Deleting Bibs, etc from Course Reserves when you no longer want the bib in NWQ30 – if you did attach an item to the bib, then the delete may indicate that it is also getting rid of a record in NWQ50 and if a holdings record is attached, Aleph may also indicate it is getting rid of an ODN60 record – all of this is fine – after doing a “Total Delete”, you would want to make sure the barcode is also gone
How do we get rid of the bib, perhaps a barcode and HOL record?
Open the GUI client and login to the Cataloging Module
Then connect to the NWQ30 library – to do this:
From the menu, click Aleph
Then Connect to….
Then NWQ30 – USMARC Course Reading
As shown below:
The blue title bar should now say (in the middle):
Library: NWQ30 – USMARC Course Reading (NWQ30)
As shown below:
Notice that I was in the Search node (Binoculars) – if you are not there, you must click the Binoculars now!
The base will most likely say NWQ NDSU Online Catalog or something like that, you need to change the base to NWQ Course Reserves (or something like that) – if that is not an available choice, find document entitled “Adding a Base to Search” to get this feature
We’ll assume that NWQ Course Reserves (or something similar) is an available base to search
Choose a search type – I’ll use All Fields
Enter a search term – I’ll use Toxic
As shown below:
Click OK
Aleph found one document and automatically did a SHOW
As shown below:
(note-if results are five or less, Aleph will do the SHOW – if more results, you must click SHOW in lower right)
Make sure the title is the one you wish to delete.
Click the Cataloging button in lower right (which will relocate you to the Records node)
As shown below:
Note-in the lower left pane there is an Aleph sys number for NWQ30 (in our example, the number is 622) – that indicates there is a bib record
Also note-in the lower left pane, there is an Aleph sys number for NWQ50 (in our example, the number is 6120979) – that indicates there is an item barcode – to see the barcode, you can click on the (+) plus signs and the barcode will appear
As shown below:
There is no Aleph sys number for ODN60 so that indicates there is no HOL record
Make sure (again) that the title is the one you wish to delete and that you are in NWQ30 in upper middle blue bar.
To get rid of everything at once (bib & item record) – from the menu, choose Record Manager
Then Total Delete
As shown below:
You will be presented with an Aleph window asking if you are sure?
As shown below:
Click Yes if you are sure
Click No if you are unsure! and go no further in these directions!
We’ll click Yes
After clicking Yes, the screen goes blank
As shown below:
To prove to ourselves the barcode is gone, we can go to the Items node and put the barcode into the direct search field (the barcode for our example was: 30109012477397)
As shown below:
Click enter or the blue arrow
Aleph then tells us the item does not exist
As shown below:
Click OK
To see if the bib is gone, click the binoculars again
You will be in the Show subnode
As shown below:
Click the Find node
As shown below:
Note your Base still says Course reserves and your previous search is still there
As Shown below:
Click OK to perform the same search
Notice the search turned up 0 results
As shown below:
This indicates the bib is also gone (note-if you do this step too fast, sometimes the entry is still there but no info – that is the same as no bib and indexing will catch up to it)
You’re done