David R. Boe, Chair

Larry G. Pagel, Vice Chair

Francella A. Quinnell, Secretary

Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate

Tuesday 14 February 2012, 3:05 p.m., 404A Cohodas

Members Present: Mike Andary, At-Large; Tim Hilton, At-Large; Paul Lang, Interim VPAA & Provost; Rachel Nye, At-Large; Larry Pagel, Vice Chair; Francella Quinnell, Secretary; Mark Shevy, At-Large; Ron Sundell, AAUP Liaison


  1. Call to Order 3:06 pm
  1. Additions to/Adoption of Agenda

GPC Report of 13 March 2012, consisting of the committee’s recommendations for graduate faculty status, was received today. The decision was made to place the report on the agenda for the next meeting.

No additions. Agenda adopted.

  1. Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 31 January 2012

Unanimously approved.

  1. Reports:
  1. Chair

The technical difficulties with the Senate website have been resolved and the quick link to current Senate documents now works.

The Provost approved the Senate Actions of 24 January 2012, which include the CUP Report of 29 November 2011 and the GPC Report of 29 November 2011. The Provost also approved the Senate Actions of 7 February 2012, which includethe CUP Report of 24 January 2012 and the GPC Report of 24 January 2012. Chair Boe will report these approvals at the next Senate meeting.

President Wong’s presentation to the Senate went well. (Brief discussion followed

regarding formula funding and the potential impact of formula funding on NMU.)

Rebecca Ulland, CEC Chair, sent out the faculty survey of preferences for committee assignments for the 2012-13 academic year. At the next meeting,

Senators will be encouraged to serve on Senate committees.

Chair Boe was contacted by Judy Puncochar about Senate representation for the Center for Native American Studies (CNAS). The CNAS Bylaws were approved by

the Provost. Chair Boe will email April Lindala, Director of CNAS, and invite CNAS to send a representative to the Senate meeting on 21 February 2012.

  1. Vice Chair

Vice Chair Pagel has begun reviewing the Senate Bylaws. He asked members of the Executive Committee to send him any suggestions for changes.

  1. Secretary

No report.

  1. Provost

No report.

  1. ASNMU

No report.

  1. LSC Report of Tuesday 21 February 2012

Move to first reading on 21 February 2012.

Due to spring break, the second reading will be on 13 March 2012.

Mark Paulsen will be asked to make some introductory comments, to include the nature of any changes made as a result of the faculty forums held last fall. When the LSC Report comes up for Second Reading, a number of outcomes are possible. In addition to a "for" or "against" vote, it is possible to refer the matter to committee(s) and/or action could be delayed/postponed for a number of reasons. Senators will be reminded of the need to discuss the proposed Liberal Studies reform with the members of their department. Chair Boe will remind Senators that the first reading is for questions, not debate.

  1. Unfinished Business
  1. AAPC Report of Tuesday 07 February 2012

Move to second reading

  1. CUP Report of Tuesday 07 February 2012

Some editorial changes were made, which will be noted at the Senate meeting.

Because the report is lengthy, Chair Boe will go through the CUP Report by Department to facilitate questions and/or debate. The report will not be split for voting purposes.

Move to second reading.

  1. New Business


  1. Informal Consideration
  1. Outcomes Assessment meetings (follow-up)

The outcomes assessment consultant expressed concern about how the Senate handles recommendations from the LSC and assessment of curriculum. The consultant also suggested that TLAC should have a more active role in outcomes assessment. The possibility of asking Sandi Poindexter, AQIP Coordinator, to give a follow-up presentation to the Senate was discussed. Vice Chair Pagel will follow up with Professor Poindexter.

  1. President’s Council meeting (February 22nd)

The President’s Council meeting scheduled for 8 February 2012 was cancelled and rescheduled for 22 February 2012. Chair Boe will report on the numerous curricular changes that have been submitted and reviewed by CUP. He also will report on the First Reading of the LSC Report on 21 February 2012 andnote that the CNAS now has approved bylaws and representation on Senate.

It was noted that the graduation list has not been received. Chair Boe will follow up with the Registrar.

  1. Good of the Order

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  1. Adjournment 3:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Francella A. Quinnell, Ph.D.

Secretary, NMU Academic Senate