teacher acting as a facilitator. Students will be divided into groups of three, they will appoint a group leader and choose a group name. Each group will have their own space on Edmodo and each space will host a video communicating a scientific phenomenon. The students will then comment underneath the video they will be asked to formulate a hypothesis based on the phenomenon, students will create testable predications and plan an investigation that will be conducted in the school laboratory. The teacher can observe the on-line comments and offer hints or probing questions when required. The students will write up a scientific report using google docs and make a presentation of their work to the class.

Part B: Analysis

Instructional goals

Students will be able to use scientific method to plan and conduct scientific investigations.

Instructional analysis

Students will make predictions based on their hypothesis.

Plan and conduct an investigation in order to test their predictions

Process and analyse the data collected

Evaluate and communicate their findings.

Analyse learners and context

This learning experience would be aimed at a second year science class with students of mixed ability. These students would be expected to have a prior understanding of scientific method, students should be able to identify constants and variables and recognise the significance of these factors in a scientific investigation. The on-line element of the learning experience will be set as forty minutes homework three times per week over a three week period.

Performance Objectives

In groups the students should accomplish the following tasks;

  • Plan and conduct a scientific investigation taking into consideration relevant constants, variables and safety considerations
  • Analyse and interpret data gathered
  • Refine, alter, expand or reject hypothesis
  • Write a report of the scientific investigation
  • Deliver a presentation of their scientific investigation

Key skills for development during this learning experience;

Learning and innovation skills: in order to prepare students for a complex life and work environment in the 21st century. Working creatively with others throughout their assignment to communicate ideas about their project, incorporate group feedback into their presentation. Collaborate with others to demonstrate ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams. Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal (scientific report). Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual contributions made by each team member.

Information literacy skills: access information efficiently within the time allowed and effectively from reliable sources.

Life and Career skills: each team and team member will have to set goals, utilize time and manage workload efficiently. Prioritize, plan and manage work to achieve the intended result. Students will interact effectively with others; know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak. Conduct themselves in a respectable and professional manner.

Part C: Design


This is a blended learning experience, it allows student to engage between classes and allow for a true scientific approach to science investigations. I have chosen Edmodo as the the main online environment for this learning experience. Edmodo takes elements of social networking sites and utilises them in an educational setting. It allows the teacher to facilitate several different investigations simultaneously a task that is almost impossible to achieve in a classroom setting. The students will have specific targets to reach with each online session. The learning experience will also require the use of google docs to write a scientific report and google slides in order for students to create a presentation.

Outline of learning experience

Actions / Time Frame
Organise into groups of three, select a group name and group leader. Students will participate in icebreaker games to encourage team work and establish group dynamics. Students will create a charter of rights for the group. / 40 mins (in class)
Watch the video assigned to their group, make observations, discuss questions and formulate a hypothesis. / ~40 mins (online)
Develop testable predictions, design a method for the investigation and submit a list of laboratory equipment needed for their investigation. / 80 mins (online)
Conduct investigation in class, record data and observations / 80 mins (in class)
Discuss and analyse results. Reflect on the results and observations. Refine, alter, expand or reject hypothesis. / 40 mins (online)
Write up scientific report using google docs and create presentation using google slides. / 120 mins (online 3 x 40 mins)
Present scientific investigation to the class / 80 mins ( in class)

Table of Technologies

/ Edmodo is a free website used to engage students in discussion. Allows the teacher to facilitate discussions between students when planning their scientific investigations.
Google Docs
/ Google docs allow multiple users to work remotely on the final report.
Google Slides
/ Google slides allow multiple users to work remotely on a presentation.
This will be used at the final presentation stage of the project.


Scientific Report 60%

Engagement in online discussions 20%

Presentation 20%

Each group will submit their written report detailing their scientific investigation, the report will include the following headings;


Background research

Testable predictions





Sources of Error

Each group will deliver a presentation to the class outlining the stages of their scientific investigation.