Col. John O. Ensor Middle School
School Improvement Team
Minutes for Meeting held on Wednesday, October 15, 2015
Members Present:
Esparza, Naomi, PrincipalGuerra, Rachel, Curriculum Coach
Sanchez, Earl, Assistant PrincipalLedesma, Mayra, AVID
Saunders, Darron, Assistant PrincipalLopez, Lorenzo, Social Studies
Freddie, Joyce, Assistant PrincipalMiner, Linda, Parent Representative
Acevedo, Mary, CounselorMorales, Candace, Special Education
Aguirre, Liza, Curriculum CoachOdell, Rhonda, English Department
Alcantar, Mari, Parent LiaisonSalas, Margarita, Science Department
Castillo, Belen, DSC RepresentativeSifuentes, Denise, Physical Education
Chavez, Rafael, Parent RepresentativeRamirez, Daniel, Social Studies
Diaz, Jesus, Fine ArtsTroncoso, Lee Ann, EPAC Representative
Estrada, Belinda, SecretaryVasquez, Daniel, Math Department
- Welcome/Roll Call 3:36Esparza
- September Minutes acceptedEsparza
- First motion to accept, J. Freddie; second motion to accept, D. Ramirez;
- September EPAC MinutesTroncoso
- Dr. Fields demonstrated and shared teaching strategies
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and use of technology were emphasized
- Professional Development request form was shared
- Safety/EOPSanchez
a.The required 5 semester drills have been completed
b.Monthly fire drills will continue
- AVID Ledesma
- Canned food drive has begun; AVID would like to assist 20 families for the Thanksgiving Holiday
a.AVID and Student Council will be taking a field trip to UTEP on October 21st
b.Talent show auditions will be held on October 22nd
c.Halloween Dance on October 31st
d.Chalk the Block will be held on November 5th from 5 – 7:30 p.m. where fine arts departments will be highlighted
e.Phase I documentation accepted
- PlanningEsparza
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population hurting STAAR results most
- Specific Saturday School dates have been allotted for LEP students; curriculum coaches facilitating
- Math STAAR results indicate that students are not meeting standard
- Seventh grade math intervention class has been proposed
- Cabinet and superintendent approval pending
- Funding approval pending
- Shall begin Spring 2016
- Class will be recommended not required
- English Language Arts intervention class may be considered for the 2016-2017 school year
- Fall Intersession RecapSaunders
- Intersession tutoring successful
- Approximately 400 – 500 students attended
- BudgetEstrada
a.Tutoring/intersession/PSAT expenditures detailed
- District Benchmark Testing – FALLSaunders
a.Instructional interruption will be minimal
b.Classes will be frozen for 3 hours
c.Lunch times will remain the same
d.After lunch, classes will resume:
- Classes will be 30 minutes in duration
- Class schedule: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th periods
- Extended time testing scheduled for Friday
- OlweusFreddie
a.OBPP survey will be the week of November 10
1. Letters informing parents of survey will be sent home by November 3
2. First period class will be frozen until all surveys are completed and collected
3. Surveys due to district by December 11
b. Olweus committee will designate a full day of planning to reconstruct classroom meeting lessons
1. Lessons more interactive
2. High interest
c. T-shirt design finalized
1. Shirts will be maroon and gold with school motto on back
2. In an effort to promote sales, students will be allowed to wear jeans with Olweus shirts on Wednesdays
3. Ms. Sifuentes and Ms. Arellano are working on design in an effort to have shirts ready for Fall Open House Night
- October FlyerEsparza
- Flyer sent home on Tuesday, October 12
- Call-out to notify parents scheduled for Friday, October 16, followed by Sunday and Monday reminders
- Fall yearbook pictures, Tuesday, October 20; students may wear free dress
- Report card/Open House Wednesday, October 21st from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
- Homework Central Guerra
- Homework Central information sheet shared
- Central open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and will be held in rooms C1 and C2
- Parent liaison will disseminate Homework Central information during Drive-Thru breakfast on October 30th
- Guidance & Counseling DepartmentAcevedo
- Personal/Social Domain:
- Presentations regarding healthy relationships are scheduled with the Center Against Family Violence as follows:
6th grade – Friday, November 6th; 7th grade – Friday, December 4th ; 8th grade – Monday, December 7th
- Academic Domain:
- Honor Roll recognition scheduled for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders on Friday, October 16th
- During the October 21Open House, counselors will be presenting regarding House Bill 5 and high school Magnet Programs
- Magnet Programs presentations to all 8th grade students as follows:
- Libertas Academy - September 17
- Health Professions Academy - Tuesday, October 13th
- Project Lead the Way scheduled for Thursday, October 22nd
- SYNERGI scheduled for Thursday October 29th
- Counselors will meet with teachers on October 28 to plan for upcoming S504 meetings
- Red Ribbon Week will be recognized from October 26 to October 30; plans pending administrative approval
- Eastlake HS tours are scheduled for Thursday, November 19th with registration for the 2016-2017 school year to be held on Friday, November 20th
- Pending Items for November 18 meeting
- Olweus
- Safety
- Fraud/Abuse/Waste Hotline
- Campus Improvement Plan
- December Finals
- Recap of the following items:
Benchmark Results
Homework Central
Saturday SchoolMeeting adjourned 4:26 p.m.