MONDAY, August 10, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, Pres. Martin, 1AC McMinn, 2AC McKenna, Capt. Jones, Capt Evans, Capt. Papp, Capt. Giudice

Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:00 hours.

Motion made to accept minutes of 7/13/09 by 2 AC McKenna, seconded by 1AC Standish July minutes, approved.

Citizen’s Comments: Gary Avery, Standish Road; Question: when will dept. schedule to buy new vehicles and not recycle old.. Comment on public safety commission – since we are a volunteer organization we exercise the control of the membership. This proposed commission is not necessary. Strategic plan is good, but a long-term plan is needed also.

Norwich bulletin article: – re: town possibly needs public safety commission, etc.- NOT from CHFD or 1st Selectman’s Office

Budget Issues: watching expenditures.

$5000 springs for T128 and ET228

ET 228 having brakes done

Hose testing: 1925 feet ,out of service, including hose tender stock. Sq. 128 went to Walts for door/wheel well body rust repair, no decal paint, etc. – due back 8/13/09.

New fire alarm & detectors installed. Mostly paid for by insurance company.

Equipment purchasing for new fire truck/ambulance-estimated costs : SCBA $29530, w/ 5 spares, out of bonding; 1 patient cot- $10693 approved; can we trade in old stretcher or use as a spare? Trade is preferred.

Discussion on fuel comp checks: 1) line item from town, 2) from SAFER volunteer recruitment and retention grant.

$ available for gear and repairs.

8/19/09 – next board of finance meeting. 7:00 pm

Career Staff/Personnel: EAP program now provided by United Community Family Service. Contact Chief for info.

Open forum: chiefs will be meeting after this meeting re; the written report due Thurs. 8/14/09. CO’s need to be responsible to membership. Chief now requiring communication w/ Jean re: absence for meetings or regular time ;this protocol is now required for company officers/out of town/staffing/monthly officers meeting. Chief out from [ 8/15 – 8/18], AC Standish not available this weekend, J.McMinn in charge. Chief on vacation 8/22 – 8/30. Proper notification/chain of command.

Call on Mill Hill Rd – message from resident praising work done, and requesting application.

Personnel – Jean’s desk – please stop going through anything on desk.

SOP –Risk Management – 4 pages to limit fire dept exposure during risky situations. (see copy) – to be monitored yearly by Health & Safety officer. Every 3 year it will be reviewed by outside entity. Original must be signed. Motion to accept policy : SOP-021 signed by chief officers; AC K. McKenna, seconded by DC Standish.

Training: recently applied credit from LAH funds used to purchase training materials from CFA bookstore.

AC McKenna – Sept. to focus on EMS training. State has not responded back if we are going to host classes. Due to Jean - a list of upcoming classes and approx. costs.

Capt. Papp – Captains want hazmat training & will be looking at matrix of training for cutting down on hour requirements. On scene training at incidents may count toward requirements if documented.

Capt. Jones- a few members have questioned their list totals. Online training is being reviewed, records up to 6/12/09, but need to be updated. AC McKenna will review w/ K.McManus for update.

ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE REFERRED BACK TO CAPTAINS, but initial questions can be funneled to Jean.

Many classes are reflected in the “other” column, if members print out full account.

Major concern was w/ on line training credit.

People have been approved for crossing guard training through BOE/Signal 54.

Currently any on line fail does not offer a retry. That is being worked out.

Sat. 8/15 8:00 new member orientation. training scheduled.

EMS: Sept. EMS month. Heading, back boarding, assessments, equipment use etc – EMS drills, and 2nd of year for EMS protocols due. Refresher just held – all of our members passed.

H1N1 still out there – any potential cases will be flagged. All cases of MRSA at long term care facilities will be flagged also. All emergency responders must use proper BSI.

CAG contract being reviewed.

New pulse ox just purchased. Members please be responsible for equipment. Looking into color coded cases .

Ambulance opening 8/20 2:00 pm. Ambulance printing issue – wireless connection. EMScharts rep was at FD to discuss issues-2.8 version.

Captain’s Reports - HSO Dan Rowland – DOT checks being done – checking chassis- 2 x yr., emergency lighting - squad light doesn’t work, tanker light bar – doesn’t all work. These could be considered out of service criteria. Need to schedule light bar repairs for all vehicles. (Squad first). Every yr replace one. Also – physical list is posted. PPD’s may not be required to be done every yr anymore. To be confirmed.

-unconfirmed – Marlborough’s rescue truck struck from behind.

-Is town of Colchester going to do anything to cover personnel for H1N1. EMS personnel are 3 on list (kids/ teachers). To be addressed at town safety meeting.

Cptn Papp – open discrepancy list (vehicle problems) – on going. (see attached list). Last month a POD response w/ member using blue light inappropriately. Action requested.

Cptn Jones – recommend under-carriage truck wash. Must be brought to garage. OOS for 31/2-4 hrs. . All good. Weed sprayer used on most dry hydrants over the last 2 wks.

Cptn Guidice - is still leaking. Need Tony G. to review the fittings, etc. Service 2 primer out of service again. D. Lee to follow up. Filters for water – out. D. Rowland to check. To be replaced every 6 mths. Freezer in kitchen is down.

Cptn Evans – still some ems charts in limbo. All unfinished charts should be kept in locked file in radio room until completed. All files used for point audit should be put back in numerical order for file. Call reports must be filled out completely, run report must be completed. Chief: as professionals paperwork is necessary part of job. All medical calls must be clearly noted who is in charge.

Motion made / approved to move report re: fire truck : Lt. Don Lee: 11 specs out, 5 replies. (see attached list) Low bidder : SMEAL Fire Apparatus at $547,389 $668096 high bid from Seagrave. Marion was 93-95% compliant. $599688 base. Recommended award for total of $607188. (base w/ alt. 3) J. McMinn to go forward w/ recommendation to possibly award. Truck budget is below, equipment should come in lower (budget 680,000)

Specs reviewed for compliance. Spread sheets attached. Schmeil did not follow required paperwork, nor did they follow spec. Exception pages did not mention their deficiencies. Submitted as a proposal ,not a bid.

Chief Officers’ Reports: K.McKenna – training issues being straightened out. Will be attending college on Monday nights, reports will be forwarded to Jean.

J. McMinn – membership numbers – would like to launch a membership drive. Aim at November intake for applicant review, standard training, fire 1 is in January. Organizational issue that requires town support. Officer in Glby does this (Jones provided name). Recommended conversation w/ membership to report to BOS re: public safety committee. Recommend post-incident reviews after big calls (i.e. – river rescue) – incident commander should be putting together a list of issues encountered. Tax abatement coming up EOM Sept. – report due BEFORE Dec. 1, 2009.

DC Standish – NFIRS – 30 open cases for July. Voice pagers not being tested, alpha being tested a lot. Sept. KX meeting – will bring up potential issue of new software for having kx start run reports.

Fire safety, and fire police, fire safety trailer still out there. Safer grant is still pending.

Sept. 12, 2009 – 57 fest.

Paper Mill well still has issues. Spill is getting worse.

New London is hosting parade in 2010. 9/17-9/19/10

Hydrant problem found – 6 hrs of investigation, bill of over $5000 turned over to state police.

Scheduling of the use of the large meeting room must be coordinated w/ Jean.

Presidents Report: D. Martin – firefighter recruitment drive; should we limit it to a number of people? Fire prevention week –

Hebron Fair – fewer people are being requested than last year. And Sept. 10 is company meeting.


Motion made by 2AC McKenna, seconded by J. 1ACMcMinn , to adjourn the meeting @ 20:45 hours.


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Walsh

Admin. Assistant