Leicestershire & Rutland

Association of Local Councils

Jubilee Hall

Stadon Road







Thank you for using this new Step by Step Guideto Appraisal which has been developed as a companion piece to our Recruitment Manual and designed to assist you and your Council through all the stages of a successful appraisal process and which whilst,primarily intended to help review the performance of the Clerk to the Council, may be adapted appropriately for virtually any member of staff or role.

The development of staff is a key management process and appraisal one of the best ways to achieve this and so to gain full benefit from it the Guidefocuses on the key stages required in the appraisal process from justifying the use of appraisal to the implementation of the schemeand the associated documentation.

It is important that everyone responsible for or involved in staff appraisal must operate within a planned and structured process and be aware and understand the key issues to avoid as well as the best techniques to use.

The Guide is divided into a number of Unitsas shown in the following list of contents,which include both guidance and,where relevant, specimen documentation reflecting best practice which may be customised to suit your own Council, duties and local circumstances as appropriate. The intention behind producing the Guide in this way is not only to try to help meet the differing needs of Councils in the County but also to allow you to dip into just those parts of the process you need.

Clearly we will be pleased to hear how you find the Guide in meeting your needs and we welcome any suggestions you may have to enhance the contents or improve what we have already included.

I hope that you find the Step by Step Guideto Appraisaland the guidance helpful but if you require further advice, on-site support, specific trainingor any other assistance with your processes or just have any questions on any aspect of the Guide itself or the terms for on-site support please call 0116 235 3800 or email me on

Good luck!

Jake Atkinson

Chief Officer

Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils



“Developing Your Staff

Step by Step Guide to Appraisal”

has been produced for the LRALC


Clive Payne

HR Consultant


CP Associates

22 Linden Close




Tel No: 01582 755182

Mobile No: 07970381592


Clive was employed as the HR Director for a number of years in local government before setting up his own HR Consultancy, CP Associatesin 1998.

Since then he has worked with clients in both the private and public sector and has undertaken successful assignments for the HAPTC and Local Councils in Hertfordshire and throughout the UKproviding assistance across the full range of human resources issues, investigations and organisational or structural review.

September 2012


Unit 1 –Why have an appraisal scheme?

1.1Why has the Step by Step Guide to Appraisal been produced?

1.2What is contained in the Step by Step Guide to Appraisal?

1.3Is there a legal requirement to undertake staff appraisals?

1.4Why should the Council have a formal appraisal scheme?

1.5What are the benefits of appraisal?

1.6What goals should the Council set for the appraisal scheme?

1.7Is appraisal about pay?

1.8How does the Council avoid discrimination in the appraisal selection process?

1.9What practical steps need to be taken to make the appraisal scheme a success?

1.10 How should the Council plan and organise the appraisal process?

1.11 Further Help

Unit 2 –Appraisal Scheme, Process and Forms

2.1 What is needed for the Council to develop and implement an appraisal system?

2.2 Further Help

Unit 2 Appendices

Appendix 2(a) -Specimen Appraisal Scheme

Appendix 2(b) - Specimen Appraisal Scheme Action Plan

Appendix 2(c) - Specimen Appraisal Review Form

Appendix 2(d) - Guidance on completing the Appraisal Review Form

Unit 3 –Appraisal Skills

3.1What are the key skills needed to hold an effective appraisal meeting?

3.2What behaviours should the appraiser exhibit?

3.3What questioning techniques are most useful?

3.4Is listening important?

3.5How is feedback best given?

3.6Further Help

Unit 4 –Appraiser and Appraisee Guidance

4.1How can the Council try to ensure that appraisal meetings and the process are successful?

4.2Further Help

Unit 4 Appendices

Appendix 4(a) -Specimen Appraisee Guidance

Appendix 4(b) - Specimen Appraiser Guidance

Unit 5 – Setting “SMART” Objectives

5.1 How can the Council set “SMART” objectives?


Neither the LRALC its servants, agents, employees, parent or associated companies nor the authors, publishers, suppliers or retailers of this Step by Step Guide to Appraisal shall be liable to any person, persons or other legal entity for any losses, damages, costs or other claims howsoever arising as a result of any information contained in or omitted from this document. You are strongly advised to seek further advice and assistance if you are in any doubt about any aspect of employment law. No content of this Guide may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of LRALC.